Fire Crystal (Part Two)

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Amber and Borjr are now finally facing each other, where the dark general is holding his scythe and Amber created a fire sword in her hands, long enough to defend herself from the long-handled scythe. They circled each other wary of each other’s abilities. “Well,” Borjr talked. “Are you just going to watch me here?” he taunted the maiden but Amber hold her composure. She continues to scan her enemy’s body, looking for some weaknesses. All that caught her attention is his pitch-black hands. She thought that it must be some kind of the source of his power, she will try to aim in that spot, and that being on the easy to hit spot will make it easier for her to defeat him. If it’s true. She needs more time to gain more information about him. Acting so recklessly is not an option for her and no matter how long they circle each other, she will wait for him to lose his patience and attack him. On the other side, the goddess is unsealing the crystal while the enemy’s attention is pinned down to Amber. Mirana was tasked to look out and warn the goddess if there is any upcoming danger. Borjr, noticed what the goddess is doing and he won’t allow them to escape with the crystal on their hands. Never in a million years. Amber noticed that he shifted his attention from her and she took this chance to attack him. When she strikes her sword towards him, Borjr quickly blocked the attacked and he didn’t like that. He does the unfair but hates it when it is done by him. Once this is figured out by Amber this will be surely exploited by her. “You cheeky bastard,” Borjr said gritting his teeth and he is holding out the attack while Amber is putting more force on her sword. The sword glows brighter and became hotter, as it reflects the feelings of the maiden more. Borjr can feel it and he didn’t want to be burned into crisp. So, he puts his waist and legs on his scythe and overpowered amber in the clash and pushed her away. While Amber tries to regain her balance, the dark general took the chance to cast his shadow clones that will stop the goddess. Mirana is powerless against the powerful foe and the goddess cannot be interrupted once again in the process of unsealing the seal. Amber’s medallion became hotter and the maiden felt, its rise on temperature and she immediately pulled it out from her chest. Silakbo the forgotten medallion that she always wore, it is glowing red and she can tell that it became hotter. She remembered that this medallion can store and release fire and from the looks of it. It seems to be overflowing with her power. She thought that this may be the best time to try this thing out and use its power. The special metal that it is made of that is unknown to her, that was used by her ancestors to make their weapon, has special properties that will empower her current power. “Silakbo, lend me the power that I gave you, make me strong to defeat this powerful enemy in front of me and defend the world from darkness, let our fire provide light in this unfair world,” she holds tight on the medallion and tries commanding it to release the stored energy. As she is the bonded owner of the medallion, it immediately listened to her and the medallion released a great amount of fire. Borjr was very surprised on what he is currently seeing and the puppets that he made were frozen in their tracks as he cannot focus entirely on them. It’s like Amber was suddenly engulfed by a great amount of fire. It was unexpected for him, that his enemy to be suddenly engulfed by fire. ‘Did she overheat?’ he thought, he smiled as he continues to underestimate his enemy that is trying their best. ‘Your efforts will soon be laid to waste,’ he added. “Vesta,” he heard Amber said something and he looks back at her and his eyes widened when he saw the maiden greatly covered in fire. Her silhouette is visible inside it and her hair is rising up due to the intense heat and pressure. Her expression spooked him as he can see in her eyes the anger and hatred towards him. Amber noticed the shadow clone that he created and she raised one of her hand, and started to produce flames, and fire clones that resembled her started to appear. She will not allow him to touch his hands to the goddess. This fire clones holds a portion of her power but powerful enough to fend the two from his shadow clones. Vesta, that’s what she calls her current form, as it was the sacred eternal flame in ancient Rome. As the medallion is collecting her aura for a long time, this mode can hold out for a long amount of time without sacrificing her current energy, as the medallion is an extra vessel for her power. The maiden took a step forward and the dark general backed away obviously spooked by her new form. Her fire clones immediately faced the shadow clones of her enemy. Now it’s a one on one fight between them. She will not worry anymore as she trusts that they are enough to defend them. “Scared now?” she asked the dark general and he became speechless and he is starting to sweat because of the immense heat that the maiden is emitting from her body, she thought that this form can be empowered further with her own flames, but she decided to hold it back in extreme situations possible at this moment. For this moment she is confident that the power from the medallion is enough to beat the enemy in front of her and since he serves the dark lord. She does not mind if she ended up killing the enemy. The medallion is just like her fire as it already bonded with her unnoticed. It radiates the feelings inside her heart. For now, this Vesta form that she is radiating is due to the feeling of vengeance. On the evils that they did. This form also sharpens her focus, not only amplifying her fighting capabilities but also improving her fighting intelligence while in this form. She used her fire boost and used her fire weaving to form a whip made out of fire. With her sharpened focus, she used the whip to grab the scythe of her enemy, and with Borjr’s tight hold on his weapon, she did not expect that she can pull it out from him because she had another plan in mind. She tried commanding her whip to shorten itself which pulled her towards the enemy. She used her fire boost to amp up her speed and she proceeds to punch the unaware Borjr in his face. It was so fast that he cannot see, what just happened, but Amber did not intend to let him have a break, and while mid-air, Amber reached his destination first and punched in his face again. In this moment it was repeatedly done by Amber, in Mirana’s perspective, the enemy is like a ping pong ball, that was struck by professional table tennis players, back and forth. Inside this chamber is already chaos as the clones continues to fight for their creator’s goals. “The unsealing is almost complete,” the goddess said and Mirana turned around as she is excited to escape this chamber and escape the impending danger to them. But she has on Amber, and she is cheering for her silently to win the fight. Borjr, felt immense pain with that attack and when he came back to his senses, he tightened his grip on his scythe and stabbed it on the ground which helped him to decrease the speed’s momentum that was caused by Amber. He is gritting his teeth right now. He is a dark general and he cannot allow this to continue anymore. Being beaten by a child which he just met in the fight. In Cain’s name, this is an embarrassment for his lord. As his power came from him. “You are being cocky b***h,” he said with his foul mouth when he successfully stopped the maiden’s continuous barrage. “Shadow cast,” his shadow rises up. “The brighter the light, the powerful my shadows are,” he said and his shadow engulfed him. “Void walker,” Borjr transformed into a completely new form, as he is now pitch black and his presence disappeared but Amber can still see her. This must be the technique that he used to hide himself away from them for a long time. His shadow clones were also empowered and they start to stood their ground against her fire clones. They faced each other, and this moment seems like the first day when God created light in the abyss. The natural enemies since ancient times. Darkness and Light, which will prevail. “You thought that you are the only one that can transform yourself, eh?” he said as he feels the power inside him surging inside his whole body. His void walker can be sealing his presence but in front of great light source his physical body can be seen. It’s like Amber’s Vesta form is his natural enemy, no, it is his enemy. His scythe’s blade became longer and sharper. Amber noticed that Borjr’s shadow completely disappeared. Borjr tried strikes his scythe towards a rock, and as soon as it touches the rock. It was sliced immediately and it became pitch black and melted like butter. It was like the scythe engulfed that statue. Amber knew that touching his weapon is bad news. So, she created another sword again. Mirana on the other side, who is witnessing that actions that happens inside this chamber is very spooked on the dark general’s sudden transformation. She turned around to the goddess who is still busy on extracting the fire crystal, and she saw that the barrier that surrounds the crystal is almost gone. Then she turned around towards the fighting clones, it seems like that they are overpower Amber’s clones. She is terrified of the thought. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-  
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