Chapter 6

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Evan's POV I woke up the next day and looked at the clock beside my bed to see that it was around ten in the morning. I didn't mean to sleep in, but since it's a weekend, I guess it doesn't matter. My eyes squinted at the bright sunlight that came beaming in through my window. I almost went back under the covers, but I need to get up. So I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes, hoping to rub the sleepiness away. It helped a little bit, not as much as I wished it would, but it was enough. I looked over at my nightstand again and noticed the note from Waeland sitting beside the clock. I put it there last night before I fell asleep, I don’t know why I decided to keep it though. It’s not like I’m going to actually use his number. Why don't I throw it away? It could come in handy one day, having contacts isn’t a bad thing. Not that I have many of those- I decided to clean and listen to music for a while to pass time since I have nothing else to do. After a while of doing that, I got on my computer and watched documentaries on random things that I found interesting. A while passed and I decided to check the time to see that it was two pm. My dad should be home soon then. He gets off early on Saturdays. The front door clicked open, "Hey, Evan. I'm home, I bought pizza for lunch in case you're hungry." Speaking of the devil, there he his. "Cool, thanks, Dad. I just finished your laundry, it's in a basket in your room." I said, grabbing the pizza box from him and placing it on the table. "Thanks, Kiddo," he thanked me as he ruffled my hair. Anyone else, I would have swatted their hand away. But I don't mind my dad ruffling my hair, honestly, it made me feel a bit happy. It reminded me of when I was little and he would do that all the time. "I'll be upstairs; I'm going to take a shower. Then I'm heading to the bar with some buddies." He told me as he started walking upstairs. Most people think it's weird to go to a bar so early, but my dad does it so often. It’s normal for me so I didn’t really question it. I ate the rest of the pizza and threw away the box, before heading back upstairs to my room. I sat at my desk and decided to surf the internet on my computer to find something interesting to read about. An hour or so passed I stretched my back and a few loud pops echoed through my room. While doing so, I caught a glimpse of Mr. Popular's number still on my bedside table. Should I text him? I have nothing else to do. No, don't give in to the temptation so easily. I told myself. I don't like him or anyone that's going to be at that party, so what's the point in going? Plus, it'll be loud and full of people making out and doing other unsightly things that I prefer not to witness. Still, a small part of me wanted to go out of curiosity. I've never been to a party before. Only seen them in movies and heard about them. Okay, once. I'll text him just this once, but never ever again.  I picked up the piece of paper and pulled my phone out of my back pocket. Clicking, 'new message', I put in Waeland's number. Me: XXXX Meadowlands Dr. Anonymous, Ar. If you're not here by seven, I'm not going. - Evan I reluctantly sent it after a few moments. I put my phone back in my pocket, thinking it would take him a few minutes to respond. Or if he responds at all. This could all be a prank. What if he’s dragging me there just to make me do something stupid? My phone buzzed not even a minute later. I looked at it, not believing that he responded so quickly. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had just been waiting for me to message him all day. Waeland: Took you long enough ;) I'll see you at seven, cutie That's his response. Wow, he really expected me to answer. And “cutie”, really? I am not cute. Hmm, maybe I should text him back- I stopped myself. No. He's not your friend. Still, I am curious as to why he calls me "cutie". Shrugging, I sent him another text. Me: Why do you call me "cutie"? It's creepy I sat on my bed and waited for his response. It shouldn't take him long. I mean, it didn't take him long last time. Sure enough, a moment later he answered. Waeland: Because you're cute. What other reason do I need? I rolled my eyes at that, guys aren't cute. Well, there was this one time when I thought his pout was cute... No, wait, I don't mean that. Guys aren't cute, especially not Waeland. Me: Only girls and puppies are cute, so I am not cute I messaged him back, and he sent another text back to me. Waeland: Then you must be a girl in disguise, cause you're the cutest thing I've ever seen ;) ... Why am I texting him again? Me: I am not a girl. I can assure you I have man bits. I texted back, very unamused by his answers, but for some reason, I kept responding anyway. Waeland: Oooh, do you? Will you show me then? I'd love to confirm whether or not you’re a boy or a girl This pervert! And what's with all the winky faces? I yelled mentally and almost threw my phone to the ground. I didn’t want to break it though; I didn’t want to explain to my dad that I needed a new phone because I got frustrated with a perv. Me: ... Never mind. I'm not going to the party. Don't bother picking me up. I won't go. I was honestly thinking about going to this party. Until he made that comment. Nope, I am not going to a party with this guy. He might rape me or something. Waeland: Aw! Is it because I said I wanted to see your man parts? Okay, I'm