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Amber’s Point of View “I have something to tell you,” she said and I noticed that she is in a panic. “What is it?” I asked her, she looked at me surprised as if she was not expecting me to be here. “Spill it or are you hiding something from me?” I asked her again suspecting her action. She sighed and closed her eyes as if she is telling that she does not have any choice right now which irritated me. “Okay,” she said after she took her deep breath. “First of all, there is someone inside me,” and my eyes widened as soon as I hear those words. “Don’t tell me you are pregnant,” I said in disbelief. I really can’t she just gain confidence in that form; she already finds a partn- “NO!” she shouted at me. “Just listen first, okay?” she requested and I just nodded as my cheeks are about to turn red because of embarrassment of what I had just said earlier. Oh ghad, please take me! I want to be eaten alive here and right now. I want to slap my brain for thinking those kinds of things. Such dirty mind that I have. “What’s inside you?” the goddess asked calmly and Kamandag just looks at her and yet again she took a deep breath. She is hesitating if she will tell us about it. Whatever it is I’m sure that she is keeping it a secret for a while now. “There is another ego living inside me, I don’t know if I will call her a mere alternate personality or just ego,” she stopped and I am just listening right now because I don’t want to spout anymore nonsense. “She named herself Poison and right now in this moment she is currently talking to me, also I am confused with her existence as she appeared and according to her, when I awakened my redeemed form,” she added and I knew what redeemed form she is talking about since I saw her in that angelic form one time. That was truly a work of art. “Also she has separate thoughts and abilities and it may seem unbelievable she can perform miracles just like you great goddess,” she said and Amaterasu did not yet show any reactions towards her. “She is the one who defeated the army that night and saved us all, because of her having full command of my form,” she finished and I am little bit confused with what she just said right now. “Army? Saved us all?” I asked suspiciously and both the goddess and Arthur is starting to act suspicious right now which made my suspicions grew bigger. “Is there something that you three are not telling me?” I asked with threat in my voice. They are lying to me right now, and the most thing I hated is someone lying to me. “You better tell me the truth,” I added to make them spill the entire truth. I saw Kamandag covered her mouth as she was surprised that she said it herself. That confirmed my suspicions and the goddess took a step forward telling Kamandag that she will be the one to explain this to me. I backed off a little bit as the goddess is towering over me with her kimono. This is the first time that she stood so close to me. She looks so intimidating but I stood my ground to hold on my attitude earlier, and if they see me intimidated, they can find a way to lie about the whole thing. I have the situation in my hands and I will not let it to slip away. The goddess cleared her throat which points my attention towards her. “Listen to me Amber,” she said. “Everything that we hide it from you has a reason so that’s why promise me that you will not be angry to us after hearing the truth,” she added. “I promise,” that slip out away from my mouth as I am eager to hear the whole truth from her. “Okay you promised,” she sighed. “You know that we have something to defend here?” she asked me and I nodded as I got what that something is. I see she is still hiding the whole thing about the crystal from them. “The underworld has their eyes set on that right now and they are starting to make their move, and that night you saw us injured, we attacked their camp nearby the cave as I will not allow them to just even reach this place,” she said. “You don’t have to hide it anymore,” Kamandag cut her off and all of us looked at her. “I know that you are keeping the fire crystal in this cave,” she added and I am shocked on what she just said and what’s even more surprising is Amaterasu’s hands immediately burned and points it towards her. “Who are you?” she asked threatening her and Kamandag just backs off. “You don’t need to be suspicious at me, as I said earlier Poison has separate thoughts and abilities with me and she is also the one who told me about the crystal,” she said and Kamandag don’t care if Pyro and Arthur also know about this thing too. Amaterasu’s flames faded and she just punched the wall of the cave where she made a c***k. How am I supposed to be angry with the confession that she said earlier if they are already making a new issue here. “That is not important right now,” Kamandag said. “There is also someone here trying to steal the crystal,” she added and all of us are speechless. The goddess stopped her drama. “What? Is there an impostor among us?” Arthur asked her and Pyro is mumbling something to himself. “No,” she denied. “I mean there is an enemy waiting to infiltrate this cave that’s why I told them about the crystal,” she said to the goddess. “What do you mean? I am not detecting any aura nearby,” she responded. “Great goddess it’s nice to meet you,” Kamandag’s tone and voice also her expressions suddenly changed. “I am Poison the one that Kamandag is talking about, I am a being which I cannot tell you, and I can confidently say to you that the enemy is good at hiding its existence in your senses,” she explained. “That’s impossible,” she insisted. “The enemy is a curse user,” she revealed which I cannot understand. There is a lot of things that I need to know about. The goddess was surprised with that. “I can also sense danger nearby,” Pyro said which made Kamandag’s claim stronger. “See,” Kamandag’s tone, voice and expression came back to normal, as if both of the personality is just a switch where in just one push of the switch they will swap. “What crystal do you mean?” both Pyro and Arthur asked in unison. “The Fire Crystal,” I answered them both since they both know why not revealing it to them and the goddess looked at me with her eyes questioning my actions but I just shrug it off since it will end up just like this, why delay it? “It can’t be,” Pyro said. “You brought a curse in these lands?” he asked the goddess. “It’s more of a cure if it’s fallen to the wrong hands,” she responded sarcastically. I don’t know why but I can feel the intense aura around me. They looked at each other and no one is taking the initiative, I might take this so that we can make a plan already and since the enemy has the ability to hide its whole existence from us. Catching the enemy will be tiresome. “I really don’t have a choice,” she whispered to herself still mad about us telling them about the fire crystal. Why is she desperately hiding it from us, and we are allies here, I don’t see any reason for not trusting them. “I will not deny it any longer anymore,” she said with frustration in her voice. “Yes, you are correct, the fire crystal is guarded in this cave and that’s why I came here,” she added. “My brothers and sisters are fighting for them just to get their hands on the crystal, that’s why I flee since I made an oath that I will make sure that those who will possess it mush have a good heart and a massive respect to life,” she discussed her story. “That’s why,” Arthur whispered to himself and I knew that story already. Also, foreign gods are a taboo right now in according to them, does that mean that the omni stone has something to do will all of this? I don’t know and it is up to me to answer those questions and I will uncover all that mystery soon. “Also, another army from the underworld is coming straight here,” she announced and instantly fear has made its way towards my heart. This moment is full of surprises. It does not stop, it just keeps coming. “Their leader must be the one here already since he is a curse user,” Arthur said and I just listened. “What is a curse user?” frick it I can’t help it. I need answers about that now. “It’s a type of black and f*******n magic possessed by the strongest creature who lives in the underworld, they are the counterpart of miracles, just like life and death,” Arthur answered me. “Your speculations might be correct but how sure can we be that he is a leader?” Amaterasu asked. “The leader might use the army as a distraction for him to sneak in and get the crystal,” Pyro suggested and that’s an impressive guess if you ask me. “You might be right,” the goddess gave her a small compliment with his speculations. “We must find that leader now because if the army of the underworld reach here and if he is not caught, we are certainly will be pushed into a corner,” Kamandag suggested and she has a point. “We need to defend the crystal at all cost,” Amaterasu said. “It’s to flee or fight back,” Arthur said. “Let’s flee,” Amaterasu said. “But after catching their leader,” she added. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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