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Kamandag rushed to the cave where the aura is coming from and where Amber is currently. She sensed that Arthur’s power level is rising and more signature are coming towards him. Transforming back into her snake form is a bother to her and she thought that she should never transformed back. Once again Kamandag transformed into her fairy form and she used her wings to fly at full speed towards Arthur to help him. She knew that she will be doing this more often because their journey is this dangerous and keeping her true powers hidden will just lead them in their demise. She spotted the cave and she dashed towards it with speed and precision. Meanwhile, the knight is currently facing five salamanders that are ready to devour him. Not again, he thought. These salamanders are not only intelligent fighter but they negate his primary attacks that has the most damage in his arsenal, but he has something more in his sleeves but he is planning on using this when they battle Cain. One of the salamanders took a step forward and the knight can’t do anything but to step backwards. It growled at him to induce fear inside his heart but the knight is not even bothered by its growl. “I don’t really have a choice,” he whispered to himself. He changed the markings on his sword and the unknown text that translates into fire was erased and was replaced with a water symbol and texts that symbolizes the water. “Constellation Big Dipper: Aqua Excalibur,” he uses the same move earlier but this time, instead of storing electricity inside a cloud, he stores water inside his sword. “Great Flood,” he swings his sword towards the salamander and the salamander that took a step forward earlier was cut in two. It dropped onto the ground and the next thing happened, his sword released a huge amount of water that has a great pressure that washed away the remaining four. He knew that Cain has eyes everywhere, so he knows what he is capable of. He heard the rushing water rampaging inside the cave, but he was confused because it keeps getting louder and louder. Moments later he was shocked when he saw the raging waves coming back at him. He can’t out run it so he prepares himself to face it head on, but suddenly Kamandag appeared in front of him and she used her bat-like wings to repel the waves. “You, okay?” she asked the knight. “Thanks to you I am,” he responded to her happily. “Amaterasu is just at the end of this cave and there is something powerful that is with her, so we must be careful,” she warned the knight and Arthur nodded at Kamandag. They pushed forward inside the cave and Kamandag sense more incoming enemy towards them. “Hostile creatures ahead,” she warned the knight and Arthur prepared for another massive attack. They heard the wailings of the santelmos coming towards them, and yet they feel the ground shaking but it’s not caused by those creatures since they are levitating. The dark cave brightens up because of the enemies’ flames and a large shadow is coming at them. “That’s a powerful one,” she remarked. “Is that what you are pertaining to?” he asked Kamandag, wanting to know if that is the one, she’s saying the other powerful entity inside the cave. “No, it’s far more powerful than that creature,” she answered his question. “Then let’s conserve our energy,” he commanded. “Consteellation Small Dipper: Aqua Excalibur,” he puts up a stance where his sword is above his head. “Raging Tides,” he slashed his sword back and forth aiming at the enemies coming for them. It is a long-range attack where he released a barrage of water s***h that is sharp enough to cut the santelmos. Their cries and wailings can be heard all over the cave but they suddenly disappear. The cave darkens as the flames of the santelmos was extinguished and the rumbling became stronger. A loud deep growl was released that shook the cave. It has two big horns and is breathing like a bull through its nose. It is mad and will go on a rampage anytime. “That’s a minotaur,” Kamandag said. “Minotaur – a Greek mythological creature, that is famous for its physical oddities. Having the body of a man and a head of a bull. It was the offspring of Minos and Pasiphae. In the Greek mythology it is said that it devoured sacrificial victims that is thrown in the labyrinth but was later on killed by Theseus, the king and founder-hero of Athens.” “I know a fire-type,” Arthur added. It’s a humanoid bull with flaming mohawk on its head. It’s very masculine and it hold a giant spiky club. Upon seeing them it releases fire through its nose and started to stomp one of its feet to the ground, as if it was preparing itself to charge at them. “Do minotaurs negate fire?” Arthur asked Kamandag. “I don’t know about the fire ones,” she frankly said. “But what’s the harm in trying?” she asked Arthur. “It will kill us if my attack is not effective,” he said. “Then I’ll fight too,” she suggested. “Good idea,” he said and he change the angle of his sword and he swing it quickly to erase the aqua markings on his sword. He performed a chant to write the fire scripture on his sword. Kamandag flew towards the charging minotaur and tried to charge it. The minotaur easily overpowered her but she regained her balance immediately. She looks back to Arthur and she saw him charging firepower in his sword, she thought that she needs to stall more time for him. It is not a problem for her since she knew the ways of the witch. She performed a ritual dance to cast a powerful spell. “Try to get out of here,” she said. “Swamp of the dead,” she casted the spell on the ground and the charging fire minotaur was immediately caught off balance. The minotaur was trapped inside the spell like an ant that falls in the den of an ant lion. The hands suddenly appeared above the ground and grabbed on its legs. The minotaur is obviously struggling with it but it is escaping the trap slowly. “Good job,” Arthur happily whispered as the time stalled for him is enough to fully charge his sword with fire power. “This one is on me,” he added before lifting his sword up with both of his hands above his head. “Constellation Sagittarius: Fire Excalibur,” he performs the traditional archery preparation and a magical bow appeared on his hands and the arrow is his sword. “Meteor Arrow,” he shoots the sword towards the Minotaur and it quickly pierced through its chest. The minotaur is confused on what’s happening to its body since the attack has a ten second delay before the main explosion. Its whole body exploded and its blood rained down on the cave. The two was caught up in the blood bath and the Excalibur was pinned down on a wall. Arthur started to feel exhaustion since that move require a huge amount of focus. Kamandag fly towards him and she picked up the Excalibur for him. “Thank you,” he stands up while catching up on his breath. “Let’s go,” Kamandag flaps her wings to fly she led the way towards Amaterasu. As they get closer, they can hear a faint laugh and a clap coming from the deeper part of the cave. “Do you thing that’s her?” he asked Kamandag. “I think so but why is she attacking us?” she asked the knight. “Is that supposed to break the treaty with the kings?” she asked again. “I don’t know but we have to find concrete evidence from this attack,” he said. “I know that there are holes if we just call the kings here,” she answered. “We need to know more of the story,” she added. They continue their way towards Amaterasu, and moments later they reached a throne covered with black and red crystals. While the goddess Amaterasu is looking down at them. She is smiling mischievously towards them. “You gave me a very great entertainment,” she praised the two who is clearly exhausted from the fight. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-  
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