Chapter 15

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Damon pov It's been a rough couple of days, Lucian and I had requested Jenna to be our personal maid, that meant she would only be on our floor and we made sure we cleaned after ourselves so she would have nothing to do which would give us time to get to know each other better but that plan fell flat, she was not comfortable around us, she gave one word answers and it felt like we were forcing her to be around us, she always left to do other house duties even though she knew she didn't have to, that's how much she avoided us, not to mention she had these episodes where she relieved the abuse we had put her through, it was painful to watch her go through that pain and I also felt shame that I had done that, I had hurt not only my mate but a fellow pack member, we only got to know about these episodes from watching her sleep, I know I sound like a stalker or a creep but our request to have her sleep on our floor was denied because my mom didn't want her dirtying her rooms, we couldn't fight her much as we didn't want to put Jenna in a difficult situation as we don't have control of the pack yet. We had also had a series of meetings with our father regarding changing the way we ran the pack and training not just the warriors but everyone, saying my dad was pissed at the idea was an under statement we had argued for days, we had resorted to bribing him as anything else had failed. We had told him that we were being financed for the changes we were bringing to the pack and he could have control of the money if he allowed us to make changes to the pack, he had laughed in our faces at first thinking the money was going to be deposited in the pack account and he would have control of it anyway but after we told him we had a private account that all the finance aid from our new allies will be deposited to, it had shut him up completely and he had agreed to a few changes , we were still not agreeing on the other stuff but this was a small win. There was no way we were going to give him the money that we were going to use improve our pack, so we had opened a dummy account we were putting money and he seemed to be happy. I was glad we had came up with that plan because the way he was misusing that money we would have been screwed if it was the actual money we wanted to use. The truth is without our parents' knowledge we had opened a construction company and with the support of our new alliances it was quickly growing and we were making money from it and also there was a day when we were still at alpha training we were just throwing tech ideas around and Rowen one of our new all allies had liked Lucian's idea and instead of being paid cash Lucian had asked to be paid with shares, the shares where not many but considering that Rowen's pack owned a renowned security company both in the human and supernatural world we are actually doing great but there is no way we are letting our parents know or they would misuse our money and the pack will continue to suffer The first week of training had been difficult most of the warriors had refused to wake up early for training and when they finally came they would complain that the training was brutal but we had told them that if anyone of warrior rank was late or didn't want to train they would be demoted, they went to complain to our father but he had his sight on the money we gave and didn't care what happened with pack members so he was not getting involved. They had boycotted the training but seeing that other pack members were coming to train and that we had promoted a few wolves that had proved to be strong to warriors and had also demoted a few warriors they shut up and started to come. Training was divided into many groups depending on your fighting skills we had also decided to start training children who are about to shift. We had also made it in a way so that anyone could be promoted to warrior if they had proved themselves. I couldn't be more happy with the improvement that was already showing, if only things between us and Jenna was this easy. Most of our pack members were starting to let go of the fear that they had of us as they saw how hard we tried even though our parents and Nina were making it difficult, indeed there was a difference between fear and respect and I liked the way it felt to be respected and we will continue to try until we have everyone's respect and trust because as they were starting to respect us they didn't have trust in us and to be honest our past made it difficult for them but we are showing them day by day that we are changing and we will put our pack and it's people first.
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