
1736 Words
Amber’s Point of View “You were unconscious,” he answered calmly and that left me thinking. He has a point, how would I know if I was unconscious the whole tim... Wait, I’ve been bed ridden consciously for days too as the goddess’s orders, but why didn’t I see him? “No, I am awake for a very long time now, and you didn’t bother going there,” I said and that surprised him and I caught him off guard, in my perspective at least, well he must give me an acceptable answer or I will not notice him for days. “I am training see,” he calmed down very fast while showing me his sword. Impressive, and I must say that is a valid answer. “Oh, I see,” I said observing the whole area right now. Then I will be going to a new discussion since there is no point of making this longer if he has a point, right? Such nonsense discussion will just waste my time. “That was dangerous,” my voice became soft and I am pertaining to what happened earlier that made me so nervous. “I know, sorry,” he said while avoiding his gaze towards me, or is he? I noticed that he is uncomfortable in my presence. “Did I do something wrong?” I asked him, because I am curious about his actions right now. I don’t know what it is but my gut feeling is telling me that there is something wrong with him and I must find out right now. “No, you did not,” he answered quickly and I grew more suspicious of his actions because I can hear in his voice that he became more nervous, and his voice is shaking, my senses are sharp enough to tell that, I moved my face towards him to check on him much cleared if he is lying in front of me right now. “Then what is it?” I will squeeze out that thing that you are hiding from me Arthur. I swear I will. “Really, you did nothing wrong,” he said the same thing again. “No, I know, I am pointing out on why are you acting like this when I am around?” I asked him the question again and this time in a much-detailed question. He grew more nervous and I guess I cornered him already. Let’s see how will you handle this situation, Arthur. When I go near him, I noticed that he backs away as if I am something infected with infectious disease and that irritates me just to think it like that. I am not that low. “I- it’s n- not l- like that,” he said to me and his voice is stuttering right now. “It’s j- just, I n- need to train more right now,” he answered me but that is not the answer that I am looking for right now. In fact, it’s not the correct answer on the question alone. “You’re lying,” I said to him emphasizing these two words that just came out in my mouth. “I am embarrassed,” he shouted and I was left in awe with that sudden reaction, I blew a fuse inside his head and his face is bright red right now. I feel sorry for him for cornering him like that. I put my distance from him and that eases him from his nervousness. I didn’t imagine that he will be acting like that. “Sorry,” when he came into his senses, he apologized to me. “No, no, no, I am the one that should be apologizing in front of you right now,” I said to him and I bowed to him repetitively so I can show him that I am eager at showing him my apology. “I- it’s okay,” he said and I stood straight in front of him and he is just smiling right now awkwardly. He still avoids on having a direct contact with my eyes, but I should ignore that. Maybe he just... ah never mind! Juist thinking more of it made is giving my mind confusion and doubts towards him. Maybe I should respect his personal space right now. I turned my back towards him and I swear, it did not cross my mind even an ounce of it that he was embarrassed. I thought Arthur was a proud knight, eh whatever, I should respect his personal space. I started to walk away from him so he can continue his training without thinking of something else, and if I stay here longer, I will be the one that causes his death for always leaving him distracted from his training. “Good luck on your training!” I cheered for him and I guess I will go back to the cave today and take the rest of the day to rest. The goddess said that this day will be my rest day and she said that exhausting myself more will be bad for my body. “W- wait!” he shouted and I froze on my tracks and waited for him to say something. “I t- think I need a sparring partner,” he said to me nervously and he still stutters with his words meaning that he is still uncomfortable around me. I turned around and see his face and he look serious to me. “Are you sure?” I asked him. He fixed his posture and this time he looks at me straight in the eye. “Yes,” he said and that is enough to tell me that he is sure, this is better than that dangerous training that he is doing earlier. At least sparring with me, I will not accidentally kill him and maybe even help him find his new moves. I will gladly help him with that since that’s what friends do. “You ready to be defeated by a girl?” I joked around him to make him loosen his muscles because he is so stiff because of his nervousness around me. “You think so?” he asked me and his voice came back to normal and that’s what I wanted. “I am not like what I used to be,” I reminded him, but well I am still the Amber that I am before, but a lot has changed to me since I am sent here and undergo training with the goddess. She is the helping hand that I am looking for so long and this time I will not let anybody down. I will be sure to protect them and this the best time to test my capabilities against a strong opponent. “Oh, is that a challenge?” he asked me. “Yes, it is!” I answered him. “So don’t hold back,” I said and I produced big fireballs on my hand and I imbued it with body making the flames a set of armor that will help me in this battle. This will help me with close quarters combat, I need to be versatile in every situation possible that will be thrown at me and this is a good start for me. “Oh, impressive,” he remarked. “You should be,” I answered chuckling and now I can surely tell that he is completely relaxed. “Don’t hold back because if you do, you won’t see what’s coming for you,” I threatened him just to add some feels to it that I am in a death battle. It’s what I wanted and I will be getting it. I will make sure of it. “I will not,” and he unsheathed his sword and chanted something that I cannot understand. As he continues chanting, I saw a liquid that spirals all over his sword and the strange text that is imbued to it was changed by that water, I have an idea on what is it for. I smile just thinking that this will be an intense battle, him doing that shows me that he does not plan on holding back and I must prepare myself for any counter moves. I will weave my flames to counter his counter moves, and I need to learn that. I didn’t encounter any enemies that has a water-based abilities, and this is the first time that I will be facing one. Facing him in that mode is a great thing for me, as he can help me develop my style and I am free to use any move right now, not just the fireball-based ones, but it is hard moving on from that habit. With this armor that I made for myself, I look like a knight covered in flames. With my fire weaving abilities, I used my pyrokinesis to produce a fire sword to duel him in a sword battle, I hardened its properties so I can deflect his blows not just passing through my flames. Water extinguishes fire and this is the time that we will find out about that. Which is stronger, my hot flames or his cold water? Which will be extinguished or evaporated. “I am ready!” I shouted at him and he just stood there closing his eyes while he is one of his stances that I recognized, I don’t know what exactly it is but one thing is for sure, he will attack me. Closing his eyes in a battle is a bold move for him. Then I will take the first move and to keep myself safe, I’ll use long range attacks so he won’t caught me off guard. With my other hand I formed a g*n with my fingers and I pointed it towards him. “Fire bullets,” I shoot multiple quick bullets towards him non-stop, and I saw him open his eyes deflecting each bullet that I fired at him. It created a thick smoke since the fire was extinguished by his water sword. I lost vision of him because of the thick smoke, then suddenly I heard a loud bang of thunder. “Looking for me,” I was so surprised to hear Arthur behind me and immediately turned around but it was too late. He threw me away. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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