Chapter 6

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The rain is pouring. Its droplets violently knocking at the roof of the shed where I am standing. I hate it. I hate the sound of the rain, especially the growling of thunder. I hate how dark and gloomy it gets when the clouds were tempting to spat out beads of water after the process of condensation. I hate the harsh slap of the angry wind on my face as I struggle to collect the strands of my hair to put them out of my line of sight.  The rain. The thunder. The wind. I hate everything that is uncontrollable.  I want things to always be followed according to what I planned. But then, life wasn't designed like that. The most stereotypical thing we know about life is that it is full of surprises, which are actually in accordance with reality. No matter how you accurately planned things are, it still doesn't guarantee that they won't be messed up. Things that are unruly tend to bring chaos. Being in a world that was made of many unprepossessing phenomena, I still have no idea how to handle its inevitability. And in this case, the last option that I have is to wish for serendipity to happen.    I am at the front door of the school's swimming pool area, waiting for the shiny white Ford Mustang to pull over in front of me. He stopped at where am I and opened the door at the passenger seat. I quickly hopped inside his car, trying to decrease the possibility of getting wet. I closed the door, put my backpack on my lap, and sighed. Aivon maneuvers the gear and started driving. The silence between us added to the coldness brought by the rain. Inside his car, the sound of the raindrops faded-- it now sounds like the buzzing of angry flies. "Where should I drop you off?" He asked, breaking the silence. I looked at him before answering his question. This is the first time I saw him at this distance. Even in the interview, I haven't seen him this close.  Unconsciously, I studied his features. Fair skin, damp messy black hair, pointed nose, his sharped and in its usual unfriendly looking eyes that are now focusing on the road, and... you know, I don't want to praise boys like him but... well, this is all just in my head. It's not like he would hear my thoughts saying 'I've been thankful for all the creatures on earth that I am seating on this side of the car' wherein, I cannot think of other things aside from his sharp jawline and his pinkish lips that are a bit parted.  My eyes crawled down a little bit and stopped on a small lump on his throat that every boy has. It moved sexyl-- slowly, in an up and down motion. I was enticed on it that I almost forgot to answer him when his voice suddenly swam out of his mouth. "Done checking me out?" He cockily said. I was nearly choked by my own saliva. I blink a couple of times and glued my eyes back on the rainy road. "You can drop me off at the bus stop," I answered, ignoring his mockery.  "Is the bus stop your house?" If it ain't obvious, that's not a question.  I sneered at his sarcasm. I wonder if we would have a single normal conversation tonight. "Just drop me there, I will take the bus." "It's eight on the evening."  I raised a brow at his answer. I looked at him and cross my arms on my chest. I want to spit out the two-letter word 'so' but I didn't. I think it sounds very rude. I'm at his car and he helped me throughout the night, so yeah. Let me try to make a decent conversation with him.  "I can take care of myself," I said as I saw that we are getting near the bus stop. I unbuckled my seatbelt to show him that I'm firm on what I said. "Pull over," I say, persuading him to stop. Rather, he stepped on the gas and passed the bus stop. I let out a harsh sigh because of what he did.  "Not because you're used on going home at eleven in the evening, I would let you. You hoped in my car, you're my responsibility," he says while his eyes still on the road. "How did you know about that?" My brows furrowed, I asked with an accusing tone. Last summer, I used to work from seven to eleven in the evening at the public library near the town. How come he knew about it? Is he a stalker or something? "And FYI, I didn't get into your car voluntarily, you insisted!" "The rain's getting heavier. It would be much better if I'll take you--" He ignored my question and my sentiment and it was pretty obvious that he wants to change the topic. "It would be much better if you respected my decision!" I said, cutting him off. To my surprise, he pulled over. I was stunned for a second.  I heard his soft sigh, "Fine."  He did a U-turn and stopped exactly at the front of the shed wherein if I went off, I won't be wet by the rain. I looked back at him, trying to read his actions, and again, I didn't get any.  I still can't believe that he listened to what I said. He was known as rude and cold. I've never imagined him taking commands from me, nor having a conversation with him. Or maybe he was just annoyed at how loud I am inside his small yet luxurious car that he didn't even bother to argue with me and wanted me out of his space as soon as possible. "You didn't answer my question," I am still intrigued by how he gathered that information. Did he make a background check before he gave me a ride? Does he think I'm kind of a serial killer and he imagined that I would slit his throat whenever I got a chance? "If that bus went off, I'll take you directly to your house," he said, pointing at the bus which is currently waiting for some passengers. Without a word, I grab my bag, pulled the door handle, and I get out of his car. ******************* Two weeks had passed and uncommonly, I've always bumped with Erick and Aivon. It seems like the universe becomes small-- forcing our world to frequently collide with each other. I stopped calling Aivon, 'Carrdogant' just about a week ago after I contemplated and take into consideration the help he provided.  Fortunately, Erick never raised his concern about the whereabouts of his jacket every time we unexpectedly have a sight of each other inside the campus. It's always been a series of high fives and 'your smile fits you perfectly', 'what made you looks gloomy? It doesn't suit you', 'hope to see you again tomorrow', and many cliche phrases that I receive from him.  