Chapter 6

1233 Words
Nina's pov I have always hated Jenna not because she did anything to me or was she any competition to me, I mean look at me. I'm 5 foot 8, blond hair, blue eyes and super model skinny, I am a catch and any guy would be lucky to have me. Just ask the twins not only was I beautiful, I was good in bed that's the reason why I was their longest girl friend and they didn't try fighting their mother when she asked them to consider me as their chosen mate. The only way I was not going to be their chosen Luna was only if their mate was an alpha blood or a beta blood. I might be the Beta's daughter but we were Beta's in name only I actually had gamma blood. So I had made sure I was very good in bed and practiced a lot with pack warriors, of course they where not going to say a thing but I made sure if it comes to choosing a mate the twins would choose me. I was worried this year they spent at alpha training, that they may find their mate there or choose someone stronger than me but there has been nothing which has put my mind at ease but I was worried again when instead of coming home they opted to go to another pack for a month. I had tried to probe information from Luna Marie but all I got is they were a strong and powerful pack, ten times strong than us and very rich, the twins had somehow managed to get an alliance with the future alpha from the pack. I know how alliances work it could mean they where taking the alpha's sister as a mate to honor the alliance but Luna Marie would tell me right? She wouldn't lie to me and make me help her on this sorry excuse for a birthday celebration as the future Luna right? All my doubts went away the minute she addressed me as the future Luna and I could do what I wanted with the vermin Jenna. Which brings me back to why I hate Jenna, she is 5 feet 10 which means she is 2 inches taller than me, she has these gray eyes with specks of gold and I have always wanted to poke her eyes out. I don't know which I hated more, her eyes or that golden chestnut hair , her golden brown hair looked like ready to haverst wheat. I had once cut it when we were kids and I was happy she cried but that was until I saw her next day, her stupid curly chestnut hair styled in a Bob that made me green with envy so after that I had left it alone and with time it had grown to her waist, it looked dull but with a little care it would look amazing. She was skinny, of course she was skinny as she was starved as all omegas where but what bothered me where her curves, as skinny as she was her curves stood out, she had big round breast, hips and a bum to die for, I would kill for curves like those and I knew it was a matter of time before the twins notice all these things as well. The twins where never faithful to me and I knew they won't be even when we mated and I didn’t want them to look at her that way. That's why I lied so much to them about her so they could punish her and their hatred for her would grow, I also liked the fact that her back was obviously scared from all those beatings with silver whips they always used on her. She might have curves and a beautiful face but who would want someone with so many scars and after today I will make sure I leave some on her face as well. I smiled as I ripped the back of her shirt but quickly got angry as I found not a scratch on her, how is that possible? Even with a wolf you may heal from silver but the scar always remained. I got so angry I whipped her back, legs, front even her face. At first she screamed which was music to my ears up to a point where she only made grunting noises. She passed out a few times but I never stopped, she would gain consciousness and still found me whipping her. I whipped her till I got tired but I continued, the guards stopped me reminding me of the promise I made to the Luna to get to cook the dinner and at this point she was going to die. I looked at her bloody body and spit in her face and asked the guards to unchain her and dump her in that hole she calls a room because she had passed out again and her breathing was a little shallow “but shouldn't we get her help, at this point she might die" one of the guards voiced out but I could tell he was scared of talking to me the way he did “you are all the help she is going to need and if she dies you will explain to the Luna why you killed her cook" I smiled as I left the dungeon, I mean how good of a cook can she be, one of the omegas can easily take over her duties, if I'm lucky she will die and I will pin it on that stupid guard who dared to speak to me. I went back to my room and changed my now bloody clothes, damn I liked that top but now it was ruined. I threw the clothes in the trash in my room and went to take a shower and linked an omega to come empty out the bin as I couldn't stand the stench of her blood. After I had bathed, changed and calmed down did I start to think maybe I overdid it, I mean Luna Marie asked me to keep her alive, I shouldn't have gone overboard like that. I want to be on her good side until I'm Luna of the pack then I can kick her and her stupid husband out of the pack house. The truth is I didn't like her and tolerated her because she is the Luna but I think she is a little dumb and doesn't understand the true meaning of power but they are going to learn soon. If Jenna somehow survives I was going to kill her when I become Luna, unless if scars stick this time or I could get the twins to do it before I even become Luna, I scoffed at that thought as they had failed to kill her many times before . Fine I would kill her myself or better I will let her know what a real woman is as I'm sure she still a virgin, I will open a w***e house with her as my first p********e and I would watch as she lost her virginity to multiple men at the same time, I gave a laugh, now I was really hoping she would live to see what I have install for her when I become Luna of this pack
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