Chapter 20

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Jenna's pov I don't think I am going to be safe much longer after the wolfsbane incident things are tense inside the pack house, I see the looks the Luna and Nina give me and I'm sure they are planning something, the Luna still regarded Nina as the future Luna so the fact that there was an accusation saying she tried to kill me didn't sit well with her as her Nina was above accusations. I'm thinking of running away again but I don't think this time its going to be easy as Misty doesn't want to leave her mates , we haven't agreed on a lot of things for a while now and for the first time Misty and I we are not exactly on speaking terms. She spends most of the time in back of my mind sleeping . I'm a loner by choice, I avoided talking to people or making friends as they suffered because of me so for the longest time it's been just me and Misty and it feels weird that she is angry with me. She wants her mates and want to genuinely try to get to know them, it's instinctive for our beast to want cling to their other half but I don't care to get to know them, it's been six months since the future alphas came back and I still don't think I can forgive them, I have seen the good they have done and the change they have brought but whatever good they are doing doesn't take away from the fact that they did bully me or the fact that I still have mental issues because of what they did. My fight with Misty is because she wants me to forgive and forget but I don't think I can do that, I really want to run away because staying here is only making the bond stronger to the point where I don't like to be away from them for long My day starts off the same, every morning, I wake go check the future alphas wing, find it done then they try talking to me and I give monotone answers or sometimes I run away. So like every other morning I make my to the future alphas suite to check if there is anything that needs to be done, a part of me tells me I should stop but I have this theory that one day it will not be done and I will get punished for it so I go every day, Misty laughs at this thought “just admit you want to see them and miss them " I want to scoff at this but I realize there is a little truth to what she said which makes me very sad but I still make my way to their wing I really need to get out of this place while I still can I think to myself as enter their private launch, the moment I walk in someone closes the door shut, In panic I turned to run away but Lucian was leaning on the closed door so I just stood there like a fish out of water “Jen we just want to talk” this one of the pet names the twins had been calling me this past six months and I liked it even now when Damon said it but I was never gonna let them know it. “we are going to be visiting our friends out of this pack for a few days so could you pack a few clothes we are leaving tomorrow ” “why?” I wanted to beat myself up as soon as I said that because here is the opportunity to run away and I might have just blown it “we would like you to come with us, we will to talk more about it but these walls have ears, will speak more about it later” Lucian answered, I didn’t need to be told twice as I ran to my room. It didn’t take me long pack as I have a few clothes and soon I was sitting on my makeshift mattress and thinking of the past six months, though the twins and I promised to give this bond a shot we had not set any specific time, it's been six months already and we have not spoken about it, instead of running away I'm going to ask the twins to leave me somewhere safe where I can live my life but I won't say anything just yet maybe when we are on our way back to the pack I will speak to them about it, after all they did promise to let me go and make sure I was safe the bond between us did not work out, with my mind made up I leave to go do the rest of my chores “please don't do this” Misty says in my head but I ignore her, this is what is best for us she will see it in time
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