Rebel Trouble

2025 Words
**Vira (POV) ** [Kaarmanet, Frosliure Empire] I was jerked awake by the sounds of warriors screaming and so was Rebh. Rebh, though, was quick to get his sword and ran in the direction we heard the cries. I was too disoriented to get my weapon, yet I followed him and to my surprise, I found the intruders winning over the highly untrained warriors of the Frosliure army. After training with mom for months, I could easily identify the weak spots of the warriors and that of the intruders. Rebh didn’t waste a moment before jumping in defense of his kingdom and army. He fought with ease, his sword moved as if it was his extended arm and it was then I realized his sword wasn’t like the ordinary swords you found people using, his sword was made of a flexible blade, that retracted with a flick of a rotatory switch on his hilt, it was mesmerizing to watch him fight with such ease that I froze to my spot and an intruder land a solid blow to my stomach making me double over. Rebh’s roar tore through the palace, upon noticing my state, and out of nowhere, I saw a leathery ice-blue dragon wing pierce through the intruder’s throat. I turned to my side, to find Rebh half transformed, with only claws and wings out, looking murderous. “That is so hot!” Zerelda purred in my head. “I agree, Z, I agree!” I sighed back to her. “I’m dying to see, what Roy looks like!” Zerelda purred in my head. “Ms. Horny, we are in the middle of an attack in the palace!” I reminded, more to myself than Zerelda. “Let’s try partial control, like them,” Zerelda suggested excitedly. “But no killing, Z, we need to know why they attacked us,” I  told her seriously as I kicked another intruder in the stomach and locked my elbow around his neck putting him in a neck hold, and flipped it just like we were taught in battle class that Rebh was taking back at the academy. “We could just use one… but I understand they might mean no harm in the end,” Z replied reluctantly. “Rebels!” I heard a new voice in my head roaring in anger. “I’m gonna kill them! They hurt my girl!” “Don’t kill them, please!” I cried, instinctively, “We need to know why they attacked us… if they’re rebels, like you say, we must listen to them before taking such decisions!” “Alright, sweetheart,” Came a sighing reply and that husky voice doing things to me that I couldn’t even imagine. “Oh my! Roy is just soooo hot!” Zerelda, swooned as she took partial control and let our wings out. “That, was Roy?” I quired, surprised. “Yeah!” She purred, as we flipped a wing at the back crashing two of the intruders against a wall and locking our elbow around another one’s neck. “How are we able to communicate with them?” I quired as we hit one intruder under his chin knocking him out. “Our bond, silly! He is our mate too, obviously, we can communicate with him whenever we want!” She replied in a duh tone. “Does Rebh know about us being shifters?” I quired worriedly. “Well, he didn’t until now, sweetheart,” Roy informed so sweetly that I was momentarily lost, while Zerelda fought with five others. “V, do you realize, he knows now?” Z quired amusingly, as I mentally swooned over Roy. “Oh, sh*t!” I was pulled out of my swooning over Roy at her comment and turned to look at Rebh, who stood wide-eyed looking at us. Finding him frozen in shock an intruder jumped with his sword pointing straight to his heart, Zerelda roared as she took full control flapping the intruder with our wing, and pinning him to the wall. I found myself transforming into Zerelda’s magnificent golden-scaled dragon form. She was huge, mom had said she’d never heard of such a huge-sized dragon before, Z did tell me we are an ancient dragon but even she had no clue what that meant other than her feeling superior to mom’s dragon, Iris. Which was surprising, as I was just an orphan, while she was the daughter of the dragon king. Nonetheless, Z ignored everyone and fought the intruders single-handedly while people just stood there in shock. She pinned one, who looked like the leader, under her talon and let out a mighty roar, that shook the palace walls. Everything stood still for a few moments until Rebh retracted Roy’s wings and took small steps in our direction. I could feel Z, shaking in anxiety and her thoughts of self-doubt flowed through me. “What if he hates us even more because of me?” She cried in my head and let out a hot puff of air through her massive nose and the leader of rebels shook in fright of his life. “If he hates us because we are dragon shifters, then we deserve better than him, Z. I am who I am because you are a part of me and I’d never let you go no matter what!” I replied seriously as we waited for Rebh to reach us. Time seemed to have slowed down as Rebh took each step and we waited with batting breaths. When he finally reached us, he put his hand out hovering just above our golden scales, and walked around us. His face gave nothing away on what he might be thinking. **Rebh (POV) ** When I went to sleep that night on the couch, this was definitely not what I was hoping to wake up to. I was hoping to wake up to see Vira’s flame-red hair all messed up from her sleep on my pillows