Chapter 4

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Damon's pov The person I was last year would be surprised with the person I am right now, Lucian and I when we first came here we were just looking to f**k and play around but soon realized that this was not the place, if wanted our pack to survive we had to change who we were and learn from those who came from bigger and better packs . Not only had we learned, we had also made great new friends and even better alliances ones that would put our father's own to shame, we had to be better than our father and make alliances that would force my father to give us the alpha position when we turn 18 so we could change things earlier and knowing my father he would not do it willingly. I have to admit our pack was rotten to the core and it was going to take long hard work to change how people see things and with who our parents are it is going to be extra difficult. As we were planning on returning home our friend Nick had his his birthday a week before departure and mated with one of the omega that served at the program and just like that he accepted her and when he phoned his parents to tell them they had sounded thrilled over the phone. So we dicided that instead of going home we were going to his pack to learn more, as much as we had changed we accepted that there was still more that we needed to learn. We asked for his permission and his parents of course to stay at their pack for month then we would go back to ours and they agreed. We phoned our parents to inform them we were going to our new allied pack and would come after a month. My parents knew we had made alliances but I could tell by my father's voice that he was shocked that we had managed to get an alliance with the midnight howlers pack and he quickly agreed. Coming to this pack was truly an eye opener people here where happy and without hate, omegas where actually paid for the work they did and because they had harmony the pack thrived. It was a sight to see how their Luna was different than our mom she was a mother to her pack and gave a listening ear to each and everyone regardless of rank and was fair with everyone. I also found out that they took combat training seriously and everyone had basic training including omegas, it was also a shock that omegas could rise up to warrior ranks if they showed potential. Luna Agnes happily accepted Sarah, Nick's mate without any questions and was training her on her Luna duties so she would be ready when she and Nick take over the pack in two years. It's fair to admit my mother was not even next to the shadow of who this lady was, my mom is superficial and vain, she doesn't care about anyone but herself and thinks anyone with lower rank was dirt. The omegas got most of it but I soon realized she never treated anyone with respect and I felt ashamed because that's who I was also. One week in this pack and seeing the good that came out of it I still had a lot of questions to ask so when it was lunch time and we where sitting in the dinning area with Nick's family, we had asked if it was okay to tag along with Nick and alpha Robert his father, when he taught him on how to be an alpha and he was okay with it so now we where sitting at lunch after a busy morning “I don't mean any disrespect to anyone but how did you easily accept Sarah as your son's mate knowing she is an omega " they didn't get mad at this as they realized I really wanted to know “what does a mate mean to you? " Luna Agnes asked. “well you are supposed to get a strong Luna that fit your status " I answered with confidence as it is what I was always taught “what has status have to do with it?" she asked again “a strong Luna gives birth to strong heirs that make your lineage strong " Lucian answered the same way I would have “honey no matter the rank of your mate they will give you strong pups but that's not what a mate is only good for. The moon goddess knows who we are and she gives us a mate that brings out the good in us and the one that is just perfect for us, for example in your case as alphas you need a Luna that is strong but also kind and compassionate, the one that would be a mother to your pack, that will bring peace and harmony , one that is passionate and will rise up and meet any challenges if need be and the moon goddess knows this and one last and most importantly a true mate makes you stronger like literally and a strong alpha equals a strong pack" I could tell Lucian was surprised by this as I am. What we were taught was different but I could see reason with what Luna Agnes was saying because they lived by this and their pack was better for it. To be honest the me I used to be if given an omega mate I would've slept with her as I have heard that it's the most amazing s*x ever and then reject her, that was an agreement Lucian and I had, because we knew being identical twins we were going to share a mate and now we looked at each other in shame. “ I told you, you were a s**t head " Bleiz my wolf was quick to add, our wolves had never agreed to that deal but we were done with it and we were going to do it anyway but now with more understanding I realize that I would have let go of a true gift. I had made up my mind, I was going to accept my mate no matter who they are and if Lucian was not okay with it, he could always reject them I was going to keep my mate no matter what "we need to talk" Lucian linked me, I nodded my head and we excused ourselves as we went to my room the one I was using here “so what's up" I asked even though I had an idea of what he wanted to say “ the mate thing, that agreement we made, I want to go back on it" he said as he sank on my bed “I was actually going to talk to you about it after that discussion in the dining" I answer him “so we are in agreement then we accept our mate no matter the rank". He stated more than asked and I just nodded my head “what are we going to do about Nina? you know mom wants her to be our mate " he asked “if she is our mate fine, but if she is not I'm not accepting her, it's my mate or nothing" I said and he laughed “look at you" he said bumping his shoulder with mine “what? " I asked him with a little laugh myself “it's my mate or nothing" he said mimicking my voice in a funny way We left the room and headed out as we had a plan to go and see how they secured the borders of this pack, we met Nick already waiting outside for us “what took you long " he asked “we had to discuss something about our futer mate" I answered seriously and he laughed “what's funny " Lucian and I asked at the same time" “pray to goddess your mate doesn’t know you because if she does you are definitely getting rejected " he said laughing harder like there was some private joke that we were not in on “why would you say that? “I asked again “come on guys, I have met you , I mean the other you, not only where you jerks you slept around like there was no tomorrow which sane person agrees to have a mate like that unless they were vein or horrible people themselves " he said with a straight face now and I'm guessing my face was as white as Lucian's was because I realize exactly what he meant “but we are trying to change" I said in a whiny voice “I know that but hopefully they do too" he said “maybe Nina really is our mate " Lucian linked me " but what that say about her? " I linked him back “it's someone we don't know, please goddess let it be someone we don't know" Lucian linked I would have laughed if it didn't mean there was possibility we where screwed, but no matter I will fight for my mate
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