Chapter 8

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The clashing of breakable utensils was heard in our small apartment when I carelessly pull out from a cabinet a plate that is not placed in order. I wonder if I broke some of it? I don't care. I'm too tired to care at all. I placed the two slices of loaf bread (which is already a day beyond its expiration date), on my plate and went to the fridge to get a sandwich spread. I tossed it down on our small table. One of the bread almost fell off the plate. I sat down and lazily scooped a cheese spread on a nearly empty jar and spread it to my bread.  "What are we going to do now? Huh?!" My aunt Magenta is still not done lecturing me about being fired. She tapped out a cigarette in its box. She put it on her mouth, lit it up, and puff out the smoke. I heard her let out a harsh sigh. "We will still split the bills. I'll find another job," I said as I bite on my sandwich. Honestly, I don't know if I'll find a better replacement for my work. My job at the Quick and Grab Cafe is the best I option I can have as a working student. I scrolled down my phone all night searching for a job that is suitable for me and my schedule. But, I found none. I even contact Angelica if she knew an establishment or a job offer that I can work for. And just like what I expected, a girl like her has no idea about this kind of stuff. Who would care about job offers when you live a life wherein you don't need to worry about being fired and financing your studies? I tried asking Rein if I can work on their car wash shop. Well, I just received her explanation on why even her cannot work on their own business. Her father says that he can't let his one and the only daughter work in a workplace that may potentially be "harmful" for her. Her father claims that it is "harmful" in such a way that most customers are men. And her father is afraid that she may be sexually harassed during her work. She explained this to me a couple of times every time I asked her why she's working in the cafe and not on their car wash. And every time I heard this explanation, I found it absurd. Although I understand that her dad is just overprotective of her, still, I don't see any reason why doing a car wash is harmful to girls. Isn't this supporting the idea that men are predators in nature? That they were driven by their instincts? That, girls, should always be sensitive about their actions so that it wouldn't bring men to cause sin, instead of actually teaching boys not to commit a sinful act? There's nothing wrong with car washing! If men see it as an opportunity to sexualize and harass women, then that is what made it wrong! "And what job can you find that doesn't conflict with your school schedule?" Magenta raised an eyebrow. "Let me handle this," I answered and gave her an eye roll.  If I know, she doesn't really care about my studies. All she thinks is if I weren't able to find a job, she will shoulder the expenses alone. And that makes her fret. "If you won't be able to find a job, I will surely run to your parents to interrupt their worry-free life and I won't stop bothering them until they helped us with the bills!" "Go on. You'll just waste your time." Even my aunt knows how "peaceful" the life of my parents is. And I don't care about it. I'm actually glad they live a happy life even after they abandoned their responsibility to me as my parents. No pun intended. "Why can't you just go back to that cafe and beg your boss?!" Oh, trust me, I did.   ******************* After receiving the text, I rushed to the cafe to talk to Mr. Rodley. Luckily, my duty hours were done at the time I read his message.  "Why did you fire me? I told you that it wasn't my fault!" I said as I entered the cafe and found him inside the kitchen. "Lower down your voice, Sheina. We have customers!" He answered, disregarding the reason why I'm throwing a fist here. "Mr. Rodley, I swear. I didn't try to poison Sofia's cat!" I spit out the sentence with a desperate voice. "I know you too well Sheina, and I know that you wouldn't do such a thing..." I waited for him to finish, "but, the people don't know you. They believe it was you and they want you out of my cafe. They even threatened to boycott my business if I won't fire you." My small string of hope was cut when I heard the finality of his voice. Of course, he also needs money. He's no different than me. We are both struggling to finance our life. I went home after receiving my last salary for being officially fired. Exhausted and hopeless. That is what I felt when I throw myself in my not-so-comfortable bed.  ******************* I stand from my seat after finish eating my sandwich. I went upstairs to get ready for school. It's already eleven in the morning. I got up at nine. This is the first time for a long time I experienced getting up this late. It feels good tho... if I won't have to worry about where to find another job. After taking a bath, I changed into my school uniform. I looked into my reflection in the mirror. My eyes look tantalizing, it appears watery whenever the light hits it. Since I still got time, I dolled up myself. I brushed my long black hair and I sneak out to my aunt's room to borrow her hair iron. I ironed my hair until its flat straight. I didn't have a hard time doing it since my hair is naturally straight. I made a small braid from each side of my head and left some baby hair as bangs. I hold the two braids from each side and tied them at the back of my head. I put a reddish lip gloss on my lips and made three dots of tint to both of my cheeks. I made a "p" sound just so my gloss would be evenly spread. I put some powder on my face for the final touch and curled my lashes. I looked onto my reflection in the mirror. This is a perfect no make-up make-up look! When satisfied, I grab my backpack and go straight out of the house.   ******************* I entered our room exactly the same time when our teacher enters from the other door. I saw Rein looked at me and mouthed, "You look gorg!" while she taps on her lips and cheeks, indicating the gloss that I wear. I just gave her a wink and we both chuckled at what I did.  I sat in my seat and our teacher started discussing. I listen attentively for the whole class hours and took down notes. Five hours passed and I finally heard the most awaited sound of every student, including me, every day. The ring of the bell!  "Don't forget the essay that is due next meeting! I won't be allowing late submissions!" I gathered my things while our teacher is continuously reminding our class.  Rein went to me and gave me a light slap on my shoulder. I looked at her and she gave me a wide smile. I faced her with a confusing look. What's with her smile? "Sooo..." She dramatically started. "What's with your look today? I think this is the first time that I saw you put something on your face!" She sat on the vacant chair in front of me and put her arms on the table. She let her elbow do the support, and then she rested her chin on her palm. "I just want to dolled up a bit. I woke up early than I should be because I forgot I was fired then boom, I thought of putting on some make-up." I said it while I did a motion that something "erupted" with my hand. The students were all out of the room and it's only me and Rein left. I hooked the strap of my back on my shoulder and motioned her that we should get off now. I have a duty in the gymnasium today and as far as I know, she will go home already because Mrs. Alcantara is still not feeling well. "We're best friends right?" I gave her a duh look. Of course, we are! I know her every secret than any other human being she interacts with.  "You want to say something, Ms. Rein Alcantara?" I asked since I noticed her glances and smiles earlier in the class. Seems like she's teasing me or something. "What about YOU say something to me, Ms. Sheina Yvette Villera?" She said while letting her eyebrows dance in an up and down motion. I furrowed my forehead. I don't know what strings does Reina wants to pull off of me, because I really have no idea what she's trying to ask. She gave me a defeated sigh. "There are rumors that you and Erick Trevon are... something." She says as she dabs her fingers on my sides. I really have a low tolerance for tickles and her acts made me giggle. She teased me louder. "You didn't even say to me that you guys are talking!" She added in a fake disappointed voice.  The tickles stopped, giving me time to explain. "Nothing's going on between us two," I said, still trying to catch my breath.  "Then what about this gossip that he "saved" you from the bully eighth-graders last time?" I really don't like her tone of insisting that something's going on between Erick and me.  "Well, he saw me being bullied by the three boys. Isn't it normal to stand up for someone being terrorized?" Even Aivon saved me from that girl. That's a normal thing to do, right? Does this show that the world is dominated by rude and inhuman acts that being "good" becomes so special? Rein burst out laughing, "Seriously, you used the term 'terrorized'. Is it that bad?" I didn't tell her about me being pushed at the pool by Mina. I didn't talk about it to anyone for I don't want it to be a big deal. Although, it is a big deal. I drowned. I was nearly killed! "Fine, I won't tease you to Erick anymore." I sighed in relief when I saw her hook her bag and stand on her seat. "Just make sure that... YOU GOT TO TELL ME EVERYTHING, OKAY?!" She shouts the last line in my ear. She runs outside of the room and didn't even say goodbye.  That hurts as H! I tried inserting a finger and scratch it. It doesn't really hurt, I think my ears were just shocked after receiving that kind of loud sound. I went to the CR to fix myself before I go to the gymnasium for my duty hours. I retouched my lip gloss on the lips and the cheeks. Just when I am putting on some powder, I felt the need to release some water inside of me. Since class hours are already up about twenty minutes ago, I think it is okay to leave my bag here in the sink while I pee inside of a cubicle. After all, there's nothing worth stealing from my things. I followed what my mind said and take a pee inside on one of the cubicles. While I'm in the midst of releasing a hot fluid from my insides, I heard some footsteps coming inside the comfort room. "So she's playing with the two of them?" "Obviously! Erick saved her from bullies." "It's true, my sister is in her eighth grade. It was her classmate that bullied Sheina, She said someone made them do it." "And Aivon tried to stop me from picking on her! I was really embarrassed!" "What a flirt." My eyebrow raised up. Why am I the talk of the town these days? And why does my name links to these famous people in school? My school life has been peaceful these past years! What happened now? What kind of karma is this?! I slammed the door open and I heard all of them squealed. I saw the slender girl that I've met in the library. They are all looking at me. I ignored them and went directly to the sink. I pressed down the faucet with my palms and washed my hand. I didn't use the hand dryer to dry my hands out rather, I shake my hand aggressively to remove the wetness. I heard them complain. "What the-- don't you have any manners?!" Said one of the girls. I turned to her, "Talk to me when you have one," I said and wiped my hands on the sleeves of her uniform. I let them face my back and I storm out of the comfort room. I smiled devilishly. 'Ha! Serves them right!' I have a lot of energy today, they picked the wrong day to bully me! I don't need Erick or Aivon or whoever would save me from all of them.  