Chapter 19

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Damian's pov Lately I have been feeling anxious, I have been feeling a lot of things, stress coming from trying to get this pack sorted, anger for my father who tries to sabotage the progress we have been making and fear that I might lose the one thing that’s important to me ;Jenna but the anxiety is not my own it's hers. We are having a hard time trying to connect with Jenna, as much as we are trying she wants nothing to do with us but despite that the bond keeps on growing and now we can feel what the other is feeling, it’s not as strong as that of a completed bond but we do feel each other (we know how strong mate bonds are from watching from other packs as there is not much of that in our pack) and I have come to realize that these feelings happen at certain times and I feel scared something might happen to Jenna, we tried speaking to her about it and we still don't know anything as she barely speaks to us. Lucian and I have come up with a plan to keep her safe for now as we concentrate on our pack, truthfully speaking we are running out of time when it comes to winning her heart and trust. The truth is the renovations of the pack takes most of our time and the little time we find we try and spend with her but she runs away from us or barely talks to us. We need to court her openly and people must know that she is their future Luna but for that to happen and for her to be safe at the same time meant we must not be preoccupied by something else so we could better protect her. We need to keep her safe and have her training but she does not come to any training session and we understood that it was because she was avoiding us but Lucian and I have come up with a plan to keep her safe and quickly especially after what just happened, I believe Lucas and Owen on the wolfsbane story even though there was no way to prove it, I had felt her fear and pain and Nina's side of the story makes no sense but without proof there is nothing much we can do it's just the guys word against Nina's as Jenna didn't want to be part of conversation Jenna’s pov For the past two days I avoided going to school it’s not like I needed to go anyway as I could graduate any time I wanted, I have enough credits. The truth is that I believe if I continue to go to school it’s gonna end up with me dead, Nina had become somewhat of a joke around the school considering that she was so sure she was going to become Luna of the pack only to end up with the twins not giving her the time of day, she had also been publicly punished for bullying, it was for bullying me to more specific and she didn’t take it lightly that she had been punished for a nobody like me. At first I thought it was just bullying but I soon realized she was not looking for the unimaginable pains she usually caused this time she wanted my life and that’s saying something for someone who usually left me half dead from most of her bullying. The day I ran from the forest turns out they where planning to throw me off a cliff after that she tried stabbing me with a silver knife in the school parking lot and the last day I stopped going to school she nearly injected me with wolfsbane and silver, she had me pinned down by her friends and she was the one with the injection, she had proudly told me what was in the injection before trying to inject it. That day I was sure I was going to die if not for the people who saved me. The more surprising part is these guys used to be my bullies but they had suddenly stopped but to be honest I never thought they would ever help me but they did and when they had tried to get injection for evidence the injection has suddenly disappeared, with how many they where it was easy to make it disappear, the guys Lucas and Owen had went ahead to report what happened despite me telling them not to. The evidence was never found and Nina and her friends came up with another story that made it seem like I was getting it on with the two guys and they caught us. It feels weird to say this but the pack house is the safest place for me right now. The Luna no longer does anything to anyone as she had been embarrassed by her sons publicly many times for bullying, the most painful part for her was to be told by her own kids in front of so many people that she did not possess any Luna qualities and to top it off the current alpha was there when this was said and neither said nor did anything, if anything it looked like he smirked when he heard it. So she now has a permanent scowl on her face but does or say very little as she believes her sons have spies in the pack house at first I know there was none but she bullied the wrong person ; me but in the end I believe there where self appointed spies as in the end she got humiliated for anyone but I'm not a fool given half a chance she is going to pay us tenfolds for the embarrassment and humiliation . The question is what now, if I graduate from high school what's next
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