Unseen Threat

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The sun will soon rise and Borjr’s army is getting ready to March to the land of the blazing souls but there are no any signs of their leader. Actually Borjr, took the trip more than a week ago because his abilities are not suited for head on wars. What’s most fearsome, is that he can also hide is aura energy to Amaterasu, with proper caution he is confident that he can reach the crystal without any detection and by the time his army reach the land and cause the guardians to be forced to leave the cave that is his cure to snatch the crystal and run away with it. He wants the reward that Cain has promised them and with sheer indebtedness towards his king for the new opportunity that he has given the blind man. His negative desire for every elf that turned his life upside down, to be killed without them seeing who killed them. With just only that, it gave him a very fearsome curse and he is intelligent enough that he will not win a head on fight with the goddess. A long time ago Borjr is a leader of a Viking clan and the opposite of as he is now, he is the main attention in every battle as his rage can be felt across the battle field when he enters his rage mode. He is a gentle leader to his men and a caring father to his family. Although one day, one of the camps that they invaded for resources the dark elves, invaded them deep at night while they are sound asleep. They burned every house without them noticing but spared his home. By morning he witnessed the onslaught that the dark elves have brought upon him, only a few survived and one of the scouts told him that he saw the dark elves did the gruesome act and blinded by anger, he marched towards their camp all on his own which the elves wanted him to do. Upon arriving at their camp, he became unconscious when a poisoned dart hits his neck. *Vikings – are Norsemen that lived in early medieval Scandinavia (they are not actually a mythical creature but I want to include them in this realm, since Vikings played a big role in the myth), they are believed to be fearsome and ruthless warriors, that will ravage every enemy’s camps. They believed to have a robust body, and a flaxen-haired Scandinavian warriors, described by history, who plundered the coastlines of northern Europe. Their sleek wooden battleships are famous in movies and games that revolves around Norse myth.* When he opened his eyes, the wife and two of his children is tied in front of him with the leader of the dark elves. Behind them are the crucified body of the remaining men that defended his family with their lives. He was treated like a dog, forcing him to do his bidding all to just save his family but in the end his family were killed and he was taken like a fool. His eyes were taken and they released him in the middle of the jungle, where the elves believed that predators will soon reach him. After months of wandering, his former body that is buffed with muscles, is now like a stick, he is so thin and the color of his skin became paler. He soon reached a village of white elves and there without him knowing that the ones who lived in the village are actually the same lineage of creatures that tormented him. His hatred grew each day and he just sat on a corner of the village but the elves there did not gave him any help as soon as they identified that he is one of the Vikings. They are feared by them, because of what they did to their kind. Until one day, Cain happened to pass down on him, at first, he did not pay any attention towards him but he was surprised when he sensed a great amount of hatred from him. Like a metal attracted to a magnet, he was drawn to him as he wants mystics like him to serve under him. He was given power and he restored his vision, actually Cain did not give him the specific power that he had now. The seed of curse, Cain’s ability to give power to others by simply implanting a small share of his aura and that will grow in accordance of how much hatred that an individual has accumulated inside. Like a plant. Also, that power will transform depending on the most dominant desire of the individual. Like what the elves did to him, unseen they ruined his life, he wants to return the favor as soon as he was able to fight, he hunted the same dark elves that burned down his home and butchered his family. That night was really gruesome as he slaughtered all the dark elves while sleeping and a special treatment to their leader like just what he did to him. He forcefully had s****l interaction with the dark elves’ leader’s daughter while he is tied down and he did the same to his wife. He watched in agony and once they are done, he killed them in the most painful way that he can think of, just by looking at the leader who plotted everything, he was satisfied. His face says it all. He spared his life but he threw him at the ocean full of small predators that feed of everything. He watched him being eaten alive until he was all bones. His screams were like music to his ears and his struggle to escape his grim death is like a dance performance to him, Upon remembering that, he was reminded of why he should be thankful towards Cain. His life was renewed with new purpose, it is to serve him with loyalty and pay the debt that he has to him. His army began their march as soon as the sun rises and he is quietly observing the vicinity of the caves, waiting for the arrival of the army. His presence can be sensed by enemies if they are near enough to him. If an enemy entered his 2 meter radius, they can fully see him and feel his aura level that’s why he cannot enter the cave so recklessly as the goddess is actively roaming the place. He needs to find a way where there are no one inside and he can freely roam the inside without anyone knowing where he is. He is an unseen threat and that is his purpose for now, his sole mission is to retrieve the crystal for his king, nothing less, nothing more. His men will do the fighting while he flees back to the underworld. Upon that even him being a good leader faded away, and now he does not even care a little bit towards his new army, plus he can still build a new one. Life became meaningless to him except for him and his king. At least that was his plan but upon seeing Arthur defeated a guardian, actually he was threatened when Arthur caught a glimpse of him while watching him. He sensed him for a few seconds but the knight disregarded that, and he wants to avoid him as much as possible and the guardian is a much bigger threat. Now they are not aware of his presence but a guardian can sense danger and he know that very clearly. Unlike Amaterasu who can sense aura from others, which he can hide from her, but the threat that he poses can’t be hidden as it is on the guardian’s pure instincts. He needs to find a new way to overcome that new radar that he now faces. Kamandag’s Point of View “Hey,” Poison called to me and I was so shocked upon hearing her voice, I thought it will take a bit longer before I can hear from her again. “What’s up?” I asked curiously. “You should go back to the cave,” she said. “Why?” I asked again. “There are more of them coming and there is one already here,” she answered me and my eyes widened when I hear that from her. “That one is strong unlike the ones we encountered before and we must find him before the army reaches him,” she added. Wait… wait… wait… how can she know all of this if she just wakes up. “What do you mean there is already one here?” I asked again since I am confused with her sudden appearance. “It’s lurking undetected,” she answered cheaply. “As soon as possible you must go back to them and warn them and if you can help them defend the crystal,” she demanded. “Crystal?” I asked since this is the first time that I hear that and did she say defend? Is it the one that the goddess is pertaining to that she cannot tell us? “Yes there is a crystal inside that cave, the fire crystal,” she answered. The fire crystal? Wait! Does she mean the fragments of the omni stone? I thought there is nothing here. I thought… How can she know all of this while I am not? “How did you know all of these, in just a sudden?” I asked curiously, naturally I must know that too. “It’s my power,” she answered without any clear explanation. “Just what are you,” I said and I navigated my wings to turn on the direction where the cave is. Poison did not say any word, now what is important is that I listen to her. This encounter with her just gave me more headache as it gave me more mystery about her. Where did she came from? All I know is that she existed inside me when I awakened the redeemed form. How can she have an individual thought and feelings, let’s look in the most logical and reasonable explanation here. We EXIST IN THE SAME BRAIN! ONE BRAIN! How could that happen? I am baffled as I am now. For now, I will just concentrate on my new objective. To wan them about the threat that they cannot see. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-  
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