Fire Crystal (Part One)

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The group gathered with Mirana, the only one that is clueless about the plan but they decided to take her in the briefing so that she won’t commit mistake, because of her unawareness of everything and everything will go smoothly for them as much as possible. They are currently inside a sealed room which the unseen enemy, Borjr cannot enter and they can talk safely about the plan. If anyone touches the seal or try to get inside, the seal will react to its aura paralyzing it for a moment and will disable its abilities, also the goddess will be alarmed. Pyro and Poison told them that the area is clear and they cannot sense any danger in the area. “When we will start?” Kamandag started the conversation with her question. “Now,” the goddess cheaply answered. “Then let’s go and capture him already,” Arthur stated and Mirana is as confused as ever. “What is going on?” she asked Amber. “I will explain to you later,” Amber replied to Mirana. “For now, let’s listen to them,” she said and Mirana did what she said and paid attention to the other three and Amber remain quiet as she decided that she will follow their final plan to avoid being a burden to them. “Don’t rush young knight,” the goddess said. “The right time will come and we have only one shot at this and we make even the slightest mistake then everything will be over for all of us,” she added and the young knight zipped his mouth. Amber is looking at Kamandag right now and she observed her new looks and she remembers the time when she is in her shoulders hiding as a white snake. That made her sad for some reason but she thought that its good for her to step up from the shadows and the same thing goes for her too besides she promised Mirana that she will protect her. “You all remember the plan?” the goddess asked and all of them except for Mirana raised their hands. “Understandable,” the goddess said, and she proceeds to state the whole plan to her and she understood every word, that the goddess said. “You understand that?” she asked after she stated the whole plan. “Then are we all good? No doubts or anything?” she asked again the group and they remained quiet. “I’ll take that as an agreement,” she said. “Let’s go,” she said. The goddess unsealed the door, and the seal that the goddess put earlier was undone. The stone door opened on its own as every candle in the are was lit again by the goddess’s presence that made the dark place bright again. “I can feel it,” Pyro whispered to Arthur. “What?” he asked in whisper. “Them the enemy,” Pyro answered. “They are near,” and the group splits into different sub groups. Kamandag and Arthur on the opening of the cave to greet the enemy and Mirana, Amber, and the goddess went straight to the crystal to recover it. They will escape and capture the enemy this day. The army on the other side can see the cave and anytime now they will raid it and the two, rather four defenders of the cave are waiting for them in the opening of the cave. The only way to enter. Meanwhile, the other group safely went to the Fire Crystal’s chamber where Borjr is currently waiting. He managed to find the place where it is hidden, but he cannot open it. The two that can sense him are upfront defending them. That is part of their plan. The same seal was performed on the opening of the chamber which prevents Borjr to enter, he does not have enough fire power to match the energy that the goddess has put into her seal. He saw them going near to the seal of the chamber and he waited for them to open it and after that he will commence his own plan. “I see them,” Poison said inside her mind when she saw the army marching towards them. “Will we try that new form?” she asked for Kamandag’s permission. “I guess we need to wait for that,” she replied. Pyro prepared himself for the upcoming battle. Also, the duo trained hard, to be stronger that they were before. Arthur and Pyro also come into terms and formed a bond during their battle and Arthur managed to improve his stamina but he also found a way how he can conserve his aura. Arthur cracked his knuckled and Kamandag stretched her shoulders as she went again to her divine form and Arthur sheathed his sword and chanted to transform his sword to Blazing Electro Excalibur, a combined element that he has come up to during his training. Pyro transformed into his humanoid form which means that he will fight separately with Arthur. “Can you fly?” Kamandag asked Pyro and the fire entity just nodded at her. “Good, then let’s take the initiative. Arthur, you stay here and prevent them from entering the cave,” she instructed the knight. “Got that,” he replied cheaply as he tried to concentrated his mind to do the aura conservation technique