Chapter 7

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I was heading to the locker area to put back my books and after that, I will go to the library for my duty hours. My eyes were directed straight to the path walk, ignoring the stares of my schoolmates. Some are shamelessly talking and bad-mouthing me, while I'm right in front of them.  Early this morning, I've already conditioned myself to this kind of treatment from strangers. Not even an hour after I left our house, I've already received stares from random people then they would gossip with each other while looking at me. Some even threw disgusted and judgmental looks towards me.  I swear, if glares could kill, I would be lying cold on the floor right now.  Yesterday, Mina uploaded on her social media a video clip of devastated Sofia, slamming down on the floor's Cafe, with her paled looking and twitching cat that helplessly lays on her lap. The video ends with Sofia shouting at me and pulled my hair because of an accusation. According to the vet's diagnosis, her cat was poisoned. Probably because of the spilled cleaning detergent that was left unwiped on the floor. Fortunately, the cat was rushed to the nearest vet and survived.  Of course, since Mina is the one who uploaded the video, it spread like wildfire on a forest with trees not more than 5 ft apart from each other. It was the most viewed video not only in the country but it managed to cross worldwide. Tons of disgusted and negative comments were thrown onto me, such as: "Psycho Btch." "I can't believe humans can do this kind of inhuman act!" "How could a decent human being do that in nothing but a cute and friendly cat?" "Is she high or something?" "Her parents obviously didn't raise her right!" "She's probably done drugs." "If I were her parents, I would directly abandon her to a psychiatric ward." "I can't imagine having a daughter like her."   None of these dreadful comments affects me. Not because they aren't hurtful enough... but because I have things to do other than having a breakdown because of comments from strangers. I grew up independently. I'm used to being alone. Life taught me to always prioritize how to survive every day, and giving myself time to cry is nothing but a huge waste of energy. This is why up until now, I've managed to come this far because I believe that my priority is directed towards my goals and not the other way around. I have a work shift in the morning, classes in the afternoon, and duty hours in the early evening. This is where my energy should go. My energy is only enough for the things that contribute to my goals. I can't afford to waste it on others. I'm busy fixing my life. All by myself, I'm trying to support the foundation so that the building that I established won't collapse. And if I give myself a minute... or even just a second to alter my attention, it equates to getting off my hand on the building's support. If I do so, my dreams, my sacrifices, and hard work would all go to nothing.  I don't get easily struck by the daggers of negative energy that the world brings to my life not because I am immune to those... but because I have no choice other than continuously ignoring it.  Mina uploaded it with a caption, "People who act this way don't deserve to live."  I don't know what ends does Mina wants for posting it. She made a caption that strongly supports that I am the suspected behind that crime. Funny how they assumed that it is me who did that horrible thing. I know that I am innocent.  ******************* "I told you, I double-checked the area before I left. It was clean. there is no spilled cleaning deterg—" I was immediately cut off by Sofia. We are here at the Cafe. Her cat, Mimi, was already in a stable condition. After rushing Mimi to the vet and announced by the doctor that it is already safe, she hurriedly went back here to the cafe to continue accusing me. The party ended that way. The guests went home. Mr. Rodley kept on nagging me about how irresponsible I am as an employee. "Then why is there still a cleaning detergent left on the floor?! I saw Mimi lying behind it!" She shouted louder with a consistent accusing voice. Her eyes are bloodshot because of excessive crying.  I didn't answer. Not because I'm guilty but because I'm too exhausted to even lift my lips and force to force out air and voice out my defense. "If you took care and paid attention to your cat, this wouldn't have happened." To my surprise, Jason butted in. He was instantly hushed by Mr. Rodley who did nothing other than letting Sofia bully me. "And now it's my fault?!" "Of course, it is. Your friend spilled a milkshake, if that didn't happen, Sheina has not need to clean it up and the cleaning stuff shouldn't be used."  "Look how illogical you are! You have n-no idea how i-important Mimi is to m-me! She's my b-baby." Sofia answered back, sobbing. I stared at her. She's sobbing uncontrollably. I wanted to pat her back yet I know she won't let me.  "Illogical? If you brought a kid here and the kid started licking the cleaning detergent on the floor, would it be the staff's fault?" He paused and look at Sofia's reaction who is now dumbfounded. "See? If that's the case, it would be the guardian's fault for not paying enough attention to her kid." I stopped Jason. I know she's just upset about what happened to her cat and I don't want to add on it anymore.  I got Jason's point, but the thing is, I CLEANED IT PROPERLY. That's a fact. Or maybe I just have not seen it? But it's impossible to not be seen. When Mimi was rushed and everyone in the cafe already went out, the spilled detergent is very visible and it is in an open area. It is impossible for me to not notice it.  Disregarding the haywire thoughts in my head, I talk to Sofia. "Sofia, believe me, or not but I really did clean it properly. However, I still want to apologize to you and Mimi. I know I have a share of responsibility for what happened, I'm really sorry," I say with my utmost genuinity. She avoided her gazed at me and I saw her gulped. She blinks a couple of times and looked back at me, "I won't forgive you!" She said but that's not what her voice says. I know deep down, she accepted my apology, she just doesn't want me to know it. Before she completely stormed out of the cafe, I gave her a smile. A smile that shows that I understand her and I'm willing to wait until she accepts my apology.  ******************* "What happened!? Mind to fill me in!?" Rein hysterically screamed on the other end of the line. It's four in the morning when she called. She better be my alarm. She called me right after she saw my video went wild on the internet.  Actually, it was posted yesterday, late at night. Rein hasn't watched it because she was not with her phone. She have just watched the video this morning when she opened her social media accounts. She told me that it was the top gossip on the internet. I told her how I was slapped and how my hair got pulled non-stop by a fuming mad, Sofia. We talked it out. I told Rein that Sofia forgave me but "she's not that good at showing her emotions." Still, Rein was mad about what happened to me. Just like what a normal best friend does when their friend was in trouble, she spits things such as, "I will never forgive those b*tches!" and "How dare them to touch my best friend?!" Rein made me smile. I'm lucky that I have a best friend like her. Although sometimes, she acts as if she doesn't care, but I know her too well.  ******************* I was pulled out in the present time when I felt a pain in the dimples on my back. My books from the last class that I should be returning in my locker were now scattered on the floor. I clashed with someone. "Watch where you're going, psycho," I was stunned. I looked up and saw three boys, which are probably in a lower year than me.  The one in the middle, which is the tallest among the three of them, stepped on my book and kicked it backward. "Get up there and stop blocking our way, cat killer," he says. I glared at them. Not because I keep on ignoring their bully remarks and acts, it means that I'm willing to let them torment me whenever they like. I have my limitations too.  I stand up from the floor without removing my eyes on them. My fist is on a clench and when I was now ready to land my fist on his already distorted-looking face when the book that he kicked landed on the back of his head. The book fell right onto his feet. My eyes widened at the scene. I'm not sure if I'm going to laugh or sympathize with him.  His face turned red. His hands were scratching the back of his head where the book landed. The guy looked around to see who was behind it. "WHO DID THAT?!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. "I did. Got a problem with that, kiddo?" I and the bullies looked at Erick. On his black ripped jeans, white shirt, a black leather jacket, and a pair of shoes which has a big check as its signature brand, we saw him leaning sideways on the wall of lockers, putting all of his weight on his left foot. His usually smiley face was nowhere to be found. His lips were on a thin line. His eyes were dark. All I can see is his hawk-eye-like eyes, preying to the boys as if he is waiting for them to lower their guards before he attacks. He stands properly. He put both of his hands on the front pocket of his jeans and he lazily walks towards us. His back is facing me. He stopped right in front of the three boys, positioning his self between me and them. "Pick it up." I was shocked at how dark his voice is. This is the first time I heard it that way. It is not in its usual friendly voice. I looked up at him but in this position, I can only see one side of his face. His angled jaw moved as he gritted his teeth.  "Pick. It. Up." He said, stressing every word. I turned my face to the three boys who are now white as snow. They even made a step backward. From Erick's body build and height, he surely has an advantage compared to these boys. The boy with dyed brown hair picked the book and handed it to Erick. "Is that my book?" He says sarcastically. "Give it to her," he added as he moved his face slightly in my direction. He looked first to the boy beside him (the one who kicked my book) like he's asking for approval. The tallest guy just gave a nod. The boy glanced at me and hesitated at first, but when Erick made a step forward, he instantly lends the book to me. I accepted it, "t-thanks." "You have no other business here. Right?" Erick asked, but it doesn't really sound like a question. "Y-yes, we're actually on our w-way home." "Get lost." They made a couple of steps backward and run out of our sight. I let out a long sigh. "Thank you," I uttered as Erick turned into me. He is now facing me and just like a switch has turned on, the sides of his lips are now trying to reach his ears. His face lit up brightly, a complete opposite of what it was just a moment earlier. "Got you always!" He pinched my cheeks, forcing me to smile. I tap his hands to show that I am annoyed by what he is doing. He just chuckled and let go of me. I hugged my books tightly and scanned him from his toes up to his head. "Why aren't you wearing your uniform?" I asked when I realized that he isn't obeying the school's basic rules. "I didn't attend my class today. I was at my shoot. I just went here to give the principal my excuse letter and I suddenly saw you with those gangsters wannabe." I poted my lips to stop myself from smiling. What a hilarious name he gave! But wait, what? Shoot? Basketball shoot? Err—that doesn't sound right. "Shoot?" I asked again, mimicking the thought on my head. "Photoshoot. I am a rookie artist on a network station owned by Aivon's family." My lips formed in an "o" shape while I'm slowly nodding my head. So he's an artist. I tried to study his face and all I can say is, there's no wonder why a lot of girls like Ynna were head over heels for him. "Your scratch was already healed. Did you use the band-aid that I gave you?" I gave him a slow nod. I lean a bit backward as he advances towards me. He carefully touched the area on my forehead where I was hit by the ball during our first meet. His hands are so soft, and it feels very light. His face is too close to mine. I cannot even look straight into him because I think I would have a cross-eye. When he realizes how awkward our position is, he leans backward and fixed his stance. I heard him made a fake clearing of his throat. He bows down, directing his eyes on the floor. He scratches the back of his head then lowered his hand on his neck, letting it rest there. He tilts his head from left to right, as if he's trying to mend something that made him uncomfortable. We stayed silent for about a second since I am running out of ideas on how to continue this conversation. Should I tell him about his jacket? No no no! Sheina, that's not a good topic to pick after he helped you for the second time right? I bit my lower lip. But I think getting angry because of a single cloth is not like him? After all, he deserves to know about his jacket! Argh! My thoughts are once again fighting with each other, not capable of contemplating what to say. And as if heaven and earth heard my thoughts, my phone rings. I jumped a bit. Erick is still staring at me with a ghost of amusement on his face. I grab my phone out of my skirt's pocket. It was an alarm. I need to go to the library for my duty hours today. I think this is a good excuse to escape right? I mean, not totally an "excuse" because it's true tho.  "Uhm, I got to go to my school duty." "Duty where? Gymnasium?" Maybe he knows about my duty since we first met at the gym when I was hit by a ball. "No. My duty for today is in the library," I stated, giving him clarification. "Okay, I'll walk you there." He passed through me and started walking. "No! I'm fine. T-thanks again." I stuttered when I realized that the way I said "no" was a bit exaggerated. "Now that I saw what happened earlier? I won't let you walk alone now." He said as he faced me and walk backward while his hands are in his pockets.  He didn't let me answer him as he turned his back on me and bring himself towards the school library. I jog after him to keep up with his pace. I'd give up on persuading him that I am okay to go alone and let him do whatever he wants.  I distant myself from him, especially that some students notice that we are walking together. It's either I'm slowing down my walk or walking faster. Yet, Erick keeps on following my pace. If I walked slower, he will stop and wait for me. If I walk faster, he would run after me.  I don't want to give the students an impression that I am friends with Erick. After what happened to Sofia's cat, I don't want to create another number of people who would hate me.  