Chapter 14

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Lucian's pov I was baffled, we had decided to tell her we were not going to wait on announcing her as our mate and Luna, with how she was reacting after find out she was our mate we knew she was not going to be thrilled about it but what I didn't expect was the outburst and tears then it hit me. In a rush to insure she doesn't reject us, like the jerks we are we didn't think past what we wanted and us losing her, we had forgotten how this pack is and instead of trying to show her we loved her we had actually threatened her and in the worst way possible. Without showing her we are willing to do whatever it takes for her to forgive us, that announcement meant we wanted her to die " dude I think we screwed up" I linked Damon “ yeah I realized that when she started crying " he sounded worried “ how about this, give us a chance to show you that we have changed “ Damon said softly “and you won't tell anyone we are mates?" she asked and I could tell she wasn't really listening, she was more concerned about us not telling people we are mates and it kinda hurt. I know after what we did to her it was going to be difficult for her to accept us but her rejection hurt, I wanted to scream and shout but we do deserve this, we might be changed people but she went through the worst treatment at our hands, even with how strong the mate bond felt the possibility of her rejecting us was high because every time we have tried to come close to her she has gotten more scared than before and I felt real fear and pain at the thought of her rejecting us “please give us a chance" she nodded and again I could tell she was not really listening “so do we have a deal? " she nodded again “ I'm sorry but I need a verbal agreement" “ok " she said with a shaky voice, she was still kneeling there tears and all but we couldn't get close to her because everytime we tried she became worse “I'm.. I'm.. I'm so.. s....sorry verbal agreement to what?" her brain seemed to be working again “you agreed to giving us a chance to be your mates" I said softly “No.. No.. No.. I can't do that" she was intensely shaking her head “but you gave us your word" the thing is when you dislike someone you get to know a lot of things about them and I knew a lot of things about her and the fact that her word meant everything to her, that's why I had asked for a verbal agreement, I know that was very low but the truth is I wasn't above anything when it comes to keeping her, I know we scented her today as our mate but I was already in love with her “if you are sincere about wanting me as your mate you will let me go, I'm sure the moon goddess will give you a second chance mate, if you allow me I can reject you to improve your chances" my roar of anger and disagreement was echoed by another identical to it “we don't want another mate we want you" Damon bit out and you could tell he was barely keeping his anger in check, so was I but one look at her and I knew we were making things worse “Damon calm down " I linked “she wants to reject us, I can't accept that" through the link I could feel his anger was covering his hurt “look Jenna, the moon goddess chose you for us and I don't want to reject you on the chance of finding another mate. I know this makes no sense to you but it's you or no one so please give us a chance " she just shook her head, at least now she was no longer kneeling but she was now standing head bowed holding her palms and shaking and I was so sure this was no longer fear but anger Jenna's pov I’m wondering what’s my way forward, life can not be this cruel, who do these assholes think they are? I mean the nerve... They have made my life miserable to a point where at times I wished for death and now they think they get to claim me as their mate?, there is no way in hell that’s going to happen and there is also Nina, there is no way I’m going to entangle myself in that horror story. Everybody knew that she was going to be their mate it was no secret, the Luna confirmed it a couple of times and they think a few smiles and worthless assurance is going to make me throw myself at them? that reminds me she had an odd scent this morning and I now realize it was their scents combined with that thought rage consumed me “if it’s ok with you alphas I would like to be excused " I didn't wait for their response, how could the moon goddess betray me like this, pair me with my bullies? I thought to myself as I made my way back to my duties
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