I don't know where this energy came from. Maybe because I was already fired and I don' need to wake up at four in the morning just to get ready for work. I went straight to the gymnasium to start my duty hours. When I entered the huge room, I don't see any reason to clean it up. I think the janitor already cleaned it earlier. Still, I need to abide by the rules and I need to complete a two-hour session for this. I roam around to search for any dirt.  I haven't seen Ynna for a while. The last time we talked, she said she will be transferred to the registrar's office. I remember that she threw a tantrum because of that.  When I realized that there's nothing to clean here, I decided to throw the garbage bag on the dumping ground of the school. I went to the only trash bin here at the gymnasium. When I peaked the inside of the garbage bag, I saw that it was also empty. The cleaners cleaned it all, what am I gonna do here now? I laid down on the floor, contemplating what I would do next. The cold cement quickly felt by my back. Although I am aware that this may give me colds and cough yet, at this moment, it provided me comfort. I am planning to stay at this for a few minutes when my peripheral vision caught crumpled papers just below the bench near me. I stand up and walk towards it. I was about to throw it when I saw another crumpled paper on the bench... and another one... and another one. I think I didn't see them earlier because it was covered by the bench. I pick all of them. I got curious about what was written since it is very often that a crumpled paper is seen here in the gymnasium. Most of the time, it is an empty bottle of water and wrappers of snacks. My eyes widened on what was written on the paper.   WE ARE HIRING! Part-Timer Positions: Assistant/Staff Preferable: Students Work shift: Weekends only Send us your resume at Arthur Kingston Corporation establishment   I jump while throwing my fist in the air because of happiness. "Yes!" I uttered. I threw the other crumpled paper in the trash bin and kept one copy in my bag. I just wish that I would be hired on this. I swear to heaven and earth, if I got this job, I will start believing in Him. Maybe the excitement got me to think of that, but who cares? This is the first time that something good came into my life without exerting any effort. I quickly pick my bag and rush out to our apartment.   *******************  My legs quivered as I looked up at the 70 feet building in front of me. I motioned my right hand at the side of my face to shield myself from the striking heat of the afternoon sun. My left hand carefully hugged the folder that contains my newly printed resume. It took me a day before I made up my mind and polished my curriculum vitae. I made out a deep sigh before entering the building. I went straight to the reception area and ask where should I send my resume for I was planning to apply for the job. She looks at me from head to toe and gave me a fake smile. "Hand me your resume, please." I do what she told me. After giving her my folder, she tossed it aside. She didn't even dare to look at what I have written. "Thank you, we will get back to you." She once again gave me a smile... a fake one. She didn’t remove her eyes on me until I answered her. “T-thanks. I’ll wait f-for your r-response.” I turn around and ready to leave the building. This is why I don’t want to get too happy and too excited. I think whenever I do so, I attract negative energy. Even she didn’t say it right to my face, it was too easy to read that they (or in that case, “she”) don’t want to hire me. What are their qualifications? It says in the poster that you just need to be hardworking and flexible. Well, I am both! I used to work several part-times before! I am walking towards the exit door with my shoulders slumped, slowly losing hope every time I step away from the establishment. My steps are slow and heavy. My problems went back to me, letting me realize that I need to find a job as soon as possible if I still want to continue my studies. I was shocked when I felt a rough hand that pulled me back like a spiral spring. I bumped my face on the chest of a man who’s 5’11 tall. I looked up with my furrowed brows and saw his usual bored eyes. What is he doing here? Before I can even ask him, he dragged me back to the receptionist. I saw the girl that I talked with earlier made her jaw drop and eyes wide. When we stopped in front of her, Aivon let go of my hand. He lends his hand to the receptionist’s desk like he’s asking for something. The girl didn’t understand what he meant and gave him a nervous chuckle. “G-good afternoon Sir Aivon! I-W-we are not a-aware that you’ll v-visit t-today. We d-didn’t receive any n-notice from y-you.” “Give me her resume,” he said firmly, ignoring what she says. The girl handed him my folder with a quivering hand. “H-here, sir…” “What floor is the interview area?” He asked coldly. “J-just in the f-fifth flo—” He didn’t even let the girl finished talking. He once again grabbed my hand and dragged me inside the elevator. Some employees greeted him. I saw how others eyed us curiously. Wondering who I was and why an Aivon Kale Carrdon is with me. He ignored all of them and just walk forward. I am not comfortable with people looking at us so I bowed my head and used my free hand to cover my face. When we finally entered the elevator, he let go of my hand, pressed the 5th button, and put his hands back in his pocket. “What are you doing here?” I eyed him. I notice that he’s wearing black slacks with a belt and tucked-in white long sleeves that were folded up to his elbow. He looks like he’s already in his 20s. Maybe because I’ve always seen him wearing our school uniform and his sports outfit and seeing him wearing formal attire is new to me. “Helping you to get an interview.” My jaw dropped at what he said. -----  Tamed by You by: Joanne Cristel ©2021          
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