Chapter 7

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Waeland's POV "Wow, Waeland, I never expected you to actually bring him. I thought you were just kidding," Jonah said as he took a sip of whatever alcoholic beverage he picked up. "When am I ever joking?" I asked, raising a brow at him. He laughed and patted my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Yeah, I know. I kid around a lot, but I was serious about bringing him. It was a lot of trouble so I wasn't going to give up so easily." Jonah nodded, "Now that sounds like you. Not wanting to put your work to waste." He then looked behind me and tilted his head a little before smirking. "Hey, I think your buddy is looking for you." I turned around and sure enough, Evan was wandering around aimlessly looking for something. He looked like a lost puppy looking for its master. Aww, he's so cute! I thought to myself. It's too bad I can't jump him here.  He looks kind of drunk, too. I wonder how much Samantha and her girls gave him. I thought as he looked at me. His scowl hasn't been up the whole time he was looking around and when he saw me, his eyes lit up a bit. Maybe it was just my imagination tricking me, but either way I loved it Jeez, how cute can one being be? I mean, I know he's not particularly small or adorable to most people. But when he drops his scowl he looks like a different person almost. I made my way over to him and he also walked towards me. Although, it seemed like he was struggling to walk straight. "How are you liking the party?" I asked and a small smirk tugged on my lips as I looked at the adorable mess. "You said you wouldn't leave my side," he pouted. His words were a little slurred and he seemed to have a little trouble standing upright. I then decided to lead him to a place to a rest. Luckily there was a room on the first floor where he could sit without a bunch of people hanging around him. "You drank too much, Evan," I shook my head at him as I set him down. "This is only your first party and we've here for less than an hour. I can't believe you're drunk." I said. He reeked of alcohol. It made me wonder if he has drank before, and if it was a good idea to leave him with Samantha. "It's your fault for leaving me alone, asshole. I wanted to stick by your side the whole time. But oh no, instead you fed me to the she-wolves." Evan's lip curled up a bit as he crossed his arms and looked away from me. He looked like a child who was upset with his mother for not giving him an extra cookie. I couldn't help but chuckle. Look at him? The guy that usually just glares at everyone is just pouting and complaining about how I "fed him to the wolves". Aka; Samantha and her gang. "I'm sorry for leaving you, but I'll stay now. Okay?" I said as I sat beside him. "Really? You promise you won't leave me alone?" He whimpered as he looked at me with slightly watered eyes. He just... Whimpered? I promised myself I wouldn't do anything and I won't. But I know this won't be easy. He is drunk after all and he definitely isn't acting like himself. It wouldn't be right. I sighed mentally, this is going to be harder than I thought. "Yes Evan, really," I reassured him, ruffling his hair a bit. I was treating him like a child, but why not? He's acting like one. He smiled brightly at me. "You have pretty eyes. Do you know that? They're like bright shiny emeralds. Has anyone ever told you that?" Okay, okay, you're throwing to many things at me once. Are you testing me, god? I don't think I'll pass at this rate. "Um, no they haven't, but thank you." Evan then sat up on his knees and started running his hands through my hair. "And your hair. It's super soft and silly like kitty cats. The orangey-red color is super pretty too." He giggled. Evan freaking giggled like a girl. "It kinda reminds me of Garfield." Oh lord help me. Please. A man can only control his urges for so long before he goes crazy. "Garfield? So you're comparing me to a fat cat?" I said, pretending to be insulted. "Nononono." He shook his head at me. "Your hair color just reminds me of the color of Garfield's fur. You though, if I had to compare you to someone I'd have to say..." I watched as Evan kept tilting his head side to side in thought. After a few moments, he finished his sentence. "One of those super hot model guys that you see in porn magazines." I choked at his last words. A porn magazine? Seriously? "A-are you sure about that, Evan?" He just nodded. "Yup, definitely. I mean, look at your body!" He explained, throwing his arms up in exaggeration. Oh boy, he's like a totally different person. Evan then placed his hands on my stomach. "You have the perfect six-pack abs. I can even feel them through your shirt." Evan then did something really unexpected. He shifted and sat in my lap. Not like a normal person though. He was straddling me. Evan Beck, the man I have a crush on is straddling me on a bed while touching my body. Okay, I can handle this. Evan's hands then started making their way up to my chest. "Rock hard chest," he mumbles as he touched me then his hands kept moving upward towards my shoulders. "Broad shoulders," then to my neck. I gulped, trying to keep my friend from getting to excited. Okay maybe I can't handle this. He then cupped both of my cheeks in his hands. "Strong jaw and high cheekbones to make you look perfect. Beautiful eyes and," his eyes flickered to my lips. Oh no. "Pink lips that look so soft. I can't exactly tell from just looking at them..." Evan's words trailed away as his lips slowly made their way to mine. It was a soft, light kiss. But it still sent my entire body into overdrive. I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around him and smash my lips hard against his. I wanted far more than that, too, but I wasn't going to let my mind trail down that road. He's drunk and it doesn't feel right to take advantage of that.  