Chapter 5

1261 Words
Evan's POV The walk to the nurse's office felt like forever. I couldn't stop running all these scenarios through my head. What if I get suspended? Or worse, expelled? Then I'll never get into a good college, and I won't get a good job and I'll have to find another way to take care of my dad. Why did I let my anger get to me like that? That was really stupid. I'm so screwed... Was the last thought I had before we entered the nurse's office. The nurse was an older lady, probably in her forties or fifties. She was in the middle of bandaging Garret's nose when she noticed Mr. Popular's presence than mine. "Are you the one who broke his nose?" The nurse asked, eyeing suspiciously. I just nodded slowly. "Young man, do you know how much trouble you’re going to be in? You can’t be getting into fights like this. Boys and their raging emotions…” She mumbled the last part, but all of us definitely caught it and Jenna stifled back a laugh. "Ma'am, can we talk about this later? Not only is Garret's nose broken, but Evan hurt his hand as well. So I think it's best to help them first, then talk about what happened." He finished and I could see the nurse think it over for a moment before agreeing and going back to helping Garret. After she was done with him she ushered me over to her so she could wrap my fingers up. She told me they weren’t broken, just bruised and that they would heal in a week or so. From the corner of my eye, I saw Waeland whispering something to Garret and Garret looked like he was about to pee his pants. Seriously, I almost thought he would right then and there. I was curious as to what Waeland had said, but I wasn’t going to question it. Not now anyway. Once the nurse was finished, she asked us what happened and said she would decide whether to send us to the principle's office or not afterward. I was about to start when Garret stepped in. "It was my fault, I started it," he told the nurse, looking down at his feet. Wait, what? I thought he would say it was all my fault.  "Go on," the nurse said, looking slightly shocked. Garret continued, "I was jealous of Evan so I called him names and pushed him against the wall. I got up in his face and was about to punch him when he punched me first. He did it in self-defense and I take full responsibility for my actions." I was shocked. I wonder if Waeland had something to do with it. "Mr. Beck, is this true?" She turned and asked me. I thought for a moment, should I agree? But if I do that'll make Garret look really bad... Well, he wasn’t lying, but I did punch him first. “Yeah, it’s true,” I said, deciding to go with it and see what would happen. I would rather not get in trouble. The nurse nodded, "Alright, I guess since you got what you had coming Garret, I won't report you to the principle. But if anything like this ever happens again you will be in deep trouble young man." Garret nodded and Waeland looked proud of himself for some reason. "And you Mr. Beck, if you're being bullied, you need to tell someone. Not lash out at the bully." I nodded and in my head, I rolled my eyes. Yeah, like I'd ever let anyone bully me. "Alright, you're all dismissed." The nurse shooed us away and we all left in awkward silence. Garret, Jenna, and Jonah didn't say a word as they walked away in the opposite direction from me. Waeland stuck behind, then followed me to our fifth period. To my surprise, he was quiet all of fifth period. It seemed off from usual character and I kept giving him questioning glances the whole time. He just shrugged and focused on his work. Strange... I wonder if he's planning something. In sixth period Waeland was being Waeland again. He kept on poking me and whispering things to me like he has been the past couple of days. I didn't ignore him completely like I usually do, though. But I didn't exactly converse with him either. I just nodded and said simple responses like "yes", "no", and "sure". He seemed ecstatic compared to earlier, but I didn’t question it. I was afraid he would tell me this long story about why he was so happy and I didn’t want to hear it. He kind of scares me. Finally, school is over for the day. And I have all weekend to myself since it's Friday. Finally, I get the spend the whole weekend in my quiet home where I won't be bothered by anyone, especially not Waeland. I don't want to be around him or his friends. I almost skipped out of the school, eager to get home. The second I walked through the doors though, someone grabbed my arm. I turned my head to see none other than Mr. Popular. "May I help you?" I asked in a sarcastic tone, ready to leave.  "Actually, yes, I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party with me tomorrow." I almost laughed. Almost. Is this guy for real? I would never go to a party and with him no less. I scoffed, "Um, no thanks, parties aren't my thing." "Nothing is your thing," he retorted. "C'mon, just go, it'll be fun." "No," I said flatly, hoping to leave quickly. "You’re going you need to have some fun in your life. I'll pick you up at seven," Waeland winked at me. "Wear something nice, too. I want to see you look extra cute for the party." And with that little note, he ran off. Why does he always leave before I can respond? Also, cute? No, no, no. I am not cute and I am also not going to that party. Wait, and how can he pick me up if he doesn't know my address? Actually, knowing him, he probably stalked me to my house at one point or another without me knowing. I sighed and started walking home. Well, there goes my good mood... Again. Once I got to my house I started making dinner. I was really hungry since I didn’t eat much lunch no thanks to you-know-who. I also want to go to bed early, this day was tiring and I just wanted to relax in my comforter on my soft bed. I decided to make lasagna and breadsticks for dinner. It's my dad's favorite meal, so I'm sure he'll appreciate it after a long day of work. When everything was done, I grabbed a large helping and packed up the rest for Dad since I know he's going to be late today. He's always late on Friday's. After finishing my food, I washed the dishes and went the bathroom to shower. I shut the door behind me and began to undress. When I took my shirt off, a white piece of paper fell the ground. I looked at it for a moment before picking it up. It was folded in fours, so I unfolded it. On the paper was a note. It read: Sup Cutie, I thought you'd want my number so you could send me your address so I can pick you up for the party. XXX-XXX-XXXX. I hope you text me as soon as you read this. -Waeland XOXO What the..? Waeland... I sighed and placed the note on the counter and rolled my eyes. I'm definitely not sending him my address. I'm not going to that dumb party.
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