Chapter Five

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In another part of the building, a figure is walking towards a classroom when they feel their phone vibrate inside their back pocket. Noticing the caller ID, the figure makes its way into a hidden area inside the building. The menacing voice on the other end sends a chill down the figure's spine. “The evidence collected must be destroyed. No mistakes,” the voice demands. “Yes, Sir. I understand. It will be done,” the figure answered back with a shaky voice. “Don't make me regret hiring you,” threatened the voice and then ended the call. The figure gulped, took a deep breath, and made its way back into the busyness of the corridor. ********* As Hanna struggles with the cooler down the stairwell to the lower level, a familiar figure makes his way quickly to help. Mitch Owens. Age 26 years. Blonde wavy hair, deep blue eyes, your typical “All American” jock body. He stands over six feet in height. He's only been trying to go on a date with Hanna since the first day he saw her—almost two years ago. “Here, let me help you with that,” he offered. “Yeah, thanks, Mitch. I'll let you today,” Hanna quickly replied. Her stomach still upset from earlier she hands Mitch the cooler and leads the way to the assigned laboratory. “You feeling okay? You're looking a bit flushed.” “You know me and overwhelming smells. There's a really nasty dumpster..., the wind. And I threw up in front of a police detective.” Mitch chuckles and shakes his head. “Well, I would offer to bring you something to eat. But I guess that's not going to happen.” “Yeah, nothing right now. My stomach still needs to settle. But maybe you could bring something for lunch?” “Instead of me bringing you something, how about you and I go grab some lunch off campus?” Mitch asked with his fingers crossed. “Please, say yes,” he kept repeating to himself in his head. “You know what? Yes.” “Wait, what?” Mitch gasped. “Yes? Am I hearing things correctly? You actually said yes.” “Yes. I actually said yes,” snickered Hanna. “Your persistence has finally paid off.” “Okay, then. I'll pick you up about one-ish?” “Sounds good. See you then.” Hanna begins to sort out her field notes and evidence from each of the sightings. This work is “unofficial” where the city is concerned. Chief Fenton Edwards of the Wolfdale City Police Department wants to know if the 911 calls are legit or if people are pulling pranks. The Dean of the Biology Department, Dr. William Frederickson, Ph.D., recommended Hanna for the task. She is meticulously thorough with her assignments. (Just like me—Micah Black.) Her dream job is to work for the Yellowstone National Park. She aims to help in the conservation efforts with American Grey Wolves. This “unofficial” assignment will help with her resume. She places each sample of fur on the metal worktable. They all look as if they are from a similar mammal. The fur is reddish-brown and clumpy. Like it's just randomly falling off of the poor animal. She picks a few hairs and preps them for microscopic analysis. Her findings are shocking. She calls her friend Dr. Kierstan Abernathy, D.V.M., one of the city's top veterinarians to verify her discovery. She dials Key's number and on the second ring, she answers. “Dr. Abernathy speaking. How may I help you?” “Hey, Key, it's Hanna. Got a minute?” “Sure, what's up?” Kierstan replied. “I have some pelage samples from the “you know what” thingy I'm currently working on. I think I spotted something that needs veterinary verification.” Hanna informed her. “Sure, bring them by. I'll keep them separated from everything else in the clinic. I'll be looking for you soon then.” “Okay, bye then.” “Bye.” Just as Hanna hangs up her phone, Mitch comes into the laboratory with a big grin on his face. “Who was that on the phone?” Mitch inquired as he watched Hanna gather all the evidence up and put it back into its assigned cooler. He notices a large envelope left out though. “Oh, that was Key, Kierstan. I mean Dr. Kierstan Abernathy, D.V.M. She's a veterinarian and my friend,” Hanna rambled on. “I need her help with something.” “Okay, not a problem. So we'll eat first, then drop by her clinic.” “I would rather stop by, then to drop by, her clinic first, and then get something to eat. If that's okay?” “That's okay. Sounds like a plan. Are you ready to go?” “As soon as I lock this cooler away, I will be.” Hanna fumbled with the cooler to the locked storage area in which she was assigned and made everything secure. “Okay, now I'm ready,” she said as she grabbed the envelope and headed towards Mitch and the door. As Mitch and Hanna exited the building to the parking lot, the mysterious figure sneaked his way into the laboratory and made his way toward the locked storage area. Fumbling with the lock, the figure opens the door and quickly finds the cooler assigned to Hanna to use. He places a flask on top of it. The flask holds a very corrosive substance. And it is triggered to do its nasty deed with a timed device that will release a reactant agent. The collected evidence doesn't stand a chance. In Mitch's vehicle a 2018 Dodge Ram, Hanna stares out the window as they make their way to the Veterinary Clinic. Mitch really doesn't mind the silence as he has come to know that Hanna is a very private person. It takes a lot for her to just open up to anyone. Fifteen minutes later he slowly pulls his truck into the clinic's parking lot. As Hanna gets out with the envelope in hand, Mitch's cell phone rings. He mouths that he'll be in shortly. “Hello?” Mitch answers. “Hey, dude. Where are you?” asks the voice on the other end. “Taking Miss Hanna Grimm out to lunch, why?” “So she finally said yes? Great. I really hope you enjoy your time with her.” “Really? I thought you couldn't stand her.” “You're right. I can't stand her. But, I'm also not the one trying to date her either. She is too strange for me.” “Yeah, whatever. Says the man whoring some of his students. I need to get going. Hanna's waiting for me.” “Sure, bye.” While Mitch was on the phone, Hanna made her way into the clinic to see Key. Just as Key stepped out of a room with a client, Mitch has made his way into the clinic and is standing with Hanna. Dr. Kierstan Abernathy notices Hanna with an attractive gentleman. A first in her book when it comes to anything “Hanna.” “So, Hanna, who's this?” questioned Key with a mischievous look in her eyes. “A colleague of mine. He's taking me out for lunch. It's not that big of a deal.” “Does he have a name?” Key asked playfully. “That's a dumb question, Key. Everyone has a name.” “The name's Mitch Owens,” Mitch quickly jumped in offering his hand to shake. “You must be Dr. Abernathy. It's nice to meet you. And I believe that Hanna has something important to hand off to you? The whole reason for our being here.” “Right, nice to meet you too. Sorry, Hanna, Mitch. It's just, you know...” Key replied back shaking Mitch's hand in return. Hanna hands her the envelope. “So how soon can you get my verification for me?” Hanna inquired. “Give me thirty to forty-five minutes for the testing, and another twenty to fill the official paperwork, if needed.” “Great, so see you in an hour?” Mitch asked turning to leave with Hanna at his side. “Hey, Mitch. Hanna loves pizza,” Key suggested to him with a wink. Hanna just rolled her eyes. Some friends can be pains in the asses.
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