I don't know why I still don't want to give his jacket back. Not that it will be 'fix' if I let it stay a little longer in my closet. And now, the thought made me guilty.  Aivon used to be in the library often. However, he ain't studying nor doing any academic-related stuff. It's either he's always on his phone or napping while his headphone's on.  After our small interaction that day, aside from receiving cold glances from him every time we cross paths, we didn't talk much. We didn't talk at all. He's the complete opposite of Erick. I wonder how they become close, given their personality? Does the opposite really attract? Today is Saturday and I have an eight-hour work shift in the cafe. During weekdays, I got four hours shift and eight hours on Saturday. Sunday, just like other people, is my rest day. Tiring as it seems, I have no choice but to live by it. Trying to survive, day by day. My work starts at nine in the morning and ends at five. Mr. Rodley gave us a heads up yesterday that the cafe will be close to the public. Someone booked the whole cafe and we will be having a birthday party... for a cat. It's cute tho. Throwing an exclusive party for a cat. What will we serve then? Fishbones? ******************* It's already eight in the morning and I'm done preparing. I went out of my room only to be welcomed by my aunt whose smoking right inside our living room.  "I told your parents that the rent increased. They both said they can't provide for it." I wasn't even surprised. It's always been like this. Half of my salary goes to our apartment, especially if my aunt spent every cent of her salary on unnecessary things such as clothes, make-ups, and tons of fake designer bags. "Your mom has a trip to god-knows-where with her boyfriend of the month and she doesn't want to look like someone who has no money," she added frankly. "And your dad says he can't lend us money because his wife would get angry, and he started spitting awful excuses such as 'I'm saving for our house' and 'our everyday needs is my top priority' shits." Smoke from her cigarette keeps mixing in the air of our tiny apartment. I swayed my hand in a fan motion, trying to subdue the smoke. I don't want to die from lung cancer.  "Then let's split the bill," I said as I try to inhale air as little as I can. I didn't even think about what my dad replied. It is obvious that I am NOT his priority. Of course, he has now a happy family that he always wanted. While my mom playing her life like she's eighteen-- going out on several dates, not minding her duties to me.  Actually, for me, this is better. I don't want to associate with my parents anymore and I don't want to feel indebt towards them. So, yeah... this is better. It would be hard, given the situation. But life was always been like that... never been easy. She was about to argue about the splitting of bills but I hurriedly bid goodbye by just the "I gotta go" line, and then went straight to work. I just wish the smell of the cigarette didn't stick onto my clothes. ******************* I got here on time. Jason, Rein, Mr. Rodley, and other staff are busy decorating the whole cafe when I came in.  There are cut-outs of cat face hanging on the ceiling and a banner glued at the center wall of the cafe with writing: "Happy Birthday, Mimi!" Mimi. That's what I call my mom when I was still a child who prefer using the vowel 'i' rather than 'a'. My short reminiscence was cut off when I heard the wind chime. A sign that someone entered the Cafe. "Party starts at one. I want this to be perfect for my little baby, okay?" Sofia, one of Mina's minions,-- well, I called them that before and I'm slightly getting used to it-- entered the cafe while carrying her white furry cat that looks like a snowball. "No problem! All our perfect!" Mr. Rodley, while adjusting the banner when it is already perfectly aligned. Sofia browsed the cafe with her eyes which are perfectly winged with eyeliner and fake eyelashes. She stopped when she saw me. She didn't say a word but she did raise her eyebrow at me. I guess she already knew that I am working here since, aside from the uniform that I am wearing, our first meet was here. Tho, I don't know if they considered that our first meet since they barely looked at me when they dined here. "I have no idea that she's the one who booked here," Rein whispered at me. I jump a bit. I didn't even notice that she was already right beside me! "I thought you ain't going today?" "Change of plans. I'll do half-day." Rein said yesterday that she will be absent today because her mother is not feeling well. Her father and both of his brothers were busy with their carwash business. "Mom says she can handle herself and forced me to go here. I'm not convinced but I still obeyed her. I'll just make excuses later why I went home earlier than usual." I smiled at myself. This is why I love Rein. She treasures her family so much. Something I am jealous about. I want to treasure my family too. But it is just hard for me when I don't even know what being treasured feels like.    Time quickly passed by and Sofia, with other guests, started filling up the cafe. With their 5-inch heels, tube top, and top with a classy blazer, I saw Mina and Ara entered and occupied the center table. They both have matching clothes, only that Mina wears a red blazer and slacks, while Ara wears pink. Sofia greeted them and I heard her muttered, "why haven't you warned me that the both of you will be matchy-matchy today?" She said displaying a fake disappointment. I heard their muffled laughs. Mr. Rodley motioned us to serve the food and so we did. The party started. Rein already bid goodbye and left us with this weird but, well... not gonna lie, it's a cute party. I called it weird because Mimi, the cat, is the celebrant yet, he or she (I don't know what gender this cute cat prefers) was put in the center of the cafe, behind her owner's table, in a small chair-like bed, wearing a small crown, red ribbon wrapped on its neck, and a red cape that covers most of his/her fluffy back, and the thing is... Mimi was totally being ignored. It seems like the sole existence of this cat is to be a display... all for aesthetics. Moreover, the way I view this, this "birthday party" is just an excuse for Sofia's friends to gather. Mimi's owner, Sofia, was busy chatting with the guests while Mina is holding her sparkly pink tripod with a camera attached to it. Probably doing a vlog.  