sorry. Just pleeease go I promise it'll be fun He sent me and for a second I considered taking his apology. But then again, it's probably just part of his master scary plan. Me: No, I don't feel like getting raped tonight. I texted him, truthfully and he responded almost immediately. Waeland: how about tomorrow night then ;) This guy... He's a real i***t. I stopped texting him and put my phone in my pocket. It buzzed a few times, but I ignored it. I don’t want to talk to him anymore. I went back to surfing the web on my computer, ignoring the buzzing from my phone. Eventually, I just turned it off. I was too annoyed to listen to it anymore. At about six-thirty, I turned my phone back on. Five missed calls and twelve new messages. Rolling my eyes I decided to read them all. And all of them were from Waeland. Lol, I was kidding don't take it seriously You are still coming to the party, right? Hello? C'mon don't ignore me I'm sorry, pick up the phone Answer meeee I'm still coming at seven, be ready I'll drag you out and stuff you in my car Btw, can you stomach alcohol? Are you ready? I'm coming early to make sure you're ready I'll be there in 5, see you then, cutie ;) That last message was sent to me four minutes ago… Wait, but that means he’ll be here in a minute.  I scrambled to my feet and quickly ran downstairs. I have to lock the door before he- "Evan, I'm here!" I heard Waeland's voice boom through the house as he entered through the door. Does this guy not have any manners? He must think he owns the world. Being Mr. Popular must have gotten to his head. "You can't just barge into someone's house like that." I scowled at him, "It's rude. Now, get out." I watched him as he scanned me up and down. His lips turned into a devious smirk. "I see you weren't expecting company. Unless you were trying to send me a certain message. And if that's the case, then I'd be happy to stay here with just you and me." He chuckled and I was confused. Until I realized I never changed out of my bedclothes. Shoot! I'm still wearing my t-shirt and boxers! I felt my face heat up and I quickly turned and ran upstairs to my room. “Are you playing tag?” He asked with a chuckle, but luckily I didn’t hear him come up the stairs. "No! Let me get dressed!" I shouted through the door and ran to my closet to find some proper clothes. I put on a pair of dark jeans and a black shirt with a red jacket. There, this should be good enough for a party. Wait, no, I'm not going to the party. I stomped over to my door and swung it open. I walked over to the top of the stairs and crossed my arms, glaring at Waeland who was still at the bottom. "I'm not going to the party," I stated coldly. "Yes you are, you look perfect by the way." He said as he offered his hand to me, but I didn’t move an inch. “I’m not going,” I said and watched him carefully as if I expected him to do something. If he does, I won’t hesitate to hit him like I did Garret. Especially not in my own home. "Why not?" He genuinely asked.  "Because parties are loud and there are too many people. And a lot of them or doing things that I don't care to see." I answered. "Hmm, how about we only go for thirty minutes then? If you still don't want to be there I'll take you home. Promise," He said as he held his pinky out to me for a pinky promise. I raised a brow at that and kept my arms crossed. "Do you really promise?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Fine, only thirty minutes and you have to stay near me so I can find you when I want to leave." He agreed and I reluctantly made my way down the stairs and he smiled before leading me outside to his car. His car is nice. I mean really nice. It's a sleek red, Ferrari. I can’t believe someone would give a teen such an expensive car to drive. Especially one like Waeland. Damn. I must have said that last bit out loud because he chuckled. "You like it?" I just shrugged and got into the passenger seat as he got into the driver's seat. The ride there was quiet, but not awkward. I kept glancing at Waeland the whole time. I didn't realize how good he really looked till now either. He was wearing a light-colored shirt that let you see his well-defined muscles clearly. His jeans were also kind of tight, which allowed you see almost everything. I mean, not like I was really looking. I'm sure his bottom looks great on those, too. It's a shame I can't see since he's sitting down. Woah, woah, woah. Hold the phone. I mentally slapped myself. Why am I thinking this way? I mean, not only is he a guy, (a very attractive one though) but he's also annoying and a total jerk. He keeps forcing me to do stuff I don't want to and keeps bothering me in class. He also keeps getting into my head with that pretty face and gorgeous green eyes and perfect body. Ugh! I need to stop hanging around this guy. He's infecting me with his... His... Himness! Yeah, that's the word. I shouldn’t like him because of his looks, that’s not right. Is there anything about his personality that I like..? I guess I have to give it to him for being so persistent, but that’s about it so far. Waeland pulled into a gated residential area. Fancy. I thought as he parked near a house that was packed with cars and people. I could hear music blasting from the house even though we were still a little way down the street from it. I'm sure the neighbors were annoyed. I hope they call the cops so I can leave. I opened the car door and stepped out, feeling Waeland