Mad Mates

1159 Words
**Vira (POV) ** [Kaarmanet, Frosliure Palace] He slammed the door to the room, we were sharing, open and screamed, “YOU HID SUCH AN IMPORTANT TRUTH!” I panicked when I looked at his face flushed with anger and took a few steps back to put some distance from him. He just stormed in and pulled me by my arm, he was so close that his hot breath hit my face, I shuddered in both delight and fear. He put an arm around my waist and pushed my chin with the other so I was looking into his icy-blue eyes. “Why did you hide such a piece of important information from me? You hid it from me, but my mother and sister know? How could you do this to me?” He asked incredulously. “How could I do this to you? If I remember correctly, it was you who wanted nothing to do with me! I’m just returning the favor, Prince Rebh Frost! I want nothing to do with you! And you don’t need to know anything about me!” I spat. “Really? And what should I tell the people of Frosliure when they ask me? I don’t know?” Rebh ranted. “Exactly my point! You want nothing to do with me! All you want is for people of Frosliure to love you! It has nothing to do with my wellbeing or getting to know me! You know what? If it was not for the people of Frosliure, I wouldn’t even be here, in the first place.” I retorted fuming at the audacity he showed about me hiding things from him. “Is it? Have I done absolutely nothing for you? Think carefully lady, who was sending you flowers every single morning with apology cards? Who has been making sure no guy troubles you? Have you ever been bullied after I found you? Have I ever talked to any other woman other than you and my sister? Who always sends an extra plate of your favorite dessert to you? Did you ever pay attention to what I do?” Rebh yelled and I cringed at the tone and volume he was using at the moment. “Dare you, speak to Vira like that!” I felt myself say but it wasn’t me. I felt like I was in the backseat and Z had taken control. I could feel her anger rising every moment. “It wasn’t just her decision to hide me from you! It was our decision, together as a team! You hurting her was the reason she almost gave up on life! You can’t waltz back in and demand her to be an open book, anytime you want!” She screamed back at Rebh, but in an instant, his eyes were a deeper shade of blue with orange and red hues. “Sweetheart, please calm down.” Came Roy’s husky voice and Z looked away. Z let out a heavy breath as she turned away from Roy, I saw Roy sigh as he took a step towards us but put a hand out stopping him from following, and arranged Rebh’s pillows and sheet on the bed while taking ours to the couch. I noticed Roy watching our every move but remained glued to his spot. Without another word though she laid down on the couch and turned to the wall. Being as tired as I was, Z and I drifted off to sleep in no time. I was woken up by the warm rays of sun shining through the huge floor-to-ceiling window. I groaned as I stirred and fell off the couch with a loud thud, landing on my bu*t. Rebh woke up with a jerk and looked around before his eyes landed on me. He shamelessly burst into laughter which only added to my temper. He was fanning the flames when he stopped to turn to me and laughed yet again. I could no longer hold my temper and sent him crashing into the wall with my fireball. Surprisingly, my fire didn’t seem to burn him but his clothes were a different story. I smirked at him as I got up from the floor and heard him groan, while his shirt still sizzled from my fire and went into the washroom to freshen up. When I was done, I came out to find a mouthwatering breakfast spread out on the table in his room. All my favorite dishes, I noted, were bacon strips, warm butter toasts, chocolate, and blueberry croissants, and to top, it was butter omelets. A part of me, wanted to smile and thank Rebh for the spread, but the dominant part of me just ignored his presence and focused on the food. As I gobbled it up, I noticed Rebh smile as he entered the washroom to freshen up, but I ignored him. He didn’t deserve my acknowledgment when he gave me none. The day passed by, with the least interaction between me and Rebh, as much as possible. But as the days rolled to weeks, I started to feel empty, and Z wasn’t feeling well all of a sudden. I didn’t understand what was going onn, but as Z and C suggested I focused my time on training with the warriors and interrogating the rebel leader. “I’m asking you this again, why did you attack the palace? What was the motive?” I asked the rebel leader who was stubborn enough not to speak for the entire week he’d been tortured. “Or what? You’ll torture me or call someone to do the dirty work for you like always? People with titles like you know just that!” he spat at me. “I’m only trying to understand your point of view here! I don’t order anyone to torture you!” I sighed frustrated. “You know, he’ll come and take over this kingdom and rid us of snob rulers like your mate and Father-in-law.  Who knows, he’ll take you to his bed too… if you’re lucky that is!” He sneered. “Who’ll come?” I quired, high alert at the sudden revelation. “The real King! We call him the Rebel King. He is the one we want, not you snobs who only look at their self-benefits. He’ll come soon and with the help of our alliances, you’ll stand no chance. How ironic, people in your court don’t want you as their rulers!” The rebel laughed as his blood-stained teeth made him look even more menacing. My eyes bulged out as the information sunk in, there was a huge conspiracy going onn and we had traitors on more than one front in our court. Some helping Dradnetians while the others are with this Rebel King. What do I do? I thought as I ran out of the interrogation room. “I guess, we need to talk to Rebh and Roy about this.” 
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