Chapter 13

1060 Words
Jenna's pov As I waited for death to finally claim at the hands of my biggest bullies that roar finally woke me, I was not going to give up this easily, I was not going to calmly let death claim me like this. I realized that I badly wanted to live no matter how pathetic my life was and real fear for my life claimed me, I broke the leash to the dog collar and I ran as if my life depended on it because it literally did. I was going to run and hide in one of my hiding spots , my cave to be more specific and I was going to hide there for a few days and figure out a way to leave this pack. I heard them coming after me, I had always had speed and that had kept me safe from them a couple of times but this time I could tell that they where easily catching up to me and a few meters into the pack forest they where in front of me and I did the next best thing even though it has never helped me before but I would do anything to save myself as I was sure this time they were really going to kill me, I begged “please forgive me, reject me but please spare my life, I swear I will never tell anyone about us being mates. In fact I will leave the moment I find the opportunity to, just please spare me" my heart was breaking as I said this I guess the mate bond was causing me pain as I spoke about rejection and I couldn't help the few tears that fell. Damon made a movement towards me and I flinched back and I saw him put his hands on the back of his head and a look of pain crossed his face as he took a few steps back “ why would we reject you? You are our mate" Lucian asked but I didn't answer “ Jenna can we can talk about this " it was Damon this time but I was not falling for it they were going to do something “please I swear I won't tell anyone " I tried again “baby please can we talk about this" Damon said and I had finally had enough " what game a you playing... You know what.... I Jenna Williams reject you Damon and Lucian..." before I could finish Lucian had somehow moved from where he was and was now covering my mouth “Jenna please don't reject us, please give us a chance " " please" Damon echoed, Lucian's hand felt manly and how had I not noticed they looked different, they are hotter, somehow taller and those muscles, were they not wearing shirts all this while.....this is stupid I thought to myself as I pushed his hand from my mouth and stomped my way back to the pack house, I had a lot of work to do and a body in pain, I don't have time for whatever game they where playing " come on the men are hot and they are all mine" Misty chipped in “come on these guys are our bullies there is no way you are fantasizing about them" I asked her “ as if I'm the only one doing it, a girl can dream can't she? " she sighed " whatever as long as you agree they are trouble " I said and she kept quiet “Jenna please we are sorry " Damon linked "sure whatever , I don't know what game you are playing but leave me out of it" I shouted before I realized I was shouting at them, I quickly shut the link, whatever they are going to kill me anyway shouting or not. I went back to my duties and I was working on edge, if there is one thing I'm sure of it's I want to live and I may have ruined those chances with how I answered future alphas , I may be their mate but I'm also the person they hate, so I know they are planning something horrible by claiming they wanted me and I'm smart enough to know that I should stay as far away from them as Possible. I spoke too soon as I was asked to Lucian and Damon's wing barely an hour back to my duties, I couldn't say no so I went as I asked the goddess to protect me for what was going to come my way. I went straight to their lounge and as soon as I entered they were on their feet making their way to me but my genuine scared reaction stopped them midway as Damon put his hands in his pockets while Lucian played with his hands in front of him. "you sent for me alphas" I said in a squeaky voice as I was scared "we really are sorry Jenna" Lucian said taking a step closer to me and I took one step back, I saw the look of defeat in his eyes “we've talked about it and we are going to announce you as our mate and Luna " Damon added and it finally clicked, they wanted to kill me without lifting their fingers everyone knows what happens when you mate higher than your rank, even omegas mated to warriors if the bond was accepted they had to be constantly under their mate's protection for a few months and if word gets out I was mated to the alphas it meant I'm dead and the death was going to be a painful one as I was going to be left at the mercy of a heartless pack . I fell down on my knees and instantly pleaded “ alphas please I'm sorry, I swear I will leave or die trying if you reject me, I will not tell a soul I'm your mate" my voice came out steady but I was deathly scared “we are doing this for you Jenna " Damon said again and I instantly got mad as I answered " if it's my death you want, just kill me yourselves goddess knows I haven't done anything to you to deserve this kind of cruelty " said full on sobbing
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