and see her adorable almond-shaped face scrunch as she yawned, which I’d seen her do on many mornings at the academy. I know, it sounds creepy, but I used to let Roy out and watch her every morning. Rebels! I was beyond angry, to see them inside the palace I protected even when I was exiled. No matter whether I had the title or not, this was my home and my people and I would protect it under any circumstances. I’d vowed to protect this land with my life when I was barely five and I was going to keep my vow no matter what! But when I saw one of them land a punch on Vira, Roy and I lost it. Until then I was careful to only knock them out and not kill, but hitting my girl is a death wish for any! Roy came out, taking partial control, and slammed his pointed wing in the rebel’s throat killing him instantly. I saw Vira froze for a moment and I could swear I saw lust flicker in her eyes for a moment that passed too quickly for it to be real but what happened next left me shocked beyond what I could express. One moment, she looked like she was swooning the other, brilliant golden wings protruded from her shoulder blades and she fought like a pro. In my shock I didn’t notice one of the rebels point his sword in my heart, ready to drive it in but a mighty roar shook the palace, that didn’t come from me. My eyes flew to where Vira was standing from the rebel’s sword and time froze for me. There, in place of Vira, was a magnificent golden dragon, her scales glittering under the fire lamps in the palace. She looked like she was carved from the fire itself and she continued to fight all the rebels, careful not to kill them. She let out a mighty roar as she pinned the leader under her pointed wing and everything went still. I could clearly hear the labored breathing of the rebels and gasps from our warriors. My heart thumped loudly in my ears and I stood in a haze until Roy’s voice broke it. “You’re making her think, you hate her, i***t! She is our mate! Go to her!” His voice filled with urgency. “Vira? That’s Vira?” I quired still shocked. “No, that’s Zerelda. Vira’s dragon. Now go to her! If you hurt her again Rebh, I swear I’ll go away and disown you as my human!” Roy warned in a low growl. “That’s not even possible, Roy! You can’t disown me, you are literally me! And when did I hurt Zerelda?” I sighed. “I’m not you! I’m your dragon spirit.” Roy said and I could feel him roll his eyes. I ignored his last comment, as I knew he wouldn’t tell me anything at the moment, and took small steps towards Zerelda, to not startle her. I had to crane my head to see her entire form she was so massive and beautiful that I wanted to touch her, my hand as if having a mind of its own moved to touch her, and I had to try my all not to. I let my hands hover over her form as I walked around her, wanting to see her all. Memorize every one her scales and the patterns that they formed, as the varying shades of gold-filled my vision, hypnotizing me in its beauty. She let out a huff of hot air and the rebel leader under shivered in fear for his life. I stopped when I was right in front of her to meet the golden orbs with red and orange hues like she held fire in them. I extended my hand to reach her massive muzzle, which she gently lowered to let my hand meet her scaled muzzle. I stroked her gently, still lost spellbound by her beauty, until the whimpers of the rebel leader broke it. “Let him go, apple pie, you’ve scared him to death!” I chuckled as I placed my cheek on her muzzle. She let out a hot puff of air, that felt like she’d been holding for some time and released the rebel leader, who crawled back right into the waiting warriors. I felt her slowly give control back to Vira and heard the tell-tale sounds of cracking bone that told me she was shifting back. I quickly realized the presence of the warriors which pis*ed both Roy and I; she’d torn her clothes to bits when she transformed and I was not going to let anyone see her naked… she was mine to look at! “Leave!”  came out the roar before I could stop, leaving the warriors shaking in fear but they scurried away like their tails were on fire. I pulled at my cloak to cover her and stepped forward to pick her up. But she surprised me when she pulled the cloak closer around her body and got up like it was every day, she shifted to fight, leaving me shocked looking after her. I could hear her sniffle; from the corridor, she took to our room. Yes, our room! She might hate me now, but I’ll win her over and she’ll be mine, forever! “Ours!” Roy chimed. “You knew?” I asked him incredulously. Of course, I know. I, unlike you, pay attention to all details. Especially if it is about my sweetheart!” Roy huffed. I ran behind her as I realized, she hid something so important from me. Clearly, she had been training, with the way she fought even when she partially shifted and I must admit she did better than I did after years of training. Who was training her? “Mom!” Roy informed nonchalantly. “What? All of you had been hiding this from me?” I thought back as I slammed the door to our room open. “YOU HID SUCH AN IMPORTANT TRUTH!” I screamed.
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