Evan looked at me with his beautiful chocolate-brown eyes that I found mesmerizing to look at. "Yup, they're soft." I smirked at him weakly, trying to keep myself together. "You know you just kissed me, right?" Evan nodded and blushed, "I know, I just had to test if I was right about them being soft. Besides, I've always wanted to kiss someone, but I've never had the chance." He glanced away, looking very embarrassed. Oh, so that was his first kiss? Mm, I'd love to make his first kiss worthwhile. But not with the possibility of someone walking in. And with him being drunk and all. I don't think he'll even remember this tomorrow. I'm sure if he does, he'll attempt to murder me to get rid of the evidence of what he did. I chuckled at the thought. Evan tilted his head at me, "What's so funny? Did I say something funny?" "Oh, no, I was just thinking. Don't worry about it." I ruffled his hair again for the second time. I can't help it. He just reminds me of a little kid right now. He then smiled at me, looking drowsier than before. "We should probably take you home, you look tired," I said and he pouted at me again. "Do we have to?" "Yes, unless you want to fall asleep at a stranger's house," I said and he immediately stood up. He stood up too fast though and nearly fell, but I caught him before that happened. I helped him out of the room since he was still having trouble keeping his balance. "Hey, who wants to play spin the bottle?" Someone yelled and I recognized it as Brittney's voice.  Several people agreed and got into a circle in the middle of the living room with a random beer bottle laying in the middle. Jenna then walked up to me and Evan. "Hey, do you guys wanna join?" Of course... "Game? Sure, I'll play!" Evan quickly pulled away from me and ran to sit in the circle then patted the space beside him. "Come play with me Waeland." Oh, you have no idea how much I would like to play with you, Evan. Okay dirty thoughts, go away. "What's up with him?" Jenna laughed, "I've never seen the grump smile, let alone sound so enthusiastic. Especially around your ass." She kept laughing at me. I crossed my arms, "What's that supposed to mean? Also, he's drunk. So I guess that's why." "I like him like this, maybe we should make sure he's drunk all the time." I shook my head at her. "I'm not letting my Evan be drunk all the time. This was a one-time thing and I'm sure I'm going to regret it when his hangover hits him," Jenna raised a brow at me. "Your Evan?" She asked. "Yes, my Evan." I stood and walked over to Evan. Crouching down I whispered to him, "I don't think you want to play this game. We should get you home. You're really drunk." He swayed a little, "I don't know what you're talking about... I'm not drunk at all..." "Yeah, uh-huh. Count to a hundred then." "Um... One, two... Three, four, five, sixty..." I shook my head at him, "You skipped fifty-five numbers." I said and picked him up. "Sorry guys, I have to take him home." Most people just said bye in understanding, while the others complained or begged me to come back. "Maybe, I'll see you guys later," I said as I carried a whiney Evan outside. "Noooo... I don't wanna go home." He said, most of his words slurred. "Too bad, it's my fault for allowing you to drink so much, now I have to take care of you," I told him as I placed him in the passenger seat of my car. I guess he passed put before I finished my sentence because when I sat him down he was sound asleep. I buckled him up and shut the car door before getting into the driver's seat. Man, I made a mistake leaving him alone. But then again... He would never have kissed me if he was sober. I sighed, this sucks. When I pulled into his driveway, I noticed a car that wasn't there before. His parents are probably home. I gently shook him awake, "Evan? Wake up, you're home." He just groaned and turned away from me, snuggling up further into the seat. I got out and made my way over to his side and unbuckled him. I picked him up and carried Evan to his front door. I shifted Evan in my arms so I could ring the door bell, hoping one of his parents would answer so I could take him inside. A moment later the door swung open and there stood a tall man that shared similar looking features to Evan. Obviously not as young though, I could tell he's Evan's father, but I asked anyway. "Are you Evan's dad?" "Yes, what happened to Evan? Is he okay?" I could tell that his dad took a whiff and could smell the alcohol on us. But at the same time, I swear I smelled a similar scent from him. I hope I don't get Evan into trouble for this. "He um... He drank too much and passed out." I didn't want to lie. I knew he could tell I was lying, so I told the truth. I don't want to get on bad terms with his parents, but he might not like me after letting his son get drunk. "Evan? Seriously? Wow! I can't believe you got my son to actually go to a party!" His