On You

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The underworld army continues to march on towards the caves of despair where Amber and her group is currently residing it to help their leader Borj’r who is currently continuing spectating the group for any possible clues about the whereabouts of the fire crystal. They are not that far away from the land and soon bloodshed will happen and a fierce battle will rage on, that will decide the fate of the crystal. Can Amber protect it or Cain will continue with his plan of domination. What will happen rests on their decisions, and the one who has carefully chosen their action will be favored by the fates. Amber’s Point of View I went to Arthur’s room after the goddess allowed me to move around the room. I didn’t even see him check on me. He’s not like that, he always sees me if something is wrong with me, maybe part of his pledged duty with the kings. I don’t know much of the details regarding with that matter. I reached his room and since it is only blocked by a curtain there is no door to knock to. “Arthur?” I called to him, and I waited for a response to come but he doesn’t give me any. I wonder if he is asleep or somewhere else. Just to make sure. “Arthur you there?” I called again to him expecting a response from him right now. Yet no answer, I sighed and decided to come back but it bothers me not getting an explanation about the matter. “Oh Amber,” I heard Pyro’s voice from behind me. I turned around and see him in his cute little form, but his voice does not really suit that looks. “Oh hey,” I replied and I remembered that he is always following Arthur and if I remember it correctly, he was defeated forced to obey Arthur as his master. If I remember it correctly. I am not entirely sure with that. “What brings you here?” he asked me. “Oh, I just came here to see Arthur,” I told him honestly and he has a smirk on his face but I did not really give any attention to it. “Magnet really attracts metal,” he said metaphorically and that statement was so out of the blue. I don’t why he said it or what he means from it. “W- what?” I asked him. “Oh sorry,” he apologized. “I don’t have to say that,” he added and the situation quickly became awkward for the both us. “Master is not currently here and he decided to take some fresh air outside and he might be on his training grounds,” he gave all the information that I needed right now even I did not ask him yet. I smiled at him because, I will not wait any longer waiting for him to appear before my eyes. “Thank you!” I said to him and I immediately turned my back from him and I immediately head for the exit of the cave. I don’t know where exactly his training ground is but Pyro mentioned that he is taking a walk and I know one nearby here. I ran, so I can quickly reach my destination and soon I reached the cave’s exit and I went for the stairs that will lead me to the ground and I immediately head for that place that I am thinking off. The weather is not that hot today, and for a place that is supposedly to be hot, this is the first time that I experienced it to be not that hot, because of the thick clouds that covers the rays of the sun. With this weather I can go there without any problems as it won’t burn my skin. Despite of it being the nearest of the bunch of the places where he chose to train, it is still far away from the cave and it is still a long walk. In Arthur’s terms, his walk is equivalent to a whole Marathon. This won’t take me an hour and since the sun is not that hot today, I can take my time. Unlike in the human world, this place does not have any modern umbrellas. Just cloaks, but it’s so hot using that. It sure is windy today, and the air is cool which decreases the hotness of the temperature. I ran so I can take advantage of this situation to have a jog that will help me increase my stamina, not that great but I am sure that it will help. I turned in every familiar corner that will lead me to that place and I didn’t encounter any creatures today, must be taking advantage of the weather to take their rest. That works for me, meaning less hassle for me to take care off. Soon I reached the place that I am looking for and before I take a peek of the place, I immediately heard rocks being crush because of the fall, a thunder sound, and the slashing of sword. He must be i n the middle of his training right now. I wonder if I could bother him. I took a peek and saw him making the stone structures explode and he is using his newfound techniques, slashing every falling piece of rocks into two. That’s so cool! I decided to remain hidden and I will only show myself when he is finished so I will not distract him any longer in his training. He I covered in sweat and he sure looks so exhausted, he must be going on with this routine for quite a while now. The goddess noticed that Arthur lacks stamina that’s why he is pushing his limits right now. Don’t worry Arthur, I’ll be cheering for you behind these rocks. Just do your best! I don’t know why, when it comes to aura capacity, I exceed him despite of him having so many years of experience using his aura, but I cannot judge him like that. Every move he throws at the enemy looks so powerful that it almost always guarantees him victory in every battle that he takes. Just like with my supernova s***h black hole, each of it requires a great amount of energy, and if he is doing that consecutively, then that means he is way too powerful for me. I mean when it comes to his physical attributes, he has no problem, but in this world, physical capabilities alone will get you killed as there are many kinds of magic that exists in this realm, such as blessings, curse, and any other magic. It sure is fearsome. Enemies here, especially those who came from the underworld won’t have a second thought before killing. They are savage evil doers that does not care about the punishment of the great one. Also, the gods here are not that kind as Amaterasu and the kings based on the myths that I have read and Amaterasu’s story. They have their own personality and I don’t want to mess with them. A big boulder came falling above Arthur and I am very shock that he just calmly looks at it and when I blinked, I just saw the boulder has been split into two. My eyes widened when I saw him standing in the same spot while the two boulders touch the ground. It created a thick smoke that made me cough, but I don’t really mind it. I cleared the fog of sand smoke in my face and I covered my nose and face so I can avoid inhaling the dust particles in the air. When the smoke cleared, I saw Arthur on his knees and surprised as I am today, I ran towards him very quickly. “Arthur!” I called onto him and he just slowly looks to me. He just stares at me for a few seconds and when I reached him, I touched his face and feel his body temperature, he must have a fever because of extreme exhaustion. The temperature seems normal and I can feel my hands wet because of his sweat. He blinked multiple times and his face suddenly turned red and he backs away from me putting a great distance between him and me. I don’t understand. He must really have a fever. I stood up and I walk towards him. “Hey! How are you feeling?” I asked him concerned about his well-being, he must be overworking himself too hard after their battle that night. “N- nothing,” he stuttered and he is obviously lying. When it comes to the worst mystic when it comes to lying the award should go for him. “Liar,” I said. “Tell me what are you feeling right now?” I asked him again forcing him to tell me the truth. “Y- yo...” he covered his mouth immediately as if he was surprised on what he is about to tell me which made me curious. “Yow?” I said in a greeting manner because back in the human realm we use this to greet a friend. “Nothing,” he said again, and he stood up straight and he closed his eyes and I saw him sigh, why though? “I am fine,” he said in a calm manner. “What are you doing here?” he asked me. “I just came to check up on you,” I told him the truth but with my sweet voice, he was startled by it, is he not comfortable with girls? Hmmm, what happened during the time when I was out. Arthur sure seems different right now. “W- why?” he asked me again. “Because you didn’t check up on me, duh,” I said in a sassy manner with a hint of sadness in my voice because a thought that he does not care about me crossed my mind and that is so sad, being treated like that by a friend. That hurts. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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