Chapter Eight

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“Doctors Abernathy and Jacobson, please come in,” Chief Edwards acknowledged. “Good to see you again, Gil.” The Doctors made their way into the office. Mitch feeling like he's overstepping with his presence takes his leave. “I'll wait for you outside,” he directed toward Hanna. “Okay, thank you,” she smiled. “So, what is the importance of this gathering?” Mayor Wilkinson degradingly inquired. “I do have other matters of importance to attend to.” Hanna tried to hide her eye roll but to no avail. Chief Edwards gave a disapproving look. “The reason for this impromptu meeting,” interjected Dr. Gilbert Jacobson, “is that we are trying to prevent a major health crisis for the city.” “Excuse me? And what health crisis would that be?” Ms. Wilkinson scoffed in disbelief. “Please, just hear them out Madame Mayor,” Chief Edwards stated while rubbing his temples. “Fine. You may proceed,” she relented. “Madame Mayor, what I was able to examine from you know what's it, was from the follicles from clumps of pelage around certain sites. These follicles contained Sarcoptes scabiei var canis. Also known as mange mites. They are known to be contagious as they are easily spreadable via direct contact,” said Hanna obviously in her element. (I have to admit, she does know her stuff.) “I immediately contacted Dr. Kierstan Abernathy for verification, as she would have knowledge in this area of ectoparasitic activity,” she continued. “If I may interject here,” Key politely butted in. “Madame Mayor, I have in fact come across over a dozen of cases in my clinic with this parasite. Thankfully, my staff and I have been able to catch it in its early stage. But this condition can get out of hand rather quickly if it's not dealt with.” “I see. So how is this considered a health crisis then? It seems it just infects pets,” stated Wilkinson in a bored tone. “My turn,” interjected Dr. Gilbert Jacobson. “As the City's Medical Examiner, it is my job to help recognize when a health crisis could come. I currently have a few cadavers that show signs of scabies.” “Um, okay,” the mayor abruptly stopped Dr. Jacobson holding her finger up. Her face was crumpled and showing signs of illness. She knows which cadavers he's talking about. More on them later. “So what is bringing this ectopesticide to our city?” “Ectoparasite,” corrected Hanna, Key, and Gil at the same time. Chief Edwards just quietly chuckled to himself. “Whatever,” she huffed. Madame Mayor doesn't like to be corrected. “How did this thing get here?” Madame Mayor insisted. “If I may continue,” Hanna chimed in, “from my findings.” “You mean those that were mysteriously destroyed while being in your possession?” Mayor Wilkinson degradingly reminded her. “Correct, Madame Mayor, from those same ones,” Hanna said confidently without missing a beat. “But you stated that those findings were quote-unquote inconclusive did you not?” “Correct, I did. But the inconclusiveness dealt with the specific recognition of said original inquiry. I can say with absolute certainty that there is in fact a quadruped from the Mammalia class of a magnanimous size that is currently losing its pelage via Sarcoptes scabiei var canis, hence spreading said ectoparasite.” “Okay, I'm going to pretend that I actually know what that means,” harped the mayor. “As a biologist, I can attest that certain environmental conditions are responsible for attracting such a mammal. In my research, for you know what's it, I recall the same conditions at each site.” “And what conditions are those?” asked Wilkinson offendedly. “The overflowing of garbage dumpsters for one,” answered Hanna. “The smell alone from the last investigation I performed this morning caused my stomach to violently empty its contents. Sargent Micah Black, one of your detectives, can verify that I'm sure. I gave him the breakfast that I had purchased. His stomach was growling from hunger, so I gave it to him.” It suddenly occurred to Hanna that she may have said too much, and embarrassed herself. “Okay, Miss Grimm, that's all,” interrupted the Chief. “Thank you for your insight on this pressing matter.” “Hmm, I see. So Sargent Black received a gift from you? What was Sargent Black doing in this area?” inquired Madame Mayor, not letting go of this information. “His job. He said it was an active crime scene. And giving him my purchased food was better than to have it go to waste or worse bringing back said mangy mammal. I really didn't mean to get him into any trouble, honest,” Hanna surprisingly defended both herself and me. I'm in awe. “Shall we get back to the matter at hand?” Dr. Jacobson inserted himself. “As a medical professional, I highly recommend trash removal from the areas that Miss Grimm has noted.” “Well, if my budget allows it, I can assign a police escort for the Sanitation Department seeing one area has been defined as an active crime scene,” Chief Edwards offered. “Fine. I'll see what I can do about your budget to cover the escort,” Madame Mayor said in defeat. “But can you guarantee, Miss Grimm, that this will keep this monster at bay?” “No, I cannot guarantee it. But it would be a major deterrent for the animal or any animal for that matter. I can also suggest that game cameras be placed around these areas as well. We should monitor any wildlife movement in the areas. I can talk with the Dean of the Biology Department and inquire if the University can donate some cameras for this cause,” Hanna asserted. “So now that we have established this problem and a plan to deter it, I move to adjourn this meeting.” “Catch you later Fenton?” asked Dr. Jacobson. “Sure,” nodded the Chief. Hanna Grimm and the doctors make their leave. “Oh, Miss Grimm, I expect to see a replacement to be forthcoming for that item discussed earlier,” sharply stated the Mayor. “Yes, Ma'am,” Hanna answered exiting the office. True to his word, Mitch was patiently waiting outside the door for Hanna. “Okay, so back to the original matter at hand. What am I to tell the families of these missing individuals?,” snapped the Mayor. “I sincerely don't know, Madame Mayor.”
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