Last week, she trends on the internet for her "Eat me or Drink me" vlog. It was taken at a house party wherein she will pick a random boy and asks him questions like "What's my bra size", "Color of my underwear that I am wearing tonight", "What are my kinks in bed", and other naughty stuff that normal eighteen-year-old teens enjoy talking about. If the participant guessed it right, he will choose between 'eat me' or 'drink me'. If they get to choose 'eat me', they are allowed to put hickeys on her, and 'drink me' typically means body shot. If the guy didn't get the answer right, then Mina's the one who's gonna choose. It was the talk not just on social media but also at school. Mina received lots of malicious stares from boys compared to before. I mean, SHE DID had received a lot of stares, but after that day, the stares doubled. Her popularity rise and almost all students in our school want to be 'friends' with her. Tho, I don't trust the friend part. One time, I overheard girls in the comfort room bad-mouthing her yet keeps on following Mina's beauty vlogs while putting on their make-up. Some boys even called her a 'sexy slut' but none pointed it out. All of them think that it is a compliment. Where in fact, it is a misogynist act. It's funny that the more you get famous, the fewer friends you have. I'm just aware that some of them are users. probably taking advantage of Mina's popularity and hoping that befriending her would also make them popular. Plus, in this modern world of ours, who wouldn't want a popular friend? The whole cafe is busy. Some are engaged in chatting, some are busy with their food, and others keep on trying to interact with Mina, hoping they would be friends with her. I was continuously serving the guests some snacks when Ara dramatically scream. I looked up at the commotion she made and saw that her chocolate frappe spilled on the floor. "Ohh my!" The guests curiously peek at what happened and when they saw that it is just a spilled milkshake, they all went back to their business. Ara is already looking at me with a fake innocent smile on her face, obviously saying sorry-but-I-mean-it look. I walk towards them to completely see how messy it was. It was scattered from the leather sofa seat, down to the floor.  "It's sticky in here," Mina said, even she was not touched by a single drop of it. "Gosh! Clean it up already!" Sofia said as she flips her hair on me, showing her annoyance. Mr. Rodley and Jason are busy in the kitchen, not aware of what's happening here. I don't want to make this a big deal, even it was pretty obvious that the "accident" was intentional. From my line of work, I had encountered a lot of toxic customers before. I'm used to this. I bit my lower lip to control my emotions.  Sheina, it is not worth the fight.  Not worth the fight.  Not worth the fight. Not. Worth. The. Fight. I let out a heavy sigh and picked up the plastic cup on the floor. I got up and went to the staff room to get some cleaning materials. I came back with a towel and a mop on my right hand, and a basin with a mix of water and cleaning detergent on the other. The guest went back to their own business, but Mina and her minio-- friends, kept looking at me like they are waiting for me to make a wrong move so they'll have a chance to humiliate me or shout things like 'i***t', 'stupid', and other degrading words that you can think of. Mina started turning her camera on and faced it to her. She keeps on taking selfies and putting me in her background while I'm cleaning the mess. Sofia carried her cat and put it in her lap. The three of them took a number of pictures.  Poor Mimi. I bet if that cat can talk, it would probably say, "put me down and let me have a nap! I didn't ask for this party, Sofia." I've just known that cats are kind of introverted types of animal and gets quickly annoyed.  I don't know if Mina is aware that I got captured in their picture as well, or maybe she doesn't really care about my existence because I am too annoying, or maybe she'll realize it later on and delete their pics or maybe she purposely did it. Whatever her reasons, I. Don't. Care. I'm doing my job here trying to make money. I don't want to think about what others were thinking.  As I finish cleaning the seat and the floor, I pick the mop and the towel to put it back in the staff room. I left first the basin and the dirty water on the floor. I can't take the risk of spilling it over while trying to carry it with one hand. I went back to pick it up. I made one last look at the area just to be sure that I get it cleaned. It is clean. I am organizing the stuff that I used for cleaning when I heard a commotion in the party area. I hurriedly went out of the room. I was welcomed by Sofia who's sitting on the floor, surrounded by the guests, panicking and repeatedly screaming "we should take her to the vet" while carrying her cat which is twitching.  People started murmuring and tried calming Sofia down. I was stunned for a second, trying to absorb the current happenings. Just when I snapped back to reality, I went to Sofia and tried to help her stand. "You need to go to the nearest ve--" I was cut off and I felt a sudden heat on my left cheek. Instinctively, I put my hand on my cheek, trying to mend the pain made by Sofia's slap. I looked back at Sofia. With accusing eyes, she glared at me. "WHY DID YOU POISONED MY CAT?!" My eyes widened. Before I can even defend myself, she grabbed my hair and pulled it like crazy. Some of her guests tried to stop me, and others like Mina started holding their phone with the camera on.  ----- Tamed by You by: Joanne Cristel ©2021
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