Amber's Motivation

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Amber’s Point of View I crashed on a rock and I felt the pain that crawled all over my body, but I have taken enough rest to endure this. I felt my body became so stronger right now because of what happened to me during the escape in the forest, and that’s a good sign that the training is taking its effect on me and I can feel it. That really shocked me because I don’t see Arthur that quick, I didn’t see him like that ever. I only see him throwing fire with his sword, which I think it is so cool and I saw a glimpse of him using his water moves on enemies and I can say that it is very fearsome to face, if you ask me. I also noticed that there is something static current, around him. Is his sword an elemental weapon? I don’t know but as far as I know about his sword Excalibur, from the legend of his ancestor, King Arthur, it’s a divine weapon blessed by the heavens that helped him protect his kingdom, but in human’s modern era where I came from, we thought that legend was just an exaggerated story because back then, people can be easily fooled with just stories. I guess I will just respect it for the sake of history. It was true all along, people cannot really see the truth unless they saw it with their own eyes, I don’t even know what to believe anymore in the human world when it comes to story and their beliefs. Science and supernatural really contradict each other. But I still think that it is better that it stays this way, because I know that it will cause big conflicts when that happens. Humans fear thing that they cannot understand and I know that much because I lived with humans, believing that I am also a human too. With history alone, I know how far humans can go in face of something that they think is dangerous, in the past, women that had knowledge and stand up against men are treated as witches and killed in front of the public. That’s not the norm back then because men supremacy is the norm back then and with that, the good side of humanity is that they learn from their past mistakes. Now gender equity is prevalent in my time. Well, in my personal view, men doing that to women, is all about political belief and they are afraid that those women will sabotage their power, there’s no supernatural to it. That’s just sad. Women are strong and they can stand up against men too, it’s not our fault that we are born with something in our chest and what is between our legs, if you what I mean. With that thinking I stood up more confident that I can face Arthur and I can give him a good battle and I can match his insane speed right now. If I am guessing that speed of his is thanks to the new element that he awakened in his sword. I thought that Arthur is already strong, but just like me, he is still a growing warrior. I can’t imagine if he reaches his full potential and I am fighting that version of him right now. I can’t imagine myself laying a finger on him. That contradicts my motivation, but that’s just who I am, a cautious brave woman right now. I stood up and I saw him standing still in the distance, I think that he is worried on what he just did to me but it’s okay and I will continue to fight him. I just felt a slight pain and with still the fire armor imbued on my whole body and it is blazing hot right now, reflecting the motivation that I am feeling right now. I guess it’s my turn to attack but I still have to consider the aura management because I don’t want those two days comma happening on me again, but that’s not the actual thing that I have to worry about right now, since Supernova s***h blackhole is understandable why it drained me because it is very complex to execute. I remembered a superhero movie that I watched back then, metal man, that uses his high technology metal suit to save people and do something that normal humans cannot. Using his rocket booster placed in his hands. So, to ramp up my speed, I will mimic him and use it for myself and catch him, so I faced my hands back wards and channeled a great amount of concentrated aura to my hands, and there I started to run towards him and I released a burst of flames from my hand and as expected that helped me to speed up and instantly I reached Arthur. From his looks he is very surprised on what I did and he did not expect this to happen, so with my fire gauntlet. I used fire boost in my fist that landed on his face immediately and just like what he did to me earlier, I sent him away but he stopped the momentum by stabbing his sword on the ground, using the compactness of the ground to reduce the speed. He completely stopped and he is completely okay with my attack but I can see that I left a bruise on his face because of how hot my gauntlet is right now. Unlike me that have fire resistance with my own flames, I don’t know if I am also resistant to other flames, I never tried, but Arthur does not have any fire resistance at all. Unless if he has the ability to do so. “That hurts,” he said and even from afar, I can still barely hear him and I stood up confidently for surprising him and I am sure that punch will stop him on underestimating him. I showed him how far I have already grown. “Yours tickles,” I said to humor things out between us so we can fight each other while having fun. To be honest I getting into fighting after all of that. It’s getting fun for me, the violence that I hated before is giving me the fun of my life, but still no killing. “Oh, then laugh at this,” he said and there he disappeared in front of me in an instant. My eyes can’t keep up with him. I used the fire boost to jump higher and I wanted to try flying using this move but this is not the right time to try that especially now Arthur is nowhere to be seen. I can only boost my speed physically but not my vision, then moving randomly will just slightly increase my chance that I can avoid his attack, but while doing this, my eyes are quickly looking around for Arthur and thinking of something to counterattack his attack right now. “Looking for me again?” I heard Arthur below me and I looked down immediately and there he grabbed my foot and dragged me down and used his sword. “Aqua Excalibur: Constellation Big Dipper: Wrath of the Sea,” I saw him swinging his sword towards me while it bursts out of water and when that hit me, it doesn’t feel painful, it’s like he just puts me underwater. I opened my eyes and the water around me right now touched my eyes. I can’t breathe. So, I tried to swim but the water pressure is restricting my movements. I am struggling right now because my fire armor is extinguished inside this water prison and I am running out of breath. I need to get out of this pretty soon so I can breathe again. I can’t talk with this much water inside and it is not that wise because, that will waste the remaining air inside me. ARTHUR! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?! I AM SUFFOCATING RIGHT NOW! I gasped for air when I felt that I got out of that water prison and I felt myself falling but I maneuvered my body so I can look around for Arthur but he is nowhere to be seen. So, I produced a fireball again and imbue it in my body and I made it blazing hot so it can warm me. “Water Wheel,” this time I heard him above me and I felt a sharp pain in between my body and I felt shocked because of his other element, but he is not using his flames and he is pretty smart about that. I felt that he holds back in that attack because this can cut me in half if he intended it. “Wave Smash,” and I felt another heavy on my back which caused me to harshly land on the floor. Since those are water attacks that weakened my flame armor and that caused me more damage than it should be. Oh, I thought that I can keep up with him right now. That made me sad, just by thinking it, but my motivation is not like my flames, it will not be extinguished easily by his water. “Then I need to counter him,” I whispered to myself and I felt Arthur is above me ready to strike me with another attack of his, but with my rage, it made my flame armor burst out, and that made Arthur blown away. I saw him crash on the ground, this is the best chance to counter attack him, and I will not let this chance slip away in my hands, and I weave a sword again with my flames and used the fire boost in my flame boots and with the agility that I gained, I used it to s***h him. It only slashed his armor, but I am sure that deal a lot of damage to him. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-      
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