Chapter Six

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“So, pizza for lunch then?” Mitch suggested as both Hanna and he got back into his truck. “Yes, please. That sounds perfect. Thank you,” she shyly replied back. “Okay, so what style do you prefer? New York, Chicago, Sicilian, artisan?” “If it's just cheese, then it has to be New York. But if it's loaded with veggies then Chicago.” “Duly noted. Do you trust me?” “What?” asked Hanna surprised as her stomach growled. “I say too soon, but my stomach seems to say otherwise.” “I promise I won't let you nor your stomach down with my choice.” “Okay.” While Hanna and Mitch enjoyed their lunch at a fairly popular family-style pizzeria, Dr. Kierstan Abernathy did the microscopic testing of the fur samples. She notices immediately what Hanna must have discovered-- Sarcoptes scabiei var canis, mange mites. She has received some clients with the onset of mange. Thankfully they were spotted in time to get treatment. But this is a huge finding. These particular mites can be contagious to both man and beast. Key writes her findings on her personal veterinarian clinic's letterhead. While Hanna and Mitch were enjoying their meal, Hanna's phone vibrates. She recognizes the caller. It's Key. She answers it and puts it on speaker. “Hey, Key. So what did you find?” inquired Hanna. “Yeah, so. They are in fact mange mites. The contagious kind. The Health Department should be notified immediately.” “What do you mean by contagious kind?” asked Mitch with concern in his voice. “It means that these mites that cause mange in animals can spread to humans as scabies,” Hanna answered Mitch's question. “Correct, so we really need to get in contact with the proper City authorities on this quick. Is there someone you need to notify first, Hanna?” asked Key? “Police Chief Edwards. I should go now,” stated Hanna as she put down her slice of pizza. She started to get up to leave, but Mitch stopped her. “Whoa, Hanna, you haven't finished eating yet.” “You're still eating? Ugh! Hanna, please finish eating. Remember the last time you didn't fully eat?” “Yes, I remember,” Hanna sheepishly replied. “What happened last time?” Mitch asked with concern. “She ended up in the hospital for a few days,” Key answered before Hanna could. Hanna just stared down at her hands in embarrassment. “It was the middle of finals one semester. I had a lot to cover. I forgot,” Hanna tried to explain. “Forgot for two whole days?” reminded Key. “Tiffany was frantic when she found you passed out.” Mitch didn't say anything. All he could do was look at Hanna with care and concern in his eyes. Hanna slowly picked her slice back up and began to eat again. She kept her gaze downward as she was hiding her tears. She never liked being publicly humiliated. Her friend Tiffany, never would do this to her. ******* Having searched the victim's wallet for any help in locating the next of kin, Cass and I obtained a search warrant for his apartment. It's located three blocks away from the Science complex of the University. Arriving at the building, we hastily hunt down the supervisor so that we can have access to the place. He mumbles incoherently to himself about something. Yeah, even, I a werewolf couldn't make out what he said. He leads us toward the third floor and the last door on the right. Apartment 321. The building is in overall good general maintenance. Newly married couples, some lower-level faculty, and staff of the University take up residence in this complex. All the apartments including the building are styled in the modern minimalist. The victim, Peter Bryant, according to the supervisor is the brother of one of the actual tenants. Patrick, he thinks trying to recall. He can't remember which brother is which as they share similar appearances. As long as they don't destroy the property he doesn't pay any attention. Apartment 321 has an open concept design. Definitely can tell men reside here. Almost looks as clean as mine, okay, this apartment is cleaner. Empty pizza boxes are scattered about, dirty clothing—some male, some female? Not here to judge. Used condoms. Okay, that would explain some items of clothing. On the island is a stack of bills. Some addressed to a Patrick Bryant and some addressed to a Mitchell Owens. On the shelving unit are a couple of plagues in recognition from Wolfdale City University. There is evidence that someone owns a dog. ********* Making their way back to the University, Mitch and Hanna quickly stopped to retrieve the verification from Dr. Abernathy. “Thanks, Key,” stated Hanna. “No problem. Did you need me to contact the Medical Examiner for you?” Key inquired. “Sure. I need to get some things from the lab first. Then I'll make the phone call to Chief Edwards. I'll contact you again if your presence is needed at the station.” Hanna simply stated. At the Science building, Hanna and Mitch go back to the lab. Hanna heads back to the locked storage area for the evidence only to find that the cooler and everything within it has been corroded into non-existence. “Male bovine excrement,” Hanna muttered as she began to shake. She hates it when people tamper with her belongings. “Hanna, is anything wrong? Are you okay?” Mitch asked worriedly. He could hear her trying to stifle her tears. “No, I'm not okay. My cooler, the evidence....” Hanna tried saying in between sobs. “The universe hates me.” Mitch makes his way to the storage area and sees the problem that has Hanna in tears. He can't believe what he is seeing. The damage is definitive. “Now what am I to tell the Chief?” sobbed Hanna. “This isn't being responsible, is it? He trusted me with this assignment, and now I let him down.” Mitch offers his arms out to give Hanna a comforting embrace, to which surprisingly Hanna accepts. “The truth. And you are very responsible, so don't let this setback get the better of you, okay?” Mitch responded supportively. “Thank you, Mitch. That means a lot to me.” “I'm going to take a photo on my phone of this mess. That way we can present it to the Chief. I'll be a witness for you in this.” “Thank you again, Mitch.” Just then Hanna's phone began to vibrate. It's Key. “Hey Hanna, I just got off the phone with Dr. Jacobson, and he set up a meeting with Chief Edwards and Mayor Jabberwocky in an hour.” “Jabberwocky? Don't let her hear you say that,” snickered Hanna through her quieted sobs. “We'll be there. Thank you for your help in this Key.” “No prob, see you both in an hour. Bye.” “Bye.” Mitch takes his phone and shoots a photo of the mess just like he said. He's even willing to write a statement verifying the previous condition of the cooler if need be. Hanna will not be taking any flak for this. They gather what little bit of evidence they have, mainly the envelope with the mange mite infected fur clumps. Hanna remembers that she left her camera and film rolls in her Corolla. The film still needs to be processed. So between the fur clumps and the film she doesn't have much to go on. This is going to be fun. Since the camera and film are still in Hanna's car, Hanna lets Mitch drive them to the Police station using her Corolla.
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