that he learned. Also, he is listening to his sword. “From now on, our hearts and mind are one, we are not separated and we are always unified together,” he chanted and the sword glows. The sword became hot enough to turn the metal red and a static can be seen because of its electrical attributes. He stood still and will do what Kamandag trusted him to do. Is to prevent them to enter and protect the ones inside. He is also aware that a powerful enemy is inside and he needs to trust them. Meanwhile the goddess successfully unsealed the door and it opened. Borjr started to move and the three went inside to retrieve the crystal. “That is the rumored crystal of destruction,” Mirana whispered. “I can’t believe that it was here all along,” she added. “And that is why you need it to keep this information, for yourself,” the goddess told her. “Noted,” she responded obediently. “Don’t worry she is just like that,” Amber reassured the terrified Mirana. The altar that holds the crystal, is glowing as the goddess approach the altar. “Wait there you scoundrels,” they heard an unfamiliar voice behind them and the three immediately turned back and they saw Borjr. “That crystal belongs to my lord,” he said to them and Amber quickly equipped her fire armor and pushed Mirana behind her. They can feel the menacing aura that this creature possess. He is dangerous and even the goddess became serious. Borjr wears a cloaked robe and he pull that robe revealing his unclothed top side and his black pants while walking with his bare feet. In his facial features, his beard is white and thick that made them think that this creature must lived for decades already. He is so thin that his rib cage is revealing but his hands are black, symbolizing the murders that he did. “What does your master intend to do with the crystal?” the goddess asked Borjr an obvious question even for them but she still wants to delay his actions as much as possible. “That power rightfully belongs to him,” that’s the only answer of Borjr. “And if you, may I don’t want any trouble, step aside and I will let you live,” he threatened the three. “Over our dead bodies,” Amber said with dedication and this time she will put all her strength into this fight, and she will go and defeat this creature in front of them. “As figured,” Borjr said and he summoned his scythe as his weapon. “Then I will take my time torturing you three, and you it’s my pleasure to be called a god slayer,” he said towards Amaterasu. The two stood their ground but Mirana was extremely terrified. “Try then,” the goddess challenged the dark general and she stepped forward but she was soon stopped by Amber. “Let me take this fight,” she said. “But-“ “Trust me on this fight,” she said with dedication in her voice and she can see it too in the maiden’s eyes. She sighed and step backwards and she let Amber to take this fight and she figured that this may be a great chance for her to fully observe the maiden’s growth after her training. “Oh, a child challenged me,” the dark general sarcastically said. “Try me,” she said and she is trying her best to hide her fear and nervousness. Pyro took the first attack by firing his flames towards the army of Borjr charring them into crisps but multiple flying units took swarm and surrounded him and her burst out of his flames burning them but they are too many. Upon seeing it Kamandag took the ground but with her alone she cannot fully stop the others passing and she trusts that Arthur is there and will protect them. Arthur is there concentrating still and he can feel the mass presence of the enemy and a flying commander faced Pyro, a flying demon named Grinch, a stink fly demon. The one commanding the flying unit of the army and soon Kamandag met her long-term partner in crime in the underworld Crink, that is now one of the commanders that serve under Borjr. “I can’t believe what I am seeing,” Crink said upon seeing her divine form. “So, the rumors are true, you have been awakened,” he remarked. “For someone as tainted as you that is unbelievable, did you seduce some archangel above?” he insulted her and Kamandag just remained calm. “I don’t like this guy,” Poison said to Kamandag. “Let me fight him,” she added. “No,” she rejected her offer. “Let me redeem myself for my past mistakes,” she said. “Lend me your strength and we will fight together until we defeat this annoying guy,” she said. “Ohh this looks exciting,” Poison said happily and she will happily lend her the strength that she needed. “Don’t disappoint me, you b***h,” Crink said. “I won’t,” and she took the first attack by making claws long to s***h him, and with Crink’s sword he swings at her at full force. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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