Chapter Forty-Five

1291 Words
Two sets of small soft footsteps I imagined approached me. They’re much smaller than mine. They quickened their pace when they saw my deteriorating condition. It’s Tiffeny and Hanna! Thank the Moon! But I can no longer smell the orange blossom, soft musk, and ginger scent of my mate. Both girls are doing their best to not totally break down, they fall down beside me. Hanna rummages through her backpack for something. A first aid kit, I hope. “Mike! Oh my g-dd...” Tiffeny trailed off, tears streaming down her beautiful face. Her small soft hands gently grab my face as she searches for any signs of life. “Don’t leave me!” I struggled to force my eyes open...and failed. I tried again...and again. My breathing became difficult to extrude. But I must push on. I won’t leave her. I have other promises to keep too. Feeling a sudden strength from deep within me, I forced my eyes open and inhaled deeply. It still hurts to do so, but I am relieved to see both girls through my fuzzy vision. “Found it,” Hanna proudly declared, holding a pocket knife that looked vaguely familiar to me. I think I had one just like that, but I gave it away. “What’s that for?” Tiffeny asked her cousin. “To make a larger hole so I can get the bullet out,” Hanna replied nonchalantly to Tiffeny. Dear g-ddess, I hope Hanna knows what she’s doing. “Hanna, you can’t! You’ll...” Tiff started to protest. “What other choices do we have, Tiffeny? He’ll die otherwise,” she scolded her cousin. A familiar power radiated from her. Her newfound confidence was glowing in her eyes. “Okay, do it,” Tiffeny conceded. “What do you need me to do to help?” At the edge of the forest... When George and Roger heard my Glock fire off, they both made a mad dash toward the sound. George is surprisingly faster than his partner Roger. Never knew he had it in him. “Officer down! Officer down!” Roger yelled, according to protocol, into his walkie-talkie. Dispatch quickly answered his call and asked for the location. George ran on ahead while Roger tried to figure out how to explain my exact location and what had happened. In the forest by the running trail... By the time George found me, Tiffeny held my head firmly in her lap and Hanna had her hand inside my abdomen fishing for the damn bullet. Her hand held a power—a life-giving power. My wolf senses it as well. She’s a...she knows. “Sergeant!” George exclaimed, arriving on the scene. He dropped down beside me as well. Turning to Hanna, he asked, “what can I do to help?” “Keep him still as much as possible, if you can,” she said, concentrating on her job, but holding the same power as before. I’ve never seen this side of Hanna before. George acknowledged the command and held my arms still. “Thanks,” I managed to whisper out. “Keep still, Sergeant,” Hanna’s sharp tongue barked out. Tiffeny sobs harder at the sound of her tone. Grr...don’t be hurting my mate Tiffeny any more than she already is. “I almost got it,” Hanna declared. The silver bullet is closer to the entry wound. I don’t know how, but I can feel it. “You there! Get your dirty hand out of his body,” a paramedic hollered at Hanna. “You could cause more damage by doing that. Are you even certified?” The paramedics and some police officers began to push my immediate rescue team away from me. Chaos filled the air. Police tape was stretched over trees and shrubs around the area. Paramedics and fellow officers barked out orders to each other. Roger and the Captain brought up the rear, fear and worry filled their eyes, as they surveyed the situation. The Chief arrives a few minutes later. Where’s Cass? “s**t!” George silently muttered. “They got here sooner than I expected them to. I’m so sorry, Hanna.” She acknowledged George’s apology as she slowly removed her hand from my bloodied insides. A single tear slowly rolled down her cheek. My warmblood covered her small hand, dripped, and smeared her clothing. She was only trying to help. I am now at the mercy of the paramedics and surgical staff at the university’s hospital. It is the closest one to my location. The paramedics placed an IV cannula in my vein, and an oxygen mask over my face, after taking my vitals. They roughly bandaged up my wound. I get it, they are attempting to stop the flow of blood, but I fear that they may have pushed the bullet back within me. Their action sent excruciating pain back throughout my body. Whatever happened to do no harm? They then placed me on a stretcher to carry me out of the woods safely. Tiffeny, all this time, had been fighting with the paramedics just to stay by my side. Typical of Roger, who would side with the paramedics and hold Tiffeny away from me. Grr! He has no right to touch my mate! “Tiffeny needs to stay with Sergeant Black!” Hanna yelled at Roger and the paramedics. The aura that radiated off of her brought fear to those around her. Remind me to never get her mad at me...again. As the paramedics begin to lift up the stretcher, I see my shooter still standing off in the distance. Or I think I still see whoever it is. I’m fighting against the darkness that wants to consume my mind. My blurry vision stilled for a brief moment. Long enough to recognize her. “Amber...” The last word I blurted out right when Tiffeny rushed to my side. “Who’s Amber?!” my mate yelled, demanding an answer. She looked to her cousin for one. Hanna just sits there unable to move, her thoughts are not here. She must have zoned out again. George noticed Hanna’s condition and rushed to her side. He’s a good man. “Hanna,” he said gently to her. “Hanna, are you okay?” She blinked her eyes. Tears formed pools in her eyelids and then began to slowly trickle down her face, but she couldn’t answer him back. Her thoughts are someplace far away and long ago. “Hey, can we get her checked for shock?” George asked one of the paramedics. “You’ll have to carry her. We only have one stretcher,” the head paramedic stated. “We can treat her in the ambulance.” George nodded. “I’m going to have to pick you up to carry you,” he addressed Hanna. In one quick swoop, he lifted her up and carried her bridal-style all the way to the ambulance. He was easily able to keep pace with the stretcher. My blood, still on her, has now been transferred to George’s clothing. If George was one of my wolves, I’d mind-link him to look after Hanna. She is my mate’s cousin. She is family. I need to see her that way, even if, I do find her annoying. Off in the far distance, watching the whole scene play out before him, is the menacing dark brown werewolf. He glares at George and Hanna, his breath visible in the cool air, but he doesn’t make a move toward them. He stands ever so still, watching like a vigilant sentry, never making a sound. The only notification of his presence was his glowing eyes. What is this werewolf’s fascination with Hanna?
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