Chapter Forty-Six

1068 Words
Wolfdale City University Hospital’s Emergency Room... The ride here was interesting, to say the least. The lights and sirens blared all the way to our destination. The potholes made the ride rougher than it should have been. Thank you, Mayor Jabberwocky! Tiffeny continued to struggle to stay by my side while the paramedics were attempting to stop or slow down my blood loss. I must have lost a concerning amount. I can only imagine what must be going on inside Tiffeny’s head. I still can’t believe that I blurted out the name of my dead mate. Did I see her? I don’t even know now. I’m such an i***t. I can only hope that Tiffeny will understand and forgive me. Dear g-ddess, please, don’t let her reject me over my own stupidity. I don’t think I could go on if she did. I can feel a warm tear escape my closed eyes as it rolls down my pale face. A small warm hand gently wiped it away. It was followed by a pair of soft lips on my sunken cheek. I pray that the kiss she gave me is not a kiss goodbye. The ambulance rolled to a quick stop and the doors flew open. A cool breeze entered the vehicle, causing the passengers to shudder. George helped Hanna out of the back. I forgot that they were here. George still carried her bridal style into the ER. My blood is still on both of them. The emergency staff pointed them to a small examination room. While I was quickly rolled out of the ambulance and straight into a surgical room where a team ready to work on me was waiting. Roger, who followed the ambulance in the department’s unmarked vehicle, was sent to wash up to prepare to enter the surgical room to retrieve the evidence—the bullet. The overwhelming smells from the strong disinfectants and other cleaners seemed to help jolt Hanna out of her shock. George quickly grabbed a trash can for her to empty her stomach's contents. The not-so-friendly nurse wasn’t pleased with such actions. “We have special collection bags for that, you know,” she snapped at George and Hanna while pointing to the item on the wall. “Just ask next time. You both need to get that blood off of you. Let me get some cleaning wipes and perhaps some scrubs to change into?” After a long twenty minutes passed, a grumpy nurse’s aide came into the examination room and rudely dropped off the wipes and two changes of scrubs. “Here,” she said in an annoyed tone. She then turned to leave and left the privacy curtain wide open. She’s either over-worked or she’s in the wrong profession. Her attitude sucks and doesn’t help anyone. George noticed that a small crowd had gathered in a separate waiting area not too far from the examination rooms. He motioned to Tiffeny to come help with Hanna. He didn’t think it would be appropriate if he was the one to help Hanna out of the blood-stained clothing. I told you he was a good man. “Go help Hanna, Tiff,” the Chief told his daughter. “It’d do you some good to help tend to her. She’s having a difficult time as well.” Reluctantly, my mate got up and went to help Hanna clean up and change into scrubs. George was finally able to sneak off to a restroom to take care of his blood-stained clothing. “So, who’s Amber,” Tiffeny quizzed Hanna, still having an attitude over it. “I can’t,” were the only words that Hanna could muster. The tears were threatening to fall again. “I can’t.” After Tiffeny cleaned and helped Hanna change, she stormed off to be back within her dad’s embrace. Ten minutes later, George made his way back into the examination room. Hanna was cleaned and changed and sitting alone. By that time, an ER doctor had finally made his round to the cubby hole that is the examination room. “What’s the reason for the visit today,” he inquired. “She was brought in for shock,” George answered for Hanna. “Shock from what?” the doctor pressed for more information while he checked Hanna’s vitals and overall physical health. “She, as well as I, was giving aid to a fallen officer with a gunshot wound. When the paramedics arrived, it became too much and she seemed to experience signs of shock.” “The same officer that was just brought in and is in surgery?” the doctor inquired. “The same one, but I cannot give any more information on that. It’s currently an active case,” George automatically gave the standard answer. “I understand, and thank you,” the ER doctor sincerely stated. Suddenly, a nurse with a look of urgency, worry, and fear came rushing out of the surgical room. Her appearance looked disheveled. Her once neat pulled-back hair showed strands sticking out in various places from quickly pulling off the surgical cap. Her scrubs were wrinkly too. The surgery wasn’t going as easy as expected. “Is there anyone here willing to donate a pint of blood for Sergeant Black?” she asked the whole waiting area, concern lacing her voice. “He’s losing a dangerous amount.” The Chief and a couple of unnamed patrol officers volunteered. George, hearing from the examination room, turned to Hanna, almost seeming to ask if she would be okay if he went to give as well. She nodded and smiled at his generosity. Tiffeny couldn’t help but cry out harder into her hands, nearly falling onto the floor in her despair, but Mrs. Winston was there to catch her in time. She held my mate tight and gave comfort to her as Tiffeny’s own mother would have done if she were still alive. “He can’t die! He can’t...” she mumbled over and over again. “It’s not fair!” Tears fell, streaking down her face. Yeah, it was an ugly cry, but I know that she’s still beautiful. Another nurse from the surgical team poked her head out from behind the doors, and a look of desperation covered her face. “We’re losing him! Where are those bags of blood?” she hollered out to the emergency staff.
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