Chapter 7

1456 Words
Jenna's pov Is this what death feels like because death is painful, Nina had whipped me to the point of death, I had passed out a couple of times only to wake up to her still beating me. I had finally passed to a point where I found myself sitting on the grass with a beautiful scenery before my eyes and thought to myself well I sure am dead. I smiled and thought I didn't mean to escape this way but at least maybe I get to see my parents again, as I thought this I heard a voice behind me. “I'm sorry to disappoint you child but this is not the afterlife " a sweet voice said and I couldn't help the calmness that came over me as I stood and turned to face her “I'm sorry but who are you" I asked “ I go by many names, some named me Abuk, Mawu, Artemis to name a few but recently I think the wildly known one is Selene" she smiled as she said this “moon goddess " I bowed " It's ok child let's sit" she said making a hand gesture of where we can sit and I saw a white bench a few feet from me and behind it was a wolf that strangely looked like Misty, gold chestnut fur with white ears and paws, even though I had shifted a few times because of fear of being found out, I knew my wolf and it looks like Misty my wolf but the strange thing is the wolf looked down in what I think was shame and didn't look at our direction “that looks like my wolf"I said in a low voice “it looks like your wolf because it is“ the moon goddess answered. I had been making my way to the bench but I ran over to Misty and hugged her by the throat “I'm sorry " Misty said “for what?" I asked genuinely confused "I left you alone at the mercy of Nina" she said “how could you have stayed she injected us with wolfsbane " I asked her “Jenna, Misty come sit by me" the moon goddess called us and we made our way to her and I sat on the side of the bench where she patted indicating I should sit. “ my child you have been through a lot at the hands of your pack, you have suffered and faced abuse. I dicided to give you the gift of healing completely from silver and even though wolfsbane affects you it doesn't affect you as strong as it does others" she says “why? " I ask “I know it doesn't take away from the scars of your heart but it's the little I could do for what you have faced and what you are going to face“ she said “what do you mean by going to face?" I asked, I was at a loss of words, I wanted to scream and shout how can there be more? but honestly I felt overwhelmed " just because you have power over someone doesn't mean you get to walk over that person yet I have watched my children do this. I chose a king and a admirable queen even though she is a child of the sun God and practically a goddess herself, the dragon queen and the Luna queen of werewolves. They have done an amazing job changing the negative narrative that has been going on with wolf packs and dragons alike but there is a region that refuses to change, with packs that treat it's members like slaves and don't value the workings of the packs. Unfortunately these packs are still many for my liking and the king and queen have a lot on their plates and they need help and I thought to myself I will chose from the heart of the most affected region who will stand for me" she said “ who? " says owl I thought to myself as I responded “you are funny like that" she laughed "wait you can hear my thoughts?" I asked in my mind as I would if I'm linking a person “of course I can, I'm Selene remember" she said with another laugh “so who is this person "I asked again “I chose more than one and you are part of those people" she said and I laughed “I might be a Beta wolf but I'm an omega, omegas are better than me. I am a slave in my own pack, what am I even saying this is a hallucination I conjured from being beaten to death " I shouted “it is not, you're father was a good man, even surrounded by evil and selfish people he was true to himself and stood for what was right, your mother though an omega was a strong woman, she could have rejected your father and stayed in the safety of what she knew but she accepted him knowing the dangers and hatred she was going to get for it and wasn't surprised at the treatment she got after her mate died. She has no regrets except for leaving you alone and I chose you because your parents' characters are in you. I know you will make the right choices and free my children and frankly the others I chose will fail without you " she said and cupped my cheek smiling as she used her thumb to wipe my tears “ I'm sorry but I choose death" I said as a white light flashes before me and I knew I was dead, but death was painful my whole body feels numb and I can’t move. I thought death was supposed to free me and I would get to meet my parents but this feels like I'm in hell "we are not dead Jenna just in pain from Nina's aftermath, I will try and and heal you without letting my aura sip out" Misty says in a small voice as she is probably in more pain than I was as she tried to take most of it. I opened my eyes with tears falling out of them and realizing that I was back in my room " oh thank goddess you are awake" Cynthia one of the older omega who had become like a mother to me since my mother passed said. I tried calling out her name but I couldn't and my throat felt dry “oh poor child " she said as she helped me get in a sitting position and giving me water to drink “how long have I been here" I asked in a hoarse voice and made a face from the pain I felt “the guards came and dropped you here Thursday night and today is Sunday afternoon, so two and half days but if count hours it's been three days " she said. That explained why my body felt numb “oh goddess I'm dead, the Luna is going to kill me" I panicked trying to stand up “ don't worry and rest, the mighty Luna Marie came all the way down here and saw you on death's door and she flipped, not at you " she said as she saw panic in my eyes “ she was angry at the guards for beating you to that point as they ruined her changes of a perfect dinner for her sons" she said “what do you mean angry at the guards? Nina did this to me" I said “ well she swore she asked the guards to rough you up a little bit and when she came back she saw you all bloody and when she asked them to stop, she pointed out one of the guards saying he refused and was going to kill you " she explained “ but that's a lie" I said back “we know, Lara came back with Nina's bloody clothes and that blood scent is yours, we kept it as evidence, for what and for who I don't know but I tell you justice will come for us one day " she said the last part quietly as it meant death here if you were heard “don't worry and rest up the Luna wants to see you as soon as you wake but I will tell her you are still unconscious. She tried to get others to cook some of Lucian and Damon's favorite food but they didn't taste right and she is flipping out " she said with a little laugh indicating she was enjoying this
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