Chapter 8

2581 Words
Evan's POV I woke up with my head pounding, as if my brain was trying to escape my skull. I groaned and blinked a few times, adjusting to the light before sitting up. I don't know what time it is, but seeing as it's still dark outside; I'm assuming it's around midnight or later. I rubbed my eyes in attempt to see better and got up, realizing I was on the couch. I want my bed. My comfy warm bed... I thought, picking up the blankets that were draped over my body. I dragged my heavy feet up the flight of stairs, wishing that we didn’t have stairs. It would make getting to my room much easier. When I got to the top, I walked to my bedroom. I opened the door slowly with a small creak. I wrapped the blankets around me and flopped on the bed. As soon as I got comfortable, the covers beside me shifted. Maybe I'm just imagining things since I drank so much. I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to relax, but something felt off. The covers moved again. My eyes snapped open again, I know I'm not imagining things this time. A strong arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to the lump on the bed. Looking up to see the face of whatever grabbed me, I realized it was Waeland. What?! I screamed in my head. I pushed myself away from him and that resulted in me landing on the floor. "Ouch..." I grumbled as I removed my aching body from the hard ground. "Are you okay? That was quite the fall," A deep voice chuckled as they peeked over the bedside at my clumsy self. "Yeah, no thanks to you," I hissed. "Why are you in my bed? Did you not go home after the party?" I got up from the floor and climbed back on the bed and set at the end, creating some distance between us. "No... You passed out so I brought you home. Then your dad insisted that I stay the night since it was late," He told me. Great. This is what I get for going to a party with him and having an overly nice dad. I just stared at Waeland in silence. Somehow, he looked even better under the moonlight. The light reflected off of his skin and eyes, making them glow like a cat in the night. It wasn’t scary, I was captivated by the way they shined and sparkled.  A moment or two passed and I finally decided to quit staring at before he thought I was a creep. "Thanks for taking me home and not raping me." He chuckled, "For a second there, I thought you were genuinely thanking me." "Oh? What gave it away that it wasn't genuine?" I asked, pretending to be innocent. He shook his head at me, "I see your sarcasm is still intact." I rolled my eyes, of course it is. "So... Do you remember anything from last night?" Waeland asked, looking at me as if I didn’t remember. I thought about it, wondering why he asked that. I remember going to the party, hating it. Then Waeland left me with the she-wolves. I drank a few cups of that punch, that I assumed was spiked with something. Even so, I kept drinking. Then after getting bored with being around people I didn't know or like, I went looking for Waeland. I found him and then... And then... Blank. I can't remember. I furrowed my eyebrows, thinking really hard, trying to remember. I can't it's all a blur. I kind of remember sitting down beside someone. Then I was in their lap... And then I was... I was doing something, but I can't quite remember. I remember being carried somewhere, then I was dreaming. So I assume I fell asleep. I now understand why my dad sleeps so much after drinking.  "I... I don't remember all that much. Why?" I asked, hoping I didn't do anything stupid. Waeland looked disappointed for a moment. Then he shook his head, "No, you didn't do anything really. You were just really tired and I had to drag you away from the place to take you home." Hmm, I feel like he's leaving something out. "Alright,” I muttered, not wanting to speak too loud. The headache I had when I first woke up started to get worse and I didn’t want to agitate it anymore. I want to go to bed. “Do you want to go back to sleep?” "Yeah, sorry... I'm pretty tired from earlier." He said and I nodded in understanding. I got up from the bed and grabbed the blanket I had brought here. "Where are you going?" Waeland asked, looking confused. "Going back to the couch? You're still sleeping on the bed," I said as I headed towards the door. "Wait," He called out to me, I didn't have the energy to put a scowl on my face so I just turned towards him with a blank expression. "I feel bad that I'm keeping you from sleeping in your bed, so why don't we both just sleep here?" I just blinked at him. "If you feel bad then go sleep on the couch. I'm not my