Something Hidden

1522 Words
 “What’s the meaning of this?” Arthur asked the smiling goddess. “I think you know that this will break your agreement with the kings, once they heard about this,” he continues to taunt her. “Well said young knight,” she said still smiling, and not even bothered from his threats. “I think it’s right for me to test the people who accompanies my little treasure here,” she added while pointing to Amber beside her. “I want assurance that you will risk your life for her since she is the last of her kind,” she continues to explain. Upon hearing her words, Amber felt depressed since she does not want anyone to die for her sake, and this is like a responsibility to her. Their deaths will be at her hands. “I think you’ve got the assurance that you are looking for,” he said and Amaterasu clapped while laughing gently. She then clicked her fingers and the torches that has no fire has been suddenly lit and the dark cave brightens up. This time the two have a clear vision of her. Her skin is bleached white while her black hair is very straight up to her hips. She is wearing a white kimono that has suns on it. She covered the half her face with her fan. “Well, well I commend you for giving your all for her,” she said at the knight and Kamandag in her fairy form. “You impressed me with that power of yours dear,” she added and speaking of power, Kamandag was reminded of the other powerful aura that she is sensing in this area. This time it’s nearby but in a different location. “Excuse me,” Kamandag cuts off their conversation and the attention of the goddess was quickly shifted to her. “May I ask something to you, your highness?” she asked the goddess. “You are already asking,” she responded to her question sarcastically and that hits a nerve on Kamandag but she just keeps it cool since nothing good will come out from her rage. “Since you already asked me, go on, what is it?” but in the end she gave Kamandag the permission to ask her. “I can sense something as powerful as you in this cave, may I ask who is it?” she then straightforwardly asked the goddess. Her eyes widen and was very surprised at Kamandag’s question. She can’t think of anything how did she know that there is something in this cave but she does not know what is it entirely. “Excuse me?” the goddess can’t think of anything to respond on her question. “I will repeat myself your highness,” Kamandag kept it cool. “I can sense power energy that is emitted by it’s source and from the looks of it, there is something here that is hidden that is as powerful as you your highness,” she repeated herself. Amaterasu did not know if she will reveal that something to them this soon. She plans on showing it to Amber but they know that it already exists on this cave. Since Kamandag asked for its existence and does not have any idea, she can safely think that this mystic is not a thief. This something is not a creature but a powerful tool that can shake the whole realm, but this is just a fragment of the whole thing. “I think this is not the time for you to know,” she said calmly and Kamandag’s suspicion has been increased. “As you say your highness,” she obediently responded to her answer. “I know the reason why you came here,” she started to speak. “The kings gave me a notice before sending you here, and this trial that I gave to you three is authorized,” she added. “In two months, I will train her and you two will also trained by me as the kings requested,” the two was surprised with her sudden announcement especially Kamandag who remain hidden all the time while she and Amber are still in the castle. On the other hand, Amber’s body is still hypnotized and she can’t move her body in her own will and inside her mind she is continuously shouting at the goddess to free her but Amaterasu is busy talking to her friends. “Oh,” the goddess was surprised when she saw Amber standing completely still behind her when she connects with telepathically, she was shocked with her cries in her mind. She clicked her fingers and the hypnotism on her body is dispersed. She catches her breath and looks at the goddess. “I’m sorry about that dear,” she apologizes to the Maiden. “It’s okay,” she responded even that response is not what she meant. She wants to shout at her for being that cold to her but she thought that will not do a thing since it’s in the past already. “I will explain to you all the training that I’ve been planning for the three of you,” Amaterasu changes her tone and she is like a very different person from before. “I will be frank, that battle that I have given you two is to determine your capabilities and to know how can I improve your power levels, and for the maiden I was told that she is not aware that she has the power to save the kingdom, so I took the liberty to bring herself to me,” she explained. “For two months?” Amber asked in disbelief to the goddess and the two have this butthurt reaction towards her since she is addressing a god with less respect. “Yes, and you will be working ten times as hard as them,” she responded to her question. “What?!” her jaw dropped and she can’t believe that this is happening to her. “If you may excuse me,” the goddess of the sun didn’t give a damn to her reaction and she walks towards the darkness. “Take this time to rest your bodies and tomorrow early morning you will start your training,” she added before disappearing in their line of sight. The two immediately goes to Amber and Kamandag hugs her tight. “I was so worried about you babe,” she said while hugging her. Arthur can’t look straight at them since Kamandag is not wearing proper clothes. He is a gentleman so he cannot allow himself to do something discrete. “Wow,” Amber exclaimed as soon as she noticed that Kamandag is in fairy form. “You are really beautiful especially this up close,” she complimented her. “But you need to wear proper clothes because there is someone here that will look at your body as long as he like if you continue wearing outfits like that,” she said pertaining to the cloak wrapped around her body. She immediately transformed into her snake form and she crawls quickly onto Amber’s shoulder. Arthur’s pride was once again taken down by Amber by her sudden accusation. He cannot react to her comment since this will just prove him guilty. All he need is to do is endure the pain that has been inflicted to him by the maiden. The two walks to a spot where they can sit and rest their body. Kamandag suddenly realized that they left the bag outside the cave since they rushed to save Amber. “Hey there Arthur,” Kamandag called onto the gloomy knight. “What?” he asked the snake, Kamandag was surprised with the tone of his voice. “What happened to you?” she asked the knight completely oblivious on what Amber has said to her earlier. “Nothing I am just tired,” he answered her question. “I see, can you fetch us the bag outside so that we can set the camp here inside the cave.” She requested. “Okay,” he cheaply said and timidly walks away from them. Kamandag looks at Amber who is closing her eyes trying to sleep. “What do you think happened to him?” she asked the maiden hoping that she knows the answer but she just shrugged it off. Meanwhile Amaterasu goes straight to the hidden chamber of this cave. Upon reaching the chamber she saw the crystal floating on the center of the room heavily guarded with traps that she set up years ago. “I will keep this treasure safe my friend and I will make sure that Amber will inherit this once she is ready,” she said as if there is someone beside her. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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