Excalibur's Secret

1801 Words
Arthur’s Point of View “Do you even have a name?” I asked the little guardian who now takes the form of a little fireball floating around. Giving me light from the dark path ahead, but I can see the cave from up ahead. “What name master?” he asked me since I am curious what should I call him. Early on he just spouted about deserving his power and more nonsense statements that I did not hear pretty clearly since my mind is bothered with fatigue and fighting at the same time. “Names,” I said it again to clarify it all to him. “Name that I should call you,” I added. “I am afraid to say that I don’t have any name master,” he responded and that made me pretty sad. I mean that’s sad if there is no one calling you by your name and this guy especially don’t have any name at all, that means that there is no one there for him to name him. “I am just the guardian of this place where all of the creatures are my friends and I only show myself when I feel danger in my territory,” yeah creatures that don’t even know that you existed in the first place. They just obey your command with your power geez. “What about I give you a name?” I suggested. “As you wish master,” the guardian gave me permission and that works for me since I getting tired calling him guardian over and over again. “What name do you like?” I asked him since he is the one being named here, why not give him the privilege of choosing his desired name, right? “I would like the name that you desire,” he responded and I responded to him with my blank face. I really can’t believe this guardian sometimes. I hate his loyal side of his since he is not even giving any freedom to himself. “Before that,” I said delaying giving him a name. “I don’t like that side of yours,” I told him. “What side master, so I can change it as you desire,” he said and that’s what I am pertaining to that it pisses me off, literally. We are near to the cave and any moment we will reach the place so I need to be quick at settling this matter between us before we reach that cave so I will only think of introducing him later on. “That side,” I said. “I don’t want any slave beside me,” I added. “But you accepted me as I was defeated earlier in our battle and that is my purpose to you now,” he said. “No,” I cut him off before he speaks any word that will make me angrier. “Stop that, I don’t want you to act as it may seem to feet your image,” I said. “I want you to be yourself and I want to befriend you as you are, since now you are my partner, not a slave,” I clarified. “I want you to be by myside as you yourself, yes I will accept your help and to accompany me since you pledge that you will serve those who defeats you,” I added as he listens closely to me. “Stop that act and be yourself,” I finished. “Is that all master?” he asked me as if what I ask is just simple for him which will work for me if ever. “Yes,” I answered cheaply. “Then I will be myself but I shall address you as my master,” he requested. “If you will stop that slave like act then I shall permit you to do that,” I said. “Then we have a deal, master,” he said. “Now about your name,” I went back to our topic earlier about giving him a name to himself. “What name do you like I shall call you from here and so forth,” I said, names are like a treasure that you can keep to your who life as the one name you are the most important creatures in someone’s life. “I shall think, give me a moment master,” he said to me and I remain quiet giving him space to think, now we are at the foot of the cave and what’s left for us is to climb it but we just stopped because the guardian is busy thinking of his name. “Then call me Pyro from here on,” he suddenly said and I smiled when he said that smiling. That’s what I like and that is what I am talking about. “Then Pyro welcome to my crew,” I welcomed him smiling, we can’t hand shake since his form has no hands and he is the embodiment of fire, I will be burned if I touch him. Speaking of that, I am curious if he can make himself touchable by others. I mean he is a fire and naturally fire can’t be touched and fire can be destructive who goes near to it, except fire itself. “Is there something bothering you master?” he asked me and I snap out of my thinking and taken aback to reality. I blinked multiple time and saw myself stared by Pyro. “Oh nothing,” I said. “There is something I want to ask you,” no frick it! I want to know it now. “Can you make yourself tangible?” I asked. “Of course, master,” he quickly said and the light around him quickly dimmed down. “Now touch me,” he requested and that’s an awkward statement to say since we are both guys here, if you know what I mean but I am a straight guy don’t worry. I carefully send my hand towards him to touch his fire body that’s been toned down by him. I am still afraid to hurt myself even he guarantees it that it will be safe but I don’t have the courage to deliberately hurt myself. How ironic isn’t it? I am a knight made for war but I am afraid of just a small burn. But who can blame me my brain is sending more alert signals to my body than when I am in war, maybe because of adrenaline? “Let’s go and introduce you to your new friends,” I said and I lead the way since the light coming from the bonfire above is strong enough to give light from down below and I can see the trail where I can climb up. Pyro can just levitate upwards without using any of his physical strength. Lucky for him, I wish I could levitate too. “Master,” he called me. “Hmm,” I responded cheaply. “I’ve been tempting to ask,” he said and I remembered that he wants to ask something earlier. “I have been hearing about the Excalibur lately,” he said. “I did not even know that you gained its loyalty to you,” he said and the confused me a little bit, what does he even mean about the sword’s loyalty. “What do you mean?” I asked him and I want to know something more. “You didn’t know?” he asked me back and I just nodded while I climb up, to the cave. “I see, the sword must have sensed your dedication earlier,” he said and I was more curious about what he is saying about the sword. I don’t even know a word that he says. “I want to know more,” I said driven by my curiosity to know more about the secrets of my sword Excalibur. He seems to know what he is saying and this is a very rare opportunity for me to learn more about my family’s heritage, a family treasure. “The Excalibur has its own thoughts,” he said and I am more confused than ever, own thought? That’s what I hear about inanimate objects, sure I will understand that maybe in the next three days or if I saw it move on its own again and that time much clearer than before. I can’t believe it really. “Say what,” I said in disbelief. “Listen to me master,” he said with a hint of frustration in his voice. “Your sword is one of the legendary sacred treasure, across the human realm and mystic realm,” he said and I felt so much pride holding this sword. Imagine, I am holding one of the most valuable equipment in the realm. “Wow,” I exclaimed. “Yes, wow, but the Excalibur is known to fight for its owner that sword find worthy of its loyalty and according to the sword’s history it only found one worthy holder and I think you know who it is right?” he asked me and I nodded. “Your ancestor King Arthur, the one who maximized the full potential of the sword defeating Satan’s army,” he added and we continue to climb up as I listen to him tell me about the sword more. “That’s amazing,” I said. “Creatures from both realms still doesn’t know what are the standards of the sword to determine its holder to be worthy of its full power, but based on its history, I can say that the sword has a high standard to its holder, and I think you passed,” he said and I can’t believe what he said. I don’t know what the sword sees in me, but I am thankful that is saved my life back then, without it’s help I might be dead back then. “Unlocking it’s full power, requires more training master, and as well as training me,” he said and- what? Training him? “Why would I train you?” I asked Pyro. “You will se soon,” he said and we went on climbing up the cave. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-    
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