Chapter 17

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Jenna's pov It’s been a couple of weeks since I found out the future alphas are my mates and things have been hard and weird, they have been doing chores in their wing and at first I wasn’t sure if I should fix it as it’s done terribly but in the end I decided to leave it as it is, as I figured this was a trap if I clean I would be in trouble and not cleaning would probably bring the same result but if I was going to be punished it was better for me if I was being punished for not doing the work. I couldn’t stay in their wing and do nothing, so in the morning I would go check if they cleaned and then I would leave to go do other pack chores, but every time I got there they would try to talk to me or get close, I would reply as little as possible and run out of there. Misty wants to give them a chance and I feel the bond between us getting stronger even more and recently it takes all of my will to resist them, this doesn’t mean that I don’t hate them or my fear of them is gone quite the opposite it has brought my worst fear out to the point where I’m having night terrors where I wake up in the middle of the night screaming their names begging them to stop hurting me, what makes this worse is most of the time the dreams don’t start off as nightmares they start with me being intimate with the alphas and then they end up with them trying to kill me, Cynthia has tried to comfort me during these times and every time she asks me what’s wrong I always stay quiet how do I tell her that the future alphas are my mates and I’m scared of what that means in our pack that me being mated to them might result in my death. I try to ignore the fact that she has heard me calling out their names in my sleep. Misty is hurt that I refuse to give the alphas a real chance. I know they are not just my mates they are hers too but where she willing to let go of what they did to us I’m not, they hurt us physically and emotionally and I’m not willing to let go just because one day they woke up my mates . I shake my head trying to get rid of the thoughts running through my mind as I make my way to another class, things at school are ok now since the twins implemented the no bullying policy, at first people would try and bully me in hidden corners and empty classrooms but Damon and Lucian found me each and every time and who ever caught paid dearly for it, so now as I'm walking in the hallway I see the hatred in the eyes of few people but they couldn't do nothing but I know in some empty classroom or hidden corner someone might be getting bullied , even at the risk of getting punised, I have come to realize some people will do whatever it took to have power over others, I have seen people being punished if caught bullying, the future alphas would publicly punish those caught but others kept it up irregardless of how many times they got punished, the fact that the current alpha and Luna treated us the same didn't help I sat in back of my math class waiting for the day to be over, I almost laughed as it felt more like a joke as I preferred to be here than the pack house, I would have graduated earlier but I stayed back so that I can go to school longer, don't get me wrong this school was a hell hole but the pack house was worse and I knew the alpha and Luna wouldn't agree to let me go to college. The only reason why I go to school in the first place was that it was a rule that everyone is to attended school and anyone caught not upholding this law would be punished and there was always someone to come check if the school was up to standard or we would have to leave the pack and go to better equipped schools but with the alpha not wanting us to leave the pack it meant our school was very nice and updated and that also meant some of the jerks from surrounding packs came to our school. Soon enough my wish was granted and school is over and I'm now exiting the halls making my way home and I saw them our future alphas the twins looking very sexy standing by their car, they seem not to have friends these days but a few girls where hanging around them, I began to see red with jealousy but ignored them and made my way home by foot, I took the long way home as going through the road meant it left me to be tormented by Nina as she now made it a habit to trouble me along the road mostly trying to run me over with her car, so I entered the nearby woods and ran like hell as I had spotted some of her friends waiting for me there, before they could see me I took off and by the time they realized I was way ahead of them, peck of being bullied I was a fast runner, I also knew I couldn't go to the main road as I knew Nina would be waiting for me with her car. I could outrun her car but that would also expose I have a wolf, here in the woods at least they wouldn't realize how fast I was running. I got to the pack house and went straight to my chores a few minutes later l saw Nina's friends the ones who had waited for me in forest come in with annoyed looks on their faces
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