dad exclaimed. What? His dad is... Happy? "Come in, come in, just set him on the couch over there," He moved so I could come into the house and pointed to a couch in the living room. I walked in and set Evan down gently. "Would you like something to drink or eat?" The man asked me. "Is water okay, sir?" I asked politely in a quiet tone so I didn't wake Evan up. "Of course, why don't you come into the kitchen so we can talk? I've never met a friend of Evan's friends before." He paused for a moment as I followed him to the kitchen. "Wait, you are his friend, right?" Evan's father asked as he glanced at me while he opened the fridge. I chuckled lightly, "Yes, sir, I am his friend." "That's great! And you can call me Paul," Paul said with a smile as he offered me a bottle of water. I kindly accepted the water, "Thank you, and you can call me Waeland." I smiled at him. "So, Waeland, I should be scolding you for letting my son get so wasted." I winced, I should have seen this coming. It was going too well. "That was his first time drinking, too, you should have made him take it easy. But seeing as I was once in high school and I know how it is, I won't get angry. I'm just glad someone took him home so he's safe. I mean, if I were to get on to you guys for drinking, I'd be a hypocrite. At least keep it down next time you guys decide to drink." Oh, I was not expecting that. His dad is way cooler than mine. "Alright, although, I don't know if there will be a next time." Paul raised a brow at me, "What do you mean?" "Well... You see, Evan really didn't even want to go this time, but I kind of forced him since he's so... You know, uptight? I thought maybe I could try and loosen him up a bit. So, after asking him to go several times, he agreed to thirty minutes. When we got there I let him be dragged away by a few of my friends and they gave him some drinks. I wasn't exactly paying attention to him for the first forty minutes. But since he never came to look for me, I assumed he was having a good time. Then, I found him and he was looking for me. He was really drunk and said and did some weird things. I mean, he giggled. I've never even seen him smile, let alone giggle." I told Paul, hoping he wouldn't be too upset. He laughed, "Evan giggled? Are you sure we're talking about the same person? I've known him my whole life and I've never really seen him do much more than a smile." "Oh, so he's like that at home, too? He usually keeps a scowl on his face and glares at everyone. I thought that maybe it was just school," I said, taking a sip of the water finally. Paul chuckled, "That's how he acts around everyone apparently. I don't know why though. As far as I know, he's never had any traumatic experiences. Except for his mother leaving... But he's always acted that way and he honestly hasn't changed." I could see the hurt in his eyes when he mentioned Evan's mother so I didn't pry. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." I apologized. "It's okay, I'm sure you didn't know. Evan doesn't tell anyone anything, not even me, and I'm his dad. He's always been quiet about personal things. Evan's really independent." "I can tell, he's really smart too," I said and Evan's dad nodded in agreement. Paul glanced at the time. "It's getting kind of late. Do you want to stay the night? I don't want you to have to drive home in the dark and I'm sure you had a couple drinks yourself. I can tuck Evan in down here and you can sleep in his bed since it's more comfortable than the couch or floor." I smiled, "I would love to stay the night. Though I'll let Evan have his bed, I don't want to take it from him. I did cause him a lot of trouble tonight and I don't want to take over his bed, too." He just shook his head. "No, really, it's alright, he's already sleeping on the couch."  I didn't want to argue with Paul anymore, so I just gave in. Paul lead me upstairs and I helped change the sheets on Evan's bed and got him some blankets and a pillow. Sleeping Evan is even cuter than awake Evan. His sleeping face is so peaceful, his lips were slightly parted and his lashes looked longer than usual. I swear I could have stared at him all night. That was until his dad noticed and he coughed to gain my attention. I looked over at him and smiled apologetically, "Sorry." "You seemed very intrigued just then. Do you like him?" He asked, looking at me questionably. "Well, of course, why would I be friends with someone I didn't like?" I said, I knew what he meant, I just didn't want to answer that right now. "I mean like... Nevermind, I'm heading to bed, and you should too, whenever you're ready," Evan's dad said and went upstairs. "Good night, Paul," I said as I looked at Evan one more time. All I want to cuddle him in my arms and fall asleep that way. Thought I know I couldn't, his dad's already getting suspicious. And Evan would probably kill me if he woke up with me holding him. I headed upstairs and went into Evan's room. I took off my shoes and got into the bed and covered myself up with the covers. I tried falling asleep, but I couldn't. My mind kept going back to when Evan kissed me. The scene kept replaying over and over in my head. I'm sure he won't remember it tomorrow, but I won't forget it any time soon. Even if it was just a quick kiss and he was drunk. It still means something to me.
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