Chapter 18

951 Words
Lucian's pov Things are harder than we thought they would be, my father thinks we don’t know it, but I know he has been trying to sabotage us at every turn, thankfully he is failing for the most part. Having a harmonious pack is proving very difficult, you would think that since most of the pack is treated bad it would have changed quickly, but you would be wrong. We have so many fights at the training ground as others think it’s not fair to give omegas a chance to become more than that, at first, we would try to stop the fights, but we decided to let them fight it out, if they were going to respect each other. The thing is by the time the rest of the warriors joined us we already had a strong group of warriors and just because they were omegas before, a lot of the other warriors saw them as weaklings and us trying to stop the unnecessary fights we were not doing any favours as it made them think they were justified in their way of thinking, in the end Damon and I decided it was best to monitor the fights rather than stop them and I’m proud to say each time they showed they belonged where they were. They didn’t take their new positions for granted and knowing that they would always be challenged for coming from omega status they worked extra hard and wiped the floor with whoever challenged them. I’m super proud of our decision and I’m happy that most of them are going to be part of the new warrior elite team we are creating. Things at school are not moving along as well as we liked, for the most part we got most of the people to stop bullying, I say most because there are a few people who do so and they are cruel about it, so are we with the punishment. You would think this will make things easy but no things are hard because it's not only our pack that attend the school, here there two things that are nice in our pack, the pack house it’s self and then the school, my parents made sure that the school was nice so that no one will be able to leave the pack grounds but it also means it's nice enough for other packs to attend as well and that’s not a good thing, you rarely find packs with nice wolves near us and our two neighbouring packs where just as bad as our pack and treated their lowly ranked wolves just as our parents did. You would think why not just kick them out but it’s not easy to try and kick out an alpha’s child or a high ranking wolf. The first few weeks where difficult, we felt every pain they put Jenna through but now no one touches her any more but we we feel fear and anxiety most of the time and it's not from us, even without any progress with our mate the bond continues to grow stronger and I don't think Jenna is safe here it might be time to think about taking her to a safe place for now. Our school and pack house look beautiful but the rest of the pack the buildings are crumbling down, we had started with the training grounds and a new gym because we knew they were going to be less expensive for the gym we had built a new building next to the training grounds and we made sure everything was state of the art, now we had moved to the houses. The houses where the newly mated wolves and the singles wolves where , where basically slams so we had destroyed the houses and moved everyone out into temporary homes and started on two new apartment buildings and we had started with a few house as well. The omegas where the ones that lived in more terrible structures so we were starting with them going our way up. Our father gave us next to nothing from the dummy account we had given him and before he could be suspicious we had told him we were building most of it on loan as we could not afford it and his secret smile told us he was planning something but we would deal with it when the time came. After all the pack is done the last building to be built is the pack house itself. It might surprise you but though the pack house is beautiful most of it’s occupants lived horribly, our pack house was not that big, on the ground floor /first floor we had a kitchen dining area two launches a game room and a room ball room, the second floor was for the beta and the gamma with a few rooms for visitors, on the third floor which was ours the alpha floor was just for us we had our own wing and our parents had theirs we had two rooms reserved for visitors but Noone we knew ever used them as no one was good enough according to my parents and then we have the basement where the omegas assigned to the pack house stayed. The living conditions where appalling as four or five omegas shared a room Jenna was the only one who had a cleaning closet on the ground floor as other omegas refused to share a room with her but I think she was better off. After all the other renovations are done we are going to build a new pack house we haven't said anything to our parents and we don't plan to.
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