Chapter 5

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Jenna's pov This is me realizing my plan had turned to s**t, a week ago Luna Marie sourly informed us that there are going to be changes to the future alphas birthday celebration. There are no more outside guest coming and the celebration would be limited to the pack only. It was good news for omegas because the workload would be lessened but not so much for me, a big chunk of my escape plan relied on the visiting packs for my way out and I wanted out of this pack. I was going to get out of this place no matter what, so here I am a little distracted from my chores as I was trying to come up with a new plan. As the days went by we did and redid the decorations and changed locations on where the birthday would take place, we were all walking on eggshells as Luna Marie was furious, this was supposed to be her time, when she got to show off to other packs how her life was better than the other Lunas. I have seen much of these celebrations, they are basically the same. These high ranked wolves would gather and show off how much they had acquired whilst their packs suffered, they would make challenges and bets that put the omegas' lives in danger. I have heard not all pack are like this but if there are any packs that are nice I have never seen anyone from those here. When we were told we were going to cater for a small party we thought it was going to be less work and boy were we wrong. The Luna kept changing locations and each time it meant pack up and start a new set up, we had worked harder than we would have had it been a bigger celebration, it didn't help that she had asked Nina to help as the future Luna. If Luna Marie was a b***h from hell then Nina was the devil, with each location and new decorations made, Nina would find faults with every little thing and someone got punished for it. The only reason that some of us got spared is we where working on the menu as the Luna kept changing dishes as well and I was one of the good cooks in fact I was a better cook there. The kitchen was Luna Marie's department, other than a slap or two we didn't suffer as the ones under Nina. We had finally locked down on the menu but Luna Marie changed the location of the celebration again, the reason that mostly led to the changes was she kept on removing people from her list as she believed they were a waste of time but I could clearly see that Nina was not in support of this as she wanted to flaunt when the twins announced her as their chosen Luna and she wanted a lot people there and as the list got shorter the moodier she became and a lot scarier . As we we where finished with the menu we were now helping with the arrangement of the new and I'm hoping final location. The celebrations where going to be held in the private dining area making the whole thing a private affair which put Nina in a scarier mood. I look at her and thought to myself, I don't need to be a part of this, I can take an opportunity of how busy the celebration will be and make my way out of this place, it would be harder to get out of pack borders but I could do it. I smiled to myself as I got to make a new plan of escape “Jenna watch out" my wolf Misty warned but it was already late I had bumped into Luna Marie and dropped the glass center piece in my hands breaking it into a million pieces. I shook in fear as l knew the consequences of my actions and as I went to apologize I found myself laying onto top of the broken glass as the Luna had gave me a hard slap. “ how dare a useless thing like you bump into me, broke my expensive piece and cut my finger " she shouted, considering I had not seen the cut meant it was so small and already healed or there was no cut at all but here I am on the floor with broken glass and my own blood “ Luna Marie if you allow me let me deal with this" Nina said who was suddenly besides the Luna with an evil smile as she looked at me “with the pressure you are going through with the celebration and now this useless omega is adding to it, let me deal with her with your permission of course " she went on “yeah as the future Luna I guess you have to deal with these ingrates soon or later, I guess this is a better time as any" she nodded “ someone come give me a shoulder massage and a hot towel for my head " she said sitting down in a nearby chair in a faint tone that suggested she could faint at any time “guards" that's the next thing I hear Nina shouting before I was roughly lifted from the floor as I was still there sitting in broken glasses as I didn't dare stand up “just make sure she will still be able to cook the dinner " Luna Marie said as I was taken outside. My punishments with the twins it was always in my room and if sometimes when they caught running, outside, with the Luna and alpha it was the basement but for the first time in my life I found myself in the the dungeon “okay b***h do you realize how much I have been itching to get you, it was a shame you where working under Luna Marie but fate brought you into my hands " Nina said as she got the guards to chain me by my hands and feet. There where chains hanging on the ceiling and the others bolted to the ground and I was chained to them. My hand where up and my feet a little wide “it's a shame you are wolf less or this next part was going to hurt but we don't discriminate based on that" she said as she injected me with wolfsbane, I screamed as I felt it burn rushing through my blood stream and at the same time loosing my connection to Misty. It was so painful and I felt scared because all the punishments I have faced Misty was always there, even when they beat us with silver whips, she would be weak but she was always there but right now, right now I was on my own “it's good to know that even without a wolf I can still torture you this way" she laughed as she took a silver whip “be glad that Luna Marie wants you in the kitchen next week to prepare dinner for my babies, otherwise I was not going to go easy on you"
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