Distracted Conversation

1587 Words
**Vira (POV) ** [Kaarmanet, Frosliure Palace] “I guess, we need to talk to Rebh and Roy about this.” “I know, but….” “There are no buts here, Vira! Lives are at stake, innocent lives! Moreover, people are being brainwashed by this so-called rebel King!” “I completely agree, Z, but you do remember how he spoke to us, don’t you?” “I do, but can’t you see the seriousness of the situation? As of now, we aren’t even sure if this man is brainwashing people against, King Drish or the entire Frost family or all the rulers in Kaarmanet and that includes, C, Vann, Uncle Brant, and Adri! These people have always stood by you, they are our family, V!” Her words hit the right chord and I found myself lost in thought as I walked through the twist and turns of the palace. Suddenly, I was standing in front of the room I was sharing with Rebh and after much deliberation, I entered after a short knock. I saw a few servants give me a weird look when I knocked, but they said nothing and I didn’t explain either. Mostly because knocking before entering any room was ingrained in me, like a reflex action, at the orphanage by the nannies. Rebh was standing there in just his pants without a shirt and a frown creased his brows when he saw me enter. I walked in and stood in front of him at an arms-length, for a few moments, neither of us said anything. Rebh cleared his throat and I looked up to see him waiting for me to talk. But how could I, seeing him shirtless was so distracting that I struggled to form coherent words, let alone a complete sentence. His bare chiseled chest, slightly tanned from his training under the sun and little water droplets from his shower slid down from his chest to his abs. His perfect six-pack glistened with water drops had my breath hitch in the throat and Z purred in my head, clearly happy at the sight. I wanted to look away but my eyes had a mind of their own as they followed the droplet as it disappeared at the waistband of his pants and only then, did I regain my senses. I shook my head to get myself together but Z wasn’t done undressing him with our eyes. “Don’t get me wrong V, I’m mad at him too but you cannot deny the fact that the man looks delicious!” Z purred in my head. “I have no idea, what you’re talking about, Z!” I huffed, though I knew I was lying to myself that moment. “Are you sure, V?” Z chuckled. “You’re just a horny Dragon, Z! We came here to talk to him, remember? The very urgent matter that couldn’t wait!” I reminded her reluctant to admit what was obvious. “You don’t need to knock to come in. This is your room just as much as it is mine, Vira.” Rebh’s voice suddenly brought me out of my argument with Z. “I… it’s just o...out o…of h…habit.” I stuttered. “But…” He began. “Can you first put on a shirt? I need to talk to you and it’s important!” I cut him off turning my head away, unable to control myself any longer. “Why?” Rebh huffed. “What, why? It’s really urgent, that’s why!” I huffed, irritated by my emotions. “Why, do I need to put on a shirt?” He quired, making me sigh. It was so hard not to jump into his arms and kiss that perfect chest and lick those naughty water droplets off his abs. “Because it is inappropriate for a price to roam around shirtless! Or are you planning to act like you’re the same arrogant prince, you are replacing?” I asked gritting my teeth and my fists clenched with the weird feeling in my stomach. “Well, I’m inside my room with no one to see me shirtless. What’s inappropriate about this?” He chuckled and I noticed him folding his hands under his chest. His bicep flexed just a little, making me think of other ways those biceps would flex. I shook my head to clear the dirty thoughts away. “I am standing, right here!” I said with clenched fists, at the thought that he ignored my presence, again! “Fine, no woman is around to see me like this. That’s still not inappropriate!” He argued. “I am a woman!” I said stomping my foot like a spoiled child. “You’re not a woman!” Rebh chuckled and took a step closer to me, “You’re a girl.” I was getting more irritated by the second, but he was too close for me to move. Our faces were just inches apart and if I so much as breathed the wrong way, I’d be in his arms with our lips locked. That was a definite recipe for disaster, for, I doubt I’d have stopped myself from taking it further. “You’re my girl,” he continued with his finger under my chin, forcing me to look at him, “and this isn’t inappropriate in any way.” He said showing his shirtless body. “J… just wear a shirt, please!” I said looking away, as his words melt my heart. “Why, am I distracting you?” Rebh asked with a smirk. “No, this is very important. The rebel we captured just told me something!” I said in one breath unable to continue the angle of our conversation. “Did you interrogate him all by yourself?” Rebh asked grabbing me by the shoulders. “So what?” I asked irritated. “It was dangerous!” He said gritting his teeth, “He could have attacked you. What if something happened to you?” “I think I am well capable of handling an attack from a prisoner.” I retorted, “I’ve never seen you stop, C from interrogating anyone?” “Chocopie is my sister, Apple pie, you, on the other hand, are my mate. I’d obviously be a little more protective of you!” He argued. “I don’t see Vann stopping C from interrogating a prisoner either! Are you telling me he isn’t as protective about C?” I snapped. “I didn’t say that!” Rebh sighed. “Do you want the information or not?” I shot with finality. His words were irritating me yet I felt so wanted at that moment. My contradicting emotions were thinning my patience and Rebh wasn’t making it any easier for me either. “Fine, tell me what did he tell you?” Rebh said as his tone softened. I took in a deep breath and relayed what the rebel told me and kept my eyes trained on the wall behind him, so, his still shirtless body wouldn’t distract me. “Did he say anything else about this rebel king? Any vague description or where he is operating from?” Rebh asked in a surprisingly calm tone. “Nothing! But I don’t think, torturing him for any more information, is going to help.” I told him. “Who is torturing him and why?” Rebh asked shocked, “Those weren’t the orders. I specifically instructed the guards not to take such measures!” “I don’t know, but when I went in, he was badly beaten up and bruised,” I told him now even more worried. “I think we shouldn’t forget the traitors aligned with the Dradnetians.” Roy’s husky voice filled my mind, “They could be behind this. Their agenda is to bring the four kingdoms to their knees.” “Roy is so sexy when he’s right!” Z purred in my head. “I heard that, sweetheart!” Roy’s chuckles filled my mind and I froze looking at Rebh. “I heard that too if anyone was asking.” Rebh sighed. “No one was!” I huffed. “Anyway,” Rebh sighed, “Roy is right though, we cannot ignore their involvement in torturing the rebel. We need to catch hold of these guys soon or we are going to have an even angrier rebel problem. I’ll ask Chocopie to send Sky for a sweep on an urgent basis, but I don’t want her to know about this rebel king. She has a lot on her plate as it is, I don’t want her to worry about this too.” “I wasn’t planning on telling her anyway.” I agreed. Dark King’s threat was looming on the entire Kaarmanet and she was dealing with a lot of unknowns to battle the damages he was causing. There was no way I’d want to trouble her more. But the question remained if Rebh didn’t instruct to torture the rebel then who did? “Could it be, your father’s order?” I quired. “That isn’t possible, he’s been more lost than ever and he doesn’t even know of the attack. I did go to him to update him on the incident, but he just kept asking me about you. Then he kept blabbering something over and over about him being wrong to steal and bring what didn’t belong, here.” Rebh said leaving me speechless.
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