dad, I don't care where you sleep," I said bluntly. "So you don't care if I sleep in the same bed as you?" He said. So he's doing this again trying that logic again. Just like the time when we argued about being friends. I sighed, I don't have the energy to fight with him now. Giving in, I crawled into my bed again. "Don't try anything or I'll destroy you," I told Waeland flatly before closing my eyes. I heard a faint response from him, I couldn't quite catch it though. I was already falling asleep. I must be really tired. Something warm wrapped around me and it was so comfortable I didn't try moving away. I just snuggled closer to the warmth that enveloped me and drifted off to sleep. Lights kept flashing in different colors and speeds all around me. Loud music blasted from speakers, making the ground around me shake. though I can't quite identify where the speakers are. I don't really look for them either. I only look forward to the one and only thing that my eyes seem to want to look at. The figure is blurred out so I can't quite tell who it is, but I can tell they're not female. The only thing that's clear is his green eyes. I feel like I can stare into them forever. I feel as if I'm being pulled into a trance that I can never escape. As I keep staring, his figure becomes more clear. I can see his clear, flawless skin. I glance up at his messy orange hair, then down his whole body. He's gorgeous. My eyes lock onto his lips. His full, pink, and very kissable lips. They look soft, too. I wonder if they feel soft. There's only one way to find out. I find myself leaning into him, and I press my lips gently against his. Just a little peck. Sure enough, they're soft. Very soft. I want to kiss them again, but as I pull away I realize it's Waeland. The man that I find annoying, yet very attractive. I just look at him. My mind is in a small state of shock, but my lips move and say something. I can't exactly hear what I'm saying, but I watch Waeland smirk and respond. I can't hear him either. I woke up with a small jolt. What the hell was that? Why would I have a dream about... About that?! Of all things, I could dream about and of all people? Why? That place did seem kind of familiar. With the lights and the music... Oh yeah. The party. Okay, okay, so I only had that crazy dream because I drank too much and I went somewhere where I wasn't comfortable. Yeah, that's it. But then again... Why would I dream that it was him? Did that actually happen? I mean, he said I didn’t do anything weird. He did look upset whenever I said I didn’t remember… My train of thought was interrupted when I heard something groan beside me. Then, it spoke, "Are you okay..? You look a little worried." Right, Waeland's sleeping in my bed because he stayed the night. "I'm fine," I said. "Just fine." I rubbed my eyes, trying to forget my dream. But the image of me kissing Waeland wouldn't leave my mind. "Whatever you say," Waeland said with a yawn. I know this will keep eating at me unless I ask. Every time I'm unsure about something, it bothers me until I ask and confirm that it didn't, or did happen. For this, I'm hoping it didn't. I'm also kind of scared to ask. I mean, I don't know if Mr. Popular is straight or not. He acts weird around me and kind of treats me like a girl sometimes so I'm not a hundred percent convinced he's straight. But if I'm wrong and he is, then he'll probably tell the whole school and I'll probably get a lot of backlash for it. I don't exactly feel like being the center of attention if I'm wrong. If I'm right and I did... Kiss Waeland then I might as well bury myself in a hole and die right now. This is a hard decision. Okay, so pros and cons. Pros; if I ask I'll know if I did or not. Everything could go great because I didn't actually kiss him and he won't tell anyone I asked because he's cool about it. Or he’s gay or bi himself. Cons; I never find out if I ask. Or if I do ask and everything goes wrong, then my life here is ruined. Well, not like I have much here anyway. "Hey, you seem really distracted, are you sure you're alright?" Waeland asked, looking at me with concern. It’s now or never. "Did I kiss you at the party last night?" I asked, not able to look directly at him anymore. Instead, I looked in the opposite direction. "What made you think that you did..?" He asked with an unsure voice. "Well, I had a weird dream that I kissed you at the party. I want to know if that was really just a dream or not." I said. "And if it wasn't just a dream?" Waeland asked. Is he saying it wasn't just a dream and that it actually happened? Oh god, I hope