The Abandoned Beginning

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**Vira (POV) ** “Kyrah, you need to stop locking yourself in like this!” Cahaya’s stern voice came along the hallway, as she knocked on her door. I feel for the little one… yeah, she’s not so little anymore, she’s eighteen now, and well, you know teens. Yeah, we were once there, but we had our own problems to deal with, but Kyrah and other kids have different ones they’re dealing with. One could say their own lives aren’t really easy, especially Kyrah. “You really think a closed-door can stop either me or your father, Kyrah?” Cahaya yelled angrily and teleported in, opening the door from inside. I stepped inside, to help her out if need be and heard the mother and daughter arguing. “Momzy, you won’t understand!” Kyrah screamed. “Really, Kyrah…” Cahaya started but I stopped her. “Maybe, I can talk to her, C. You go and check on the other kids.” I smiled at my best friend, who sighed loudly and left. “No, your talking isn’t going to work! Not this time Aunty Z!” Kyrah threw my way, she’d taken to calling me aunty Z, after meeting Zerelda one day when she was found terrified in the enchanted woods. No one knows, why or how she got there… something she doesn’t tell anyone, no matter how hard we try. “Then, what will work?” I asked curiously, anything that could get her talking is good at this moment. “Nothing… you guys don’t understand!” She whined plopping down on her window seat. “What don’t we understand… honey girl, tell me!” I urged her. “You don’t know how it feels to be… ABANDONED!” She sighed. “Hmm, I have a very good idea how it feels to be abandoned, honey. In fact, nobody knows about it better than me.” I smiled at her. “How? You have so many people who care about you, understand you around you. How can you then ever feel abandoned? Tell me…please aunty Z!” She pleaded. “Well, it all started, when I met him… [Kaarmanet, Frosliure Empire] All my life I’ve wondered, who I was, where I’m from… but had no answers whatsoever. All I knew was that I was dropped off at the orphanage wrapped in a blue blanket. They thought that I was a water mage, and so put me with other water mage children but I didn’t fit in. With the constant battles between the kingdoms and mages of every element turned against one another, it got furthermore difficult to survive as an orphan. No one trusted the other until our powers bloomed. I got lucky when they realized I was a fire mage, but the others became hostile towards me, so I was more or less left either alone or bullied throughout my childhood. To escape all those people, I found solace in the old public libraries in Drawitles. I didn’t have any money and the nannies only gave us enough for food and conveyance, for when we went to town, so, the old librarian offered to let me read if I helped out in the library. A year later, I was staying at the library’s attic, helping out in the library in exchange for shelter and food. But the old man, Appy, was kind and helped me learn a lot, it was there I discovered my talent of being able to read any language.  I didn’t understand at first but then I realized I could read languages that were long dead as well and I did well not telling anyone about it. Then I got amazing news one day stating I’d been selected as a scholarship at the academy. I was elated at the opportunity but it turned out to be yet another place for people to bully me, Frith, especially. For two years, this went onn, but the third year at the academy changed my life forever… I met C, my first ever friend and the only one who stayed true to me without asking for anything in return. I met my mate the same day I met my best friend, well, I didn’t know he was my mate then but he did. I zoned out for bits and pieces of that day but it was also the day I realized who I was… I found my true self that day, I met Zerelda and realized I was a dragon shifter, just like my mate. To know all of that n a day, to say was overwhelming, would be an understatement… I was faced with so many emotions at the same time that there was none I could put a finger onn and say, this is what I was feeling. But it was also the day I realized I was worth better than a mate who wouldn’t even acknowledge my presence. To my utter surprise, C was with me on my decision, saying her brother needed to learn. It was her and Zerelda who agreed on this crazy plan.” “What plan? And did your mate know you were a dragon shifter?” Kyrah chimed bouncing on her ankles. “Well, to answer your second question, no, Rebh didn’t know but someone else did… that however, I found out later, quite late. But the plan, a crazy plan, that these two agreed to, that would teach Rebh a lesson for life, as they said, was for Vann and me to act close and make him realize my value. Vann, being the most mischievous of the trio, readily agreed and more. He kept pushing Rebh’s buttons and C helped him do that, I pretty much didn’t have to do much, other than ignore him completely.  Soon, I met my mom-in-law, who started training me and Zerelda on battle and shift techniques. I found out the dangers they were trying to prevent the entire Kaarmanet from and my love for this newfound family grew ten folds. I played any part I could to help them, even if it meant for me to live with Rebh, who I hadn’t forgiven yet, and I didn’t shy away from my duties as the young queen of Frosliure. Mom helped me majorly, in learning my duties and doing them right. She, obviously, was pi*sed when she found out how Rebh had treated me and backed my decision too. But it was during this time that my life took another turn and threw me into the bumpiest road ever created. King Drish or dad as I call him now, was unusually nice to me since the moment he set his eyes on me. I found it creepy after a certain point, but I soon learned, he did truly adore me as he did C, his daughter. He would often talk to me about his experiences or ask after my studies… things he was supposed to do with his kids but did with me instead. I felt terribly guilty and would apologize to C, she never got her father’s love and there I was encroaching on the love she deserved. She always laughed saying it was outrageous I or anyone would think she’d hold onto such trivial things, but I saw it, her eyes would often go searching into space. But after the four Kings were arrested by C and Vann, I missed the time I spent with dad and the fatherly love, he offered. I cried myself to sleep on many nights, I had to keep my sniffles low to keep from noticing I cried. Sharing a room with him wasn’t my plan but that day, things weren’t going as I wanted them. “So, Vira, my sweet, I’ll get new furnishers that would better suit you to Rebh’s room. Let the staff know, if you need anything else.” King Drish, said smiling gently at me as we left his study. What could I say to that? There is no way I’d share a room with your son! I wanted to say that but then the questions: of he is your mate, why would you do that without a reason… would pop up. I chose to nod in response instead. I entered the room with much apprehension, the palace itself was impressive with ice blue walls with tinges of red and pink hues here and there. There was an ornate staircase that wound with gold edges with a plush carpet, for moments I was scared to even step on it. Seeing me hesitate Rebh took my hand in his and led me, his hands in mines had sparks throughout my body and I had to curb the urge to hold onto his hand. I didn’t fail to notice the sudden bounce in his step when he realized I was going to share his room with him. I smiled internally at his reaction, I mean yes, I was still pi*sed with him, but how could I ignore how hard he’d been trying to just talk to me, for the last few weeks?  But I still hadn’t forgiven him, for how he ignored my existence when I was his MATE! So, I kept my head down and walked with him to his room. His room was beyond what I’d expected. Blue hues blended with sea green on the walls made me feel like I was underwater or under an illusion and froze in my spot, for a bit. Rebh ran back and took my hand, practically dragging me in and showing me around. “I know this might not be much of what you expect to be a man’s room but I was last here when I was sixteen, so the room can look a little…” He said scratching his neck sheepishly, I must admit he looked adorable. “It’s beautiful!” I said cutting him off. “I’m really glad you like it! You can take the bed; I’ll sleep on the couch.” Rebh offered. “Are you sure?” I asked still apprehensive but he nodded and jumped to get a pillow and sheets for himself. We slept that night in an awkward silence until there we heard the warriors screaming.
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