Amber’s Dedication

1866 Words
Amber’s Point of View Focus Amber, focus, that’s my daily routine whenever I cast a new spell in my mind, unlike my other spells, I know how it felt like in my mind but casting this one, it’s a new feeling like a child experiencing emotions for the first time. In my personal opinion spells are part of me that’s why I need to embrace it before getting the full mastery of it. “It’s been so many days,” the goddess, Amaterasu said while I am in the middle of my concentration to cast this spell. The goddess is bothering me nonstop whenever I am in the middle of this state. I don’t if she’s training me to be concentrated at all times or she is just annoying me. “You still can’t master that spell,” she added and that’s not definitely true since this is the first time, I try out this spell. Early on, I had a hard time training my pyrokinesis ability, that one was awesome and the hard work was totally worth it, so much worth it if you ask me. I produced so many varieties of creative abilities for the past few days. Yes, I receive compliments from the goddess who’s been tirelessly watching me, and I need to thank her for that. For just a lowly creature like, she’s giving her full effort in guiding me, I don’t know if this is out of the whole crystal thing or she is really dedicated training me, who knows, but whatever is the reason behind all of that, I need to thank her, I felt like that I am an entirely a new person thanks to her. Not a huge boost, but I can tell that I gained some confidence over time, in fighting I will be totally confident facing my enemies. If ever there are attempts to steal the crystal by Cain. I won’t let that happen since Amaterasu did a pretty good job at explaining me how important the crystal is. This spell is the fruit of my labor at training my pyrokinesis for countless hours nonstop, day and night with minimal rest and healthy food prepared by the goddess, also I noticed that only Arthur visits me in my training sometimes but I never saw Kamandag again after she recovered but the goddess told me that she is in a mission of her own. I focused in my training having faith on the goddess’s words. I need to since I don’t know what to believe anymore if I can’t trust her. So far so good, the goddess is totally honest with as well as the others. Now, my main purpose of thinking this ability, is to eradicate large group of enemies, I know I have other abilities that I created with same purpose but trust me, this one is different. When I say large group of enemies when it comes to this spell, I mean a whole camp of the enemy, This one, I call it “Meteor shower”, thanks to my stamina, aura, and body training as well as my nature of being a phoenix’s descendants. I can now accumulate large amount of aura inside my body to produce large amount of power outside my body. I opened my eyes when I feel that it is the right moment, and I was so amazed by the size of this one, a fireball, yes, I am still not done with the fireball basis when it comes to my spells. The goddess tasked me to create one hundred different spells out of this one basic spell. As far as I am counting, I can say that I produced seventy-nine different abilities with the fireball being a base of my abilities. I can confidently say that the fireball will be one of my core abilities. I launched this big sized fireball upwards exploding the thick stone roof of this chamber to pieces and I used my developed hand gestures to help me gain full control of my flames. I ripped it apart, if anyone is watching me right now, it’s like I am doing some kind of dance just to make this meteor shower a possibility. The goddess is the one who taught me this dance, I don’t know but I am amazed when she showed me one of her abilities. So, I tried to mimic her, since she is the goddess of the sun and fire, then I have full confidence in trusting her actions. With this kind of hand dance that I just did that took moments to complete, I am now ready to bring chaos to this place. It started raining fire all around me and explosions is all I can hear; I will not worry for the goddess’s safety since she can protect herself and the range of this ability is not large enough to cover the whole cave so I am confident on not hurting someone. With the goddess’s curse, the destroyed chamber was rebuilt back to pieces, it’s like she is rewinding time as the pieces of stone are reversing into its former state. Well, I can say that I am like watching a reversed video. Satisfying as it may seem, it’s like I am training in an open area. There is a reason why the goddess won’t allow me to train outside and she does not want to tell me the reason. Whatever, as long as I’m good in this place, I can produce good results, that’s another success creation. That’s the eightieth successful ability that I attempted to cast. Twenty more and I will move forward to my next training. “That’s very good Amber,” she said and I just smiled. “Now try testing it on a real fight,” she added- wait what? Am I dreaming? “Wait,” I interrupted still can’t believe of what she just said earlier. “That’s my eightieth one out of my one hundred goal,” I said clarifying the situation, maybe she just miscounted. “I know what I am saying,” she said with authority and I got bit annoyed with it. “You will fight, and use your abilities in a life or death situation, training here is different from outside and I need to make sure that you can adapt I a battle field pretty well,” she explained and I felt so nervous upon hearing death in her statements. She is not serious, right? “I am serious,” she said as if she read my mind just now. “Prepare yourself and in the dungeon, I prepared different kinds of monster that you are battling with,” she said. “The last twenty of your training will not be easy enough. While gaining battle experience you will produce the remaining twenty in the battle field,” she said. “Why?!” I asked not agreeing about anything of this battle nonsense. “I need you to be prepared for the worst,” she said. “We don’t know whenever they may come for the crystal and when that time happens, I need you to at least defend yourself,” she said ignoring the crystal out of my goal. That’s too kind for her to say. “No, I will protect the crystal even if it cost me my life,” I said with dedication and I notice even she turned her back on me. “You have lives to spare,” she said. “Trust me, you don’t want that experience,” she added. “Whatever is the cost,” I said, I need to be selfless in this situation. “Thousands of lives are depending on that crystal and even my fellow humans,” I explained. “I may experience the worst pain, but at least I prevented them from getting that crystal,” I added. “Again and again I will defend that crystal to those who are evil in heart,” I said. “Very well said,” she said satisfied with my words. “Be sure to be a woman of your words,” she added. “I will,” I said with dedication. Since I said that words out of my mouth, I will face my consequences of saying those. There is no turning back right now. I will. “Guys!” I heard a familiar voice, it was Arthur’s. Both our attention is stolen by him and we saw him catching his breath and in his side is like a ball of blue fire floating by his side. It has a face on it but it’s cute. “Who is that?” Amaterasu asked. “Who are you?” the ball of fire question her back. Despite its cute appearance it has a deep voice which is not very cute at all. Definitely not cute. “Chill out!” he prevented a future war that will happen between these two but I am thankful that it didn’t happen as it will be just a nonsense fight. “I just fought and defeated a guardian,” he added. “What?!” the goddess shouted at surprise. “You defeated one?” she asked I disbelief wanting to clarify herself. “What is a guardian?” I asked. “They are the protector of this region blessed with power by the great one to defeat the greatest of evils, those who defeated them will be their masters,” she answered me and I am so amazed how they work. I know about guardians I other myths but not these kinds of guardian. Well, I think they are very powerful enough for the goddess to admit that they are really powerful. “They are my friends,” Arthur said to the cute little fire ball. “My master’s friends are also my friends, nice to meet you,” the cute little fireball said with its deep voice, it’s not very well suited for him. Not talking is much better as I can enjoy looking at him. “This is Pyro,” Arthur introduced us to his cute friend. “Hi Pyro,” I greeted him while I wave my right hand. He glowed and his silhouette changed that is like of a humanoid form. After he transformed, he turned into a flaming masculine man. Not so cute anymore, but his deep voice is well suited for him now. “So what are you about to say?” Amaterasu said after we said our greetings to each other. “About the sword,” Arthur answered with seriousness in his voice, I was intrigued enough to put all ears in their discussion. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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