Chapter Seven

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In a brazen move, a figure completely covered in dark-colored fur places another figure among some stacked lumber at a new construction site. And hastily escapes. Leaving behind imprints in the soft ground and a small clump of fur. For security purposes, the construction site contains IR cameras set up at various locations. The furry figure most likely has been recorded. ******** At the Police station, Mitch and Hanna arrive early in order to talk to Chief Edwards privately, concerning the mysteriously corroded cooler. As they approached his office door, Mitch and Hanna could hear a loud heated dispute between Chief Edwards and Mayor Joanna Wilkinson aka “Jabberwocky”. “Don't tell me how to do my job, Edwards! The Council and I both did what we believed was and is best for this city,” the Mayor hissed. “And both your decision concerning The Roundhouse has done nothing but bring pain and misery to people. Let's not forget the strained budget that my department has to juggle. Crime goes up and our budget goes down. How can my officers do their job effectively if they don't have the fundamental resources to work with?” Chief Edwards argued back. Mitch knocks on the door. “Come in,” both of them say in unison. “That's not my problem,” continued the mayor. “You figure it out.” Hanna peeked her head through the doorway. “Unc—I mean, Chief Edwards, sir?” “Miss Grimm, it's good to see you. Come in and sit down, please. It's okay,” Chief Edwards told her reassuringly. Hanna steps through the door with Mitch following closely behind. The Chief gives him a quick look over. Nice-looking lad. “Miss Grimm, I was only expecting you, Dr. Jacobson, and a Dr. Abernathy a vet. I still don't understand why a veterinarian needs to be here,” complained the Mayor in a condescending tone. “And you are?” Chief Edwards asked directed at the unknown man in his presence. “Oh, my name is Mitchell Owens. I work with Miss Grimm at the University,” he explained. Micah here, I suppose I need to interject here and formally introduce you to both Chief Fenton Edwards and our (cough) lovely Mayor Joanna Wilkinson. First the Chief. Chief Fenton Edwards is in his mid to late fifties. He's been the Chief of Police since I've been hired by the city. He has graying light brown hair. He's barrel-chested. Too much desk work, not enough leg work. He stands pretty tall at just around six feet. He has a daughter—although I can't recall her name at this time. I must've zoned out for that. Oops, sorry. Anyhow, Fenton Edwards lost his mate. Wait, he's a human. They're called a wife. He lost his wife sometime back. It's been a rough go for him, especially when his daughter was away at college. But she is back home and is the owner of a bar—the Broken Badger. All the off-duty officers pay a visit to it. But, back to the Chief. I absolutely love working for the guy in all sincere honesty. We all just wish the Mayor would lay off of him and let him and us do our jobs. If he was a wolf, he would be the best damn Gamma any Alpha would like to have at his side. Yeah, I guess I'm missing living in a pack. So, let's meet the Mayor. Joanna Wilkinson, hmm, how can I put this. Let's see, if Cassidy is “Barbie”, then the Mayor would be “Skipper.” She's on the short side, standing at just above five feet. Although Cass and the Mayor share no familial relationship. Ms. Wilkinson does have long blonde hair that she keeps professionally tied back in a...a french twist, I think it's called. She has steely gray eyes. She is in her mid to late forties, but one shouldn't ask a woman's age. It's impolite. Unfortunately, she gets her kicks from treating all those who work under her authority with contempt and disdain—almost sadistic. But put her in front of the camera, and she acts like a sickly sweet version of a saint. Psychotic. I shudder, ugh. She is currently up for re-election this year, Yay us. Okay, so now you know why she secretly gets called “Jabberwocky.” Sorry for the interruption, back at the Chief's office. “I see,” acknowledged the Chief. “Have a seat.” “We came early because there was an incident with the evidence cooler that was in my possession,” Hanna explained. “It somehow became destroyed through a corrosive process.” “Does this evidence have to do with the quote-unquote unofficial assignment you were given perchance?” inquired the Mayor in her usual annoyed and intimidating tone. “Yes, ma'am, it does,” Hanna stated. “So you're saying that the cooler that the city placed in your care and everything in it is what exactly?” questioned the Mayor again. “It's non-existing Mayor Wilkinson. I can attest to the fact of the condition of the cooler, both before and after. And that Hanna is completely absolved from all wrongdoing concerning the said item,” Mitch argued back. “I took a photo of its current condition on my phone.” He pulled out his phone and showed both the Chief and the Mayor. “I'll be glad to write a statement about this,” Mitch suggested. “No. That won't be necessary,” Chief Edwards finally chimed in. “This is supposed to be quote-unquote unofficial.” “Speaking of the unofficial part, Miss Grimm, were you able to come to an official conclusion on said matter?” inquired Mayor Wilkinson. “Scientifically speaking, I wasn't able to complete all required testing of said findings before everything became destroyed. So I would have to say officially speaking that the results are inconclusive. I can neither confirm nor deny the presence of such creature,” Hanna began to explain. “Wait, what? What creature?” Mitch asked startled. “What you hear in this office Mr. Owens stays in this office. Do you understand?” Mayor Wilkinson said with authority. “Uh, yes, ma'am.” “Please continue, Miss Grimm,” said Chief Edwards encouragingly. “Right, thank you. The creature in question is a werewolf, Mitch. Without rambling on, genetically speaking they simply cannot exist. It's impossible. That enters the pseudoscience field of cryptozoology.” “Wow,” was all that Mitch could say with his mouth hanging open. At that moment as if right on cue, both Doctors Abernathy and Jacobson have entered the Chief's office. They both conveniently missed Hanna's dissertation. (Man, that girl can ramble on.) Lucky them. “Sorry, are we interrupting anything?” Dr. Abernathy politely asked.
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