Chapter 3

1187 Words
Jenna's pov A whole year has passed, you would think with the future alphas gone the bulling would've lessened but you would be wrong, Nina did certainly make sure that I suffered enough and with her telling everyone she was going to be the future Luna everyone did her bidding. The twins' arrival got delayed by a whole month which meant we had to push their birthday to their arrival date, my birthday which was two weeks after theirs came and went without me shifting which made a lot of people happy especially the Luna. I could see relief in her eyes when I didn't shift and she proceeded to tell everyone why omegas should not be mated to high ranks as they risked giving birth to week future leaders and in my case I was not only week but not even good enough to have an omega wolf. I became more shunned to the point were people would avoid passing near me like I was a leaper but what I found funny was I cooked most of the food people ate at the pack house, those that actually did stay at the pack house I washed their clothes and made the beds they slept on, yet I was never stopped from doing those things, I only became disgusting when I came in their vision. Anyway this was going to be over soon as I now have enough credits for my high school certificate and I have already asked for it and they were more than happy to give it to me but not happy that I still came to school. I was going to take advantage of the birthday celebration when the twins come back and finally leave. There is going to be other people from different packs coming and no, no one was going to help me as most of the packs invited were just as horrible to their omegas as this pack was. I was going to find myself a ride with one of the cars and jump off as soon as I was far enough from this place, I smiled to myself with a plan in mind and went about my chores. Lucian' pov It's been a long and hard year, coming here I thought it was going to be fun and games and maybe get to f**k girls but things were different here. In the first two months I got here I got to see how different things were, how people took things seriously here. Everyone was focused on making their pack different and improve it and I admit Damon and I laughed at how serious people took things, I mean we were young and here to have fun but soon realized that we had quickly became jokes and even the girls that were here were serious with their training to become female alphas and they were not looking for alphas to lead their packs like we had assumed they were here to learn how to lead just like the rest of us. Getting my our assess handed to us in training everyday for the first two months was embarrassing even by girls. There were omegas here and they were treated with respect, even more respect than we showed our own warriors and they were not shy to point out what they liked or didn't without fear and didn't tolerate any disrespect even from alphas like us. It irritated me how things were run here as I've always believed to rule by fear. I and few where quickly placed to what I would like to call the useless group and I quickly realized that most of the people in our group were the ones I already knew, the ones that had the same values as us. I didn’t mind at first because the females in our group were OK with sleeping around as we were and could lazy around as much as we want but by the third month I quickly realized that the packs of people in our group where not as big as other groups or were they thriving and besides combat training and alpha duties others were creating alliances to make their packs stronger, I spoke with Damon of what I saw and realized he had seen the same and we dicided to do better. Beginning of the third month we started to learn more and we were willing to listen to others even though in the beginning it was hard especially coming from a place where what we said goes. After changing my attitude did I soon see that happy omegas did great and better work and if you listen they also do have great advise. Soon we had moved groups and joined new groups, no one really put together groups but it was only that people of the same mind unknowingly formed a group. I had taken my training seriously and I could see improvement myself, I have always had great body but I now have a well defined body and when I looked at the mirror I swear I see an eight pack. I had also improved on my combat training a few alphas still gave me a run for my money but I could really fight now and Damon and I quickly rose to the number of alphas that were stronger than most at the training. Damon and I before never agreed on most things when it came to the pack except for when we looked for trouble but we had a clear picture of what we wanted for our pack and how to go about it now. Looking at our former group I only feel sorry for them and actually glad that Damon and I quickly woke up and dicided to do something about ourselves. Looking at them now they are much worse than how they came in and they actually hated us for betraying them and their friendship. They still slept around among themselves as no one else would do that they never made any effort to learn anything from the program and never got to make any new alliances , yes this was place where people took everything seriously but they couldn't force those who didn't want to learn, what they would do was send letters recommending their parents to send them back to the alpha training program for another year and knowing most of their packs the parents would not bother and still give their kids the alpha position when they turned 18 or older and considering how selfish their parents and ours are it was definitely was going to be older. The head of this school did not tolerate abuse here and a few of them had got punished for disrespecting omegas as everyone was supposed to be treated with respect but they refused to learn which resulted in two of them being expelled which was the most embarrassing thing to happen to any alpha, being expelled from this school was the same as being a rogue or dead what it simply meant was you were useless as a person.
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