not. I finally removed my eyes from the wall to get a good look at his face. "Then I would have to bury myself six feet deep," I said, completely serious. Waeland chuckled, "That's a little extreme don't you think? It was just a peck on the lips. It wasn't really a kiss." He said, emphasizing the word, kiss. Meaning I did kiss him. Even if he says it was "just a peck". To me, that's a kiss. I kissed Mr. Popular?! That's it, I should go dig my grave now. "So you're saying I did kiss you? Okay," I said, getting up from the bed. "Time to get digging. Where did my dad put that shovel..?" I began thinking about where my dad may have put the shovel last until I heard someone burst into a fit of laughter behind me. "What? What's so funny?" I asked with irritation and confusion in my voice. How is it funny that I'm planning to bury myself underground? "You were really serious? What's so bad about kissing me?" The red-head boy sitting up on my bed asked. Is he serious? "Are you serious? You don't know what's bad about kissing you?" I asked, turning to face him completely. He just shook his head. "Okay, for starters, you're the most popular guy in school. And if any of your "fans" found out, they'd kill me. Quite literally. Secondly, I promised myself I wouldn't do anything stupid. Which is exactly what I did. Thirdly, I don't know if I even like you." "Hmm... So you don't know if you like me. Are you gay?" He asked and raised his eye brow at me. I shook my head. "I've never been really attracted to either gender. But lately, I've been finding you attractive. Very attractive, and I don't like it." I said and I heard Waeland laugh again. I really don't understand why he finds most of this funny. "I can't tell you your feelings because I’m not you. From what I heard it seems like you do like me and you seem to find guys attractive. That sounds pretty gay to me," He said and I watched as Waeland stood up from my bed, in nothing but his boxers I might add. He made his way over to me and I backed up slowly until I felt the wall bump into my back. "Umm... Waeland, what are you-?" I was cut off by something soft and warm against my lips, stopping me from talking anymore. I then realized that it was Waeland's lips. They were pressed firmly against mine, unlike the time I just pecked his lips. This time, it sent a weird sensation through my body that I couldn't quite explain. It felt good though, almost like a small bolt of electricity going through my body. It was warm and fuzzy. His arm snaked around my waist, pulling me closer to him, his other hand was cupping my cheek as his lips moved against mine. I then found myself kissing him back. My eyelids closed as I began working my lips against his. This didn't feel real, I've never kissed anybody before, or ever planned to. But I just couldn't stop myself. The way his lips moved perfectly with mine, showing me exactly what he wants, makes something stir inside of me and I want more of him. His wonderful scent, his perfect body, even his annoying self. I just couldn't find the will to pull away. Until Waeland pulled away first. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at his beautiful green ones. "Do you know if you like me or not now?" He asked, looking at me intently. I couldn't speak, I couldn't find the right words so I just stood there, staring at him. So, he kissed me to see if I like him. But does that mean he likes me? Now that's something I really don't want to ask or find out. Yet. Wait, does that mean he’s gay? Unless he did his to tease me, but I don’t think he would go that far for that. "You know," Mr. Popular said, "I really did expect you to punch me or something like you did to Garret." Oh. Why did I let him do that and not Garret? I mean, Waeland is far more annoying. Then again, I'm far more attracted to Waeland than Garret. Waeland also didn’t try to kiss me whenever we first met. At least I knew him a little first. "That's because I don't like Garret," I said. "Oh? So does that mean you like me?" He said while wiggling his eyebrows. I just rolled my eyes. "I never said that." "But you never denied it," Waeland smirked at me. "Whatever," I mumbled as I walked over to my door. "Where are you going?" He asked me as he started to follow. "To find that shovel. Where else?" I said, leaving my room as a laughing Waeland followed. "Put some pants on at least. You're in someone else's house." "Oh, shoot, right." I heard Waeland mumble as he ran back to my room. I rolled my eyes as a small smile started to form on my lips. "Moron..."
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