beside me moments later. "Why do people like to party exactly?" I asked, already wanting to leave. "Because it’s fun. C'mon, lighten up a bit." He nudged my shoulder as he grabbed my good hand and led me inside the house. As we entered, several people stopped what they were doing and looked at us. Most likely because Mr. Popular just came to the party. I just wanted to run away and hide. I don't want to be here anymore; I hate the way people are looking at me right now. "Omg!! Evan actually did come!" Some random girl squealed in... Excitement..? "Leave it to Waeland to get the infamous grump here!" A guy said as a bunch of people laughed, some still looked surprised. A small group of girls came running up to me and tugged on my sleeves. "C'mon, let's go get some drinks together" "I'm so glad you're here, Waeland told me he'd bring you" "Omg, we've never seen you at a party before, come have some fun with us. We'll make sure you have fun." The girls told me as they dragged me away from Waeland. I knew it. This is a setup. I turned and looked at Waeland, desperately hoping I was wrong and that he would help me, but nope. The asshole just winked at me, "Have fun, Evan." Waeland, I swear I’m going to kill you… I can't believe he left me to the she-wolves! What is wrong with him? I will never trust him. So much for saying he wants to be my friend. A girl with strawberry blonde walked up, this time it was someone I recognized. Samantha Willow, she’s one of the most popular girls in school and she’s always hanging out with Mr. Popular. Not that there’s any surprise there. "Here," She offered me the cup. I just glared at it and at her. She just giggled. "It's not poison. I promise," Samantha brought the drink to her lips and took a sip. "See? Now, drink." The girl offered the cup to me again. I took it, afraid that she'd keep pestering me till I took it. Are all people annoying like Waeland? I hesitantly brought the drink to my mouth, after wiping away the other girl's germs of course. I took a large swig and swallowed. It just tasted like fruit punch, except it had a kick to it. A strong kick, too, but it didn’t taste that bad. "The name's Samantha by the way," the girl who handed me the drink said as she smiled at me.  I nodded a bit, "Evan." She giggled again. "I know. Everyone knows who you are." Hmm... "I've actually been wondering about that for a while. Why is that? And why does everyone say I'm popular or famous?" I asked I've been meaning to ask someone this for a while actually. But seeing as I never talk to people, I’ve never asked. "You don't know? Well, you're really famous for scaring everyone all the time. Almost everyone avoids you but knows who you are. They're afraid you'll beat them up or something if they cross your path. You never talk to anyone and you aren't exactly the most approachable person." Samantha told me, nodding her head. "I know I'm not approachable. I make sure of that. It’s effective, too. Well, it was, until recently. As you can see," I said and took another sip of the drink that I was still holding. "I'm kind of surprised. I didn't think you could actually speak. Honestly, I'm glad Waeland got you to come here. Maybe you and I could be friends." She smiled at me and a few other girls agreed with Samantha. I stood there, looking into my cup for a few minutes before speaking. "No, I'd honestly rather go back to how things were," I said in a monotone voice. She just continued to smile. "I figured you wouldn't be that easy, I mean you've been avoiding people for years. Well, if you ever change your mind let me know, here's my number." She stuffed a piece of paper in the front pocket of my pants and left. I watched her wavy curls bounce as she walked out of the kitchen. People are strange. Several people tried starting conversations with me, I just ignored them as I drank the punch in my cup. When it was empty I got more. I swear I've drunk ten cups by now. I was starting to get a bit dizzy. That was when Garret came up to me. "Hey man, I just wanted to say sorry for yesterday." He said as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.  I just waved it off, "Don't worry about it." "Really? You mean it? So you don't hate me?" He asked. I just blinked at him, "I hate everyone. People are irritating and loud." He raised a brow at me then shrugged. "Figures, I mean, you never seem too happy around anyone," Garret told me, looking away a bit. I just nodded and brushed past him, walking away. "Wait, won't you let me talk to you for a moment?" "No, I need to find Waeland," I told Garret as I finished my cup and walked into the living room. I blinked a few times, trying to focus on my surroundings while looking around. Some people were passed out while others were dancing and grinding on each other. Others were making out in corners and some were smoking something that smelled awful on the couch. I rolled my eyes and stumbled into a table. "Ouch," I mumbled under my breath. Shaking my head, I moved to the next room, searching for a single person. Didn't I tell him to not leave my side? The Jerk, didn’t I tell him not to leave my side. I sighed and my vision blurred for a moment. Damn, I drank too much. I looked up and saw the tall redhead. Ah-hah! There he is! Why is he so far away? Maybe if I reach out he’ll come to me on his own. That's the last thing I remember before everything was a blacked out blur.
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