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Amber’s Point of View “Let’s start the meeting,” the goddess said starting the meeting. All of us paid attention to her as she was looking all around us, scanning all our faces making sure that everyone here right now is listening to her. All of us just stare back at her and did not try to say any word. I still feel sleepy but I am fighting it, and the emergency of this situation is keeping me awake. I did not expect that nap will just exhaust me. If only I knew, I trained before the training start. Inside my chest this peace between us three means that something is wrong. I don’t know but I just feel it. “Kamandag,” she turned to her and Kamandag lifted her head to look at the goddess that is currently towering her. “Please stand up,” she requested and Kamandag did what she asked for. “We all know that there is an enemy lurking to get the crystal. I apologize for not telling you this early on but I had my reasons to keep it,” she said and we kept listening to her. “Can you swap with Poison?” she asked. “Why?” Kamandag asked back. “I want to talk to her,” she answered, and Kamandag closed her eyes and the she opened it again, but I got this gut feeling that those are not hers. She still looks the same but the aura she is emitting is not hers anymore. I am amazed by the mere fact that switching to Poison and Kamandag, I can tell it simply. “What do you need?” she asked the goddess, as if they were equal and she does not show any fear unlike Kamandag. The goddess did not mind the crude behavior at all since there is something far more important happening than their titles. “Can you still feel the enemy?” she asked Poison, Kamandag. I don’t what to call her, but I assume that we are talking to Poison right now. It’s a common courtesy, back then I saw a movie about a man with dissociative identity disorder, where he has twenty three different person inside his head. It was a touching movie for Amber that just thinking about it made her tears come out to her eyes. She wiped it immediately before the others notice her. “He is nearby,” she answered, wait can she also feel the gender of the creature or just a habit? “I can tell that he is the leader of the invading army. I am sensing a great amount of cursed energy and hate radiating from him,” she added. “Can you tell where he is right now?” the goddess quickly followed up a question. “I’m afraid I can’t,” she humbly answered. “I can only sense him, and the fact that I can’t sense his physical body and power, means that he is very skilled at hiding,” she added. “I can only sense the emotion of such beings that has the same ability,” she explained. I am even more amazed by that. I never heard of a power where you can tell that someone is here by their emotions. That’s a very fresh concept for me. I plan on creating a book by the time I am old and I am very glad that I am experiencing all of this, now I can really create a fantasy story based on my experience. I am not planning to make this a biography about myself since people will not believe me and they will just think that I am just another crazy woman who likes to think about stuffs. “That’s good enough, he doesn’t have an idea that we are aware of his presence about him, let’s make him think that he will be caught us off guard,” the goddess told us. “Let’s prepare but we act normal,” she said and that statement is contradicting by itself. Act normal but we prepare for them? How could we do that without letting the enemy know that we know about their existence. “You may sit now,” she commanded Poison and she obediently did what she said. I raised my hand and the goddess quickly noticed me. “What is it Amber?” she asked me. “How we will prepare for them without letting that creature knowing that we are aware of him or her?” I expressed my thoughts since I can’t help it keeping it to myself. “That’s a good question,” she said happily about me asking about that. “I assume that the enemy is hiding outside the cave,” she speculated. “I am still not sure about that, if he is inside the cave or not, its location is still a mystery to us,” she said without telling me the answer to my question. “We do this by acting like nothing is going to come for us, we act naturally, just that simple,” she finally answered my question. “Then how are we going to capture him?” Arthur asked the goddess and I was enlightened by that question. Yeah, how are we going to capture him. “Simple we bait him,” she said smiling as if she has the greatest idea of all time. .           .           . I am in my room right now, since the tiredness inside my chest still doesn’t fade. I guess I need more sleep, but I can’t sleep. Why? Why is this happening to me? I sat on my bed to refresh my mind since I can’t sleep. Though I am still amazed after I heard the goddess plan to catch the enemy and I need to act normally. Maybe I still can’t overcome the fear that I feel inside but I still need to act. The creatures of the underworld may sense my fear that’s why I need to get rid of it while it’s still early. I guess I just needed a fresh air outside. I walked outside my room and traveled through the hallways in this cave. After some moments of walking, I reached the outside of the cave, and here I can feel the cold winds blowing from the skies. I feel so much refreshed by it as I felt that coolness. I am reminded by these winds, to chill things out sometimes. I don’t need to act like it’s all my responsibility. I am ashamed of myself that I forgot that, and I am thankful that it just takes one blow of wind to remind me that. The breeze right now and the ambience of the nearby tree from the cave reminded me of the I died back in the human world. I really can’t remember clearly how it all happened and how the people around me reacted that time. How did my disappearance affected to people that I have once connection with? Maybe just the store because the suddenly loses an employee. I’m sure that my disappearance made a difference even just a little bit or a short moment. That old lady who owned that apartment that I am renting once. Speaking of that old lady, how is the doing from the time that I left that world. I am concerned about her because she is the only one that showed concern over me and I am glad for that concern that she showed. I am very grateful for that. “Hey why are you still up?” I heard Arthur’s voice behind me and I immediately turned around. I saw him with Pyro floating around besides him. “What are you two doing here?” I asked him back. “Not him, just me,” he said and I was confused and I raised one of my eyebrows to express my confusion to him. “I mean he is sleeping already he just don’t want to leave my side,” he shrugs and also, I don’t get it why he needs to stick with Arthur while he is sleeping. What about his privacy? I guess it’s for him to settle. “So let me rephrase that question for you,” I said adjusting to him and he just chuckled softly. “What are you doing here?” I asked him again. “Taking some fresh air,” he said. “Take a seat,” I offered to him and I sat on the ground crossing my legs, letting both the palms of my hand behind me land on the ground and I use that as my base to support the weight of my back while I am looking at the sky that is currently full of stars right now. Each of them is twinkling and they are truly beautiful right now. “They are beautiful, aren’t they?” he asked me, I couldn’t agree more. “Yeah,” I cheaply answered. “Just like you,” I heard, but it’s just faint. “What did you just say?” I asked him and stare at him. He stares back to me and that only lasted for a couple of seconds. He blinked and avoided my gaze. “I did not say anything,” he denied. “Okay,” I said, maybe I just misheard him but I’m sure that I heard him say something. We continue to stare at the sky and enjoyed and every moment of this night. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-  
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