Chapter Forty-Four

1174 Words
The sudden excruciating burning pain that ripped through my body proved that this wasn’t a dream—it was real. I dropped down to one knee, doubled-over, holding my side. My own blood soaking my shirt began oozing over my hand. My breathing quickly became labored yet again. It’s here I noticed a solid figure silhouetted among the forest trees off in the distance. My wolf eyes are suddenly sharp and focused, quite different from the magical nightmare. I can literally see why. My shooter just stands there, watching my every move. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a smirk plastered across their face. Bastard. This clearly wasn’t a kill shot. So what was its purpose? I may never know, but I still run the risk of bleeding out. A slow, torturous, agonizing death. Time is not on my side. Somewhere on the campus of Wolfdale City University... George and Roger continued to frantically look for me, however, unsuccessfully. The mass of costumed students hindered their search. The partying crowd continued to grow in size as the minutes ticked by. They somehow managed to find each other. “Hey, any luck?” Roger inquired slightly out of breath. “No, nothing,” his partner said in a defeated tone. “I did manage to find this among the chaos.” George showed Roger the gift box that sent me on the psychedelic trip down nightmare lane. “What the hell?!” he exclaimed upon viewing the contents. “Is this silver?” “That’s what I’m guessing. Check out the caliber. Doesn’t it look familiar?” “Yeah it does, but we shouldn’t be jumping to conclusions on this,” Roger brushed off his partner. “We should keep looking for the Sergeant, right? He could be in serious trouble.” Earlier at another location on the campus... The cousins, Tiffeny Lowell and Hanna Grimm were enjoying a girl’s day together. The warm fall day lured them to the picnic tables. The music and the lights become too much for Hanna as she is known to either zone or freak out. So the picnic tables were a safe distance away from the partying college students. “It’s crazy around here,” Tiffeny remarked to Hanna. “Is it always like this?” “This is nothing. The closer it gets to Halloween the worse it becomes,” Hanna scoffed with an added hint of irritation. “This campus is worse than the one we attended.” She seems to be having a rough day, apparently, I’m not the only one. I wonder if there is a full moon tonight. Great, let’s hope not. The serial killer is still on the loose. “So, how are things going between you and Mitch?” Tiffeny asked with some concern. “I don’t know. Fine, I guess,” Hanna shrugged the question off. “He’s just confusing. I don’t know what to make of anything.” “How so?” “Some days, he’s really sweet and loving, and then the other days...” she trailed off. “Other days, what? Don’t pause now,” Tiffeny encouraged her cousin to continue. “It’s like I don’t even know him. He’s different.” “Besides being over jealous and clingy?” Tiffeny couldn’t help but go there. “That’s not fair, Tiff,” Hanna sniffled, holding back her tears. “Can we please talk about something else?” “Of course. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you,” Tiff apologized. “How’s the pack doing?” “Pack? What pack?” Hanna struggled to understand the question. “Oh, you mean Ze’ev’s and Susi’s pack?” Tiffeny nodded, “Yes, that pack. They’re American Gray Wolves, right?” “Correct. They’re doing well. Lobo, their omega, is up to his antics as usual. I have photos if you want to see them?” Hanna suggested, sounding more chipper. She pulled out her camera. “Duh! I love seeing how they’re progressing.” Both girls, I mean, ladies smiled giddily. Hanna switched on her camera so that Tiffeny could view the photos she had taken of the wolf pack. Most were, of course, of the omega Lobo trying to get a game of tag going. Silly wolf. Photo after photo the cousins oohed and awed over the beautiful pack. One photo, however... “We’ll just ignore that one,” Hanna quickly said, dismissing the photo from sight. Sometime later, the atmosphere suddenly changed around them, an unusual breeze began to blow in the most erratic way. A stench filled their nostrils, catching their attention, they turned to look to see where it was coming from. “Sergeant? Mike?” Hanna and Tiffeny said at the same time. As quickly as the breeze showed up, it left with me in tow in just the same way. “What just happened?” Tiffeny asked her cousin. “Did we actually see him?” “Maybe? I don’t know,” Hanna just shrugged her shoulders. She’s in just as much confusion as Tiffeny is. They both agreed that it was the time of year causing them to see things. “Too much Halloween,” they both spoke simultaneously and then continued looking over the photos. Some fifteen minutes later, off in the distance within the woods...BANG!!! “Mike!” Tiffeny yelled, fear and pain in her beautiful golden brown eyes, looked toward Hanna who quickly put her camera away and grabbed her backpack. Both girls, ahem, ladies, took off toward where they heard the shot fired. Not smart running toward an active shooter situation, but they don’t know that. I’m hoping George and Roger aren’t too far away and have heard it too. Somewhere in the woods not far from the running track... My shooter just stands there. Watching. Waiting. Waiting for what, I don’t know. The eeriness of their stare stands my hair on end. I’m expecting another shot to come in my direction. The kill shot should be coming at any moment. Where is it? I’m ready for it. My hand trembles as I instinctively grab my Glock. I am determined to get a shot fired off. I refuse to give my shooter the satisfaction. I know I am in no condition to accurately fire it. My vision has once again become blurry, but this time from the loss of blood. My shooter, still refusing to move, stands menacingly among the trees. In between my fight for consciousness, I faintly made out a pair of boots and that stupid hat from my nightmare. SNAP! The sound came from behind. BANG! I discharged my weapon, thankfully not in the direction of the noise. Dumb rookie mistake. Blackness fills my vision as I find myself on the forest’s damp, cold leaf-covered floor. My breaths are labored. The pain in my side burns like hell to the nth degree, forming tears in my eyes. I don’t want to die. Not now. Not like this. I just found her. Tiffeny.
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