When I've got a sight of the library's entrance, I already give my goodbye to him. "Alright then. Let me see you went off." He said and gave me a pat on the head. I giggled at his actions. He really is a gentleman, the complete opposite of his friend, Carrdoga— Aivon. I walk towards the glass door of the library but before I entered, I turn into him. He was still standing on where I left him, waiting for me to go inside. "Erick!" I called him with a voice louder than usual. "I just want you to know..." his stance shifted from being bored to attentive, "I ruined your jacket... accidentally. I swear, I didn't intentionally--" I was cut off by his sudden burst of laughter. I looked at the glass wall from the outside of the library and grateful that none of the students were distracted. "Is that why you keep on lowering your head and trying to avoid me whenever we cross paths?" He asked while still laughing in between his words. It's not a question. It was a statement. I pouted my lips when I realized that I don't have any rebuttals. He closed the distance between us and pinched my cheeks. I uttered an "Aww" since it was harder than what he did earlier. "Don't try to avoid me again just because of that stupid jacket," he said in a threatening tone. But it's not actually threatening. I didn't have the chance to answer him as he already turned his back and went out of my sight. I stared for a minute to nothingness when I finally decided to go inside. I went straight to the admin to let them know that I am already here. I started doing my job. I arranged the used books back on its shelf. The library has a number of students today, unlike the past weeks. Probably because the exams are coming.  While I am busy putting back the books on one of the shelves, I heard a continuous tug from behind. I turned and saw the scattered books on the floor that I recently organized. A slender girl with black straight hair and full bangs is smirking at me.  She crossed her arms over her chest, "oops, sorry!" She said in a not-so-sorry voice. I stared coldly at her. This day was filled with a lot of bullying from strangers and I'm tired of fighting back with their childish acts.  I bend down and pick the books.  Bend. Up. Bend. Up. Bend. Up. Ben— I was stopped by a foot who stomped on the book I was picking up. I looked up and saw Aivon, with his usually dark aura, staring straight at the girl. I turned to the long-haired girl and saw how her face softened. Like a wild lion that was being tamed by its owner. It was pretty hard being in this position so I stand up. I left the book on the ground, still being trampled by Aivon's foot. Poor book, so I thought. I read the title of the book, 'Introduction to Basic Calculus'. Okay Aivon, continue what you are doing. Add your other foot if possible. "You..." he said while throwing his infamous stare at the girl, "Fix this yourself." He slightly kicked the book and it stopped right behind her feet. He advances and tapped his foot on the book. What's with the book kicking today? Is this the new trend I wasn't aware of? No Sheina, your video "attempting to murder" a cat is the trend. That starts all this book kicking, book throwing, glares, and bullying. "B-but, it's h-her job, r-right?"  "She's right," I say as I pick the book on his foot. He didn't let go of it so I pulled it with force. "It's okay, you can go now," I said to the girl. She immediately turns her back and runs out of the library. I continue picking up the remaining books. Aivon helped me pick them up. I ignored him. "I wasn't aware you're this naive. She intentionally did it." "Obviously." His silence made me look at him. His head moves cockily in the side. I saw how he pushed his left cheek with his tongue from the inside. Seems like he wants to say something but he's stopping himself. He didn't say anything. He's just here, giving me cold stares. I raised an eyebrow. You want to have a staring contest? Fine, bring it on! I gave him the same cold stares. I looked directly at the pupil in his eye. Before, I thought it was black. But looking at him at this distance and focusing on his eye, I realized that it has a shade of gray.  I didn't let go of my stare. Instead, I put in a more aggressive stance while telling myself that I need to win this contest! The more I looked into his eyes, the more it tempts me to close mine. It was like I was being pulled into an abyss. F him! Why does this staring contest seem so easy to him? I felt my phone buzzed in my pocket that destruct me from our contest. It made my eyes blinked. I saw the side of his lips went upward. "My phone beeped," I said, informing him that I got distracted and he didn't win because of his skills on not blinking for more than two minutes! I checked my phone and opened the message from Mr. Rodley. 'Sheina, you've been a hardworking staff. I would like to thank you for that service but with all of these ongoing issues about you, I have no other choice but to fire you. I'll give you your last salary. I'm sorry.' My eyes widened. No, I can't lose my job! Not when I'm still financing my studies. Not when I need to pay half of our apartment's rent. "No!" I screamed to myself. After reading the message. I still haven't forgotten that I am in the library with Aivon who did nothing other than staring at my devastated face, so I tried to weaken my voice. "I can't lose my job!" I whispered to myself, hoping that voicing it out would change Mr. Rodley's decision. ----- Tamed by You by: Joanne Cristel ©2021  
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