Chapter 4

1872 Words
Evan's POV So here I am at the popular people's table. And not by my own will either. Seriously, Waeland picked me up, (bridal style *coughs*) sat and held me down in his lap. I struggled and wiggled, trying to get out of his arms, but he had a death grip on me. Does anyone find this weird or suspicious? Is this normal for him to act like this? I guess it is because no one is questioning it. "So, who's the new guy?" One girl at the table asked. She was quite pretty, her long curly blonde hair draped over her shoulders and her blue eyes sparkled under the bright lights on the ceiling. "Yeah, and why are you holding him in your lap and not me," another girl pouted, she had long, straight, brown hair and matching eyes. Her skin was flawless, just like the rest of the people at this table, not a single red mark or blemish. “Oh, wait, is that the guy that is always glaring at everyone for no reason?” Waeland smiled and nodded in response, “This is Evan, but I’m sure you guys have heard his name around at some point.” Everyone at the table nodded, knowing he was right. I knew people talked about me, but I never knew what they were talking about exactly. I don’t care enough to listen. It’s not like their stupid gossip will bother me in any way. I won’t change because people don’t like me, that’s their problem, not mine. "Did you guys become friends or something?" A guy next to us asked. He was good looking just like the rest of the people at this table and I'm pretty sure he was on the football team, too. He had messy dirty blonde hair and light brown eyes. His body was well built too. “We are not friends,” I said, but Waeland chimed in. “He’s in denial,” He said with a smug grin and I rolled my eyes. Yeah right, you’re the one that's delusional thinking we are friends. I thought while crossing my arms, still not able to get out of Waeland’s strong grip. "So you decided to add another popular guy to our group?" A different girl asked. She was just as pretty as the other two, she had wavy, platinum blonde hair so you tell the difference between her and her other blonde friend. She also clear sky blue eyes. “Yeah, why not,” Waeland said with a shrug but was clearly amused. I was not. "Awesome! Hi, my name's Brittney, this is Jenna," She said and pointed to the girl on her left with brown hair. "And this is Kylee," she points to the girl on her right with blonde hair and they both waved and said a polite hi. I grumbled, "Hi... But I'm not joining your group. If you haven't noticed, I'm here against my will." I then shot a glare at Waeland who was still holding me down. He just smiled innocently. You are not innocent. I thought to myself. "I'm Garret, and this is Jonah," the guy who called himself Garret said, he was the one with dirty blonde hair. He patted Jonah's back as he talked too. "Sup man, nice to have you here," Jonah chuckled as he watched me struggle again in Waeland's arms. He had black hair and blue eyes, black and blue always go together for some reason. I swear, is everyone at this table a model? "Let me go you son of a-" A hand covered my mouth and the rest of my sentence just came out in a mumble. I glared and licked the hand. "Gross, why'd you do that?" Waeland complained as he removed his hand and wiped it on my sleeve, giving me my germs back. "Because you're annoying," I glared at him and I heard the girls at the table laugh. I took the opportunity of him being distracted by my saliva to jump up from his lap and make a run for the cafeteria doors. "Hey, don't run away! Come back," I heard the jerk yell, but I didn't stop. In the background, I could hear one of the girls complain about him not giving her as much attention as he was giving me. I rolled my eyes, girls. Always jealous for no reason. I left the lunchroom, relieved no one had chased me down. Sighing, I leaned against the wall behind me while I waited for the lunch bell to ring. I stayed like that for a minute or two until someone came out of the lunchroom and walked up to me. "I swear to god Waeland, if you don't leave me alone I will sock you in your pretty face." "Oh? You think he's pretty?" The familiar, yet unfamiliar voice chuckled. I then turned my head to see one of the males from a few minutes ago. I think his name was Garry? No, Garret. "Oh. I thought you were-"  "Yeah, I know who you thought I was," He interrupted me. I glared at him, that was rude. "What do you want?" I ask, irritated that no one will just leave me alone. He shrugged, "I came to ask you a question." "Hurry up," I demanded, wanting to be left alone finally. "Are you and Waeland going out?" It took me a few minutes to register his question and my face heated up. "Wh-what the-?! No! H-hell no! Why would I date that guy?" I told him, confused and slightly embarrassed. I never get embarrassed, what is wrong with me lately? "So you are into guys?" The guy asked with a weird look in his eyes that I couldn't quite comprehend. "Um... No? I mean... Maybe, I don't know. I've never dated anyone so I wouldn't know." This guy is giving me a weird feeling, just like the red-head. But something about him is... Off. "How about you find out with me?" Garret asked and I blinked. Then I blinked again. “What?” "How about you find out with me?" He repeated and I blinked at him a few times. Is this guy serious? "Uh, no thanks. I don't care for dating, nor do I want to find out about it." I stated I do not want to go on a date with him. Or anyone for that matter, but definitely not someone I just met. He then took a step closer to me, and since I was against the wall, I had nowhere to go. "C'mon it'll be fun and it can be our little secret," He winked at me. I stared at him, not knowing how to respond to him so invasive in my personal bubble. If he gets any closer, I’m going to hit him. "I said no, now get away from me before I punch you." I snarled at him, hating how close he is now. He just chuckled and inched closer to me as if this was some game and his goal was to piss me off. "Will you really punch me?" He teased as he ran a hand up my side. It was on instinct that my hand went flying into his gut on instinct and he doubled over. "What the hell? What's your problem!" Garret yelled, causing a few people to come out of the cafeteria to check out the situation. Standing up, he pushed me against the wall and grabbed the collar of my shirt and his hand balled up into a fist. His entire demeanor had completely changed from what it was just a moment ago. "Fight, fight, fight" I heard people chanting whenever a group had formed around us. Teenagers are savages. Why would some encourage a fight? Not that I’m against it, I’m completely ready to kick this guy’s butt. "You started it by coming on to me," I growled in his face. I then heard an all too familiar voice.  "What's going on?" Waeland asked, pulling Garret away from me. "This f*****g fag-!" It was then that I couldn't take it anymore. All of my anger and frustration built up and I just couldn't take it. I punched Garret straight in the nose, with a loud crack. I heard several gasps and a few people even called out a few not-so-nice things. But that’s what he did, he said a word that shouldn’t be used. Waeland's face was one of pure shock. Like he wasn't expecting me to hit him. Especially not his friend. But slowly, it turned into a smirk. Garret was bent over, holding his nose, screaming every curse word in the book. Jonah and Jenna then came running over and asked if he was alright. Jenna led him to the nurse's office and Jonah grabbed the collar of my shirt. "What'd you do that for man?" He yelled at me and my hands formed into fists again, preparing to hit him and I was ready. Waeland pulled him off of me before anything happened. "It was Garret's fault, back off Jonah." He told Jonah and he backed off, but he still looks kind of pissed. Jonah left, running after Jenna and Garret. Shoot. How did I not think of this before? I'm going to be in big trouble. I’m probably going to be suspended for this. I slammed my fist into the wall and a burst of pain shot through my hand and up my arm, but I didn’t care. I had to let my frustrations out somehow. "What'd you do that for? Still needed to punch something?" Waeland asked with a little bit of concern in his voice. "This sucks... This is why I don't talk to people. They piss me off and now," I mumbled mainly to myself. The figure moved closer to me and gently grabbed my wrist to examine my hand. This time though, I didn’t feel the urge to hit anyone. I didn’t even feel annoyed. "I'm sorry about him. I know he can be a jerk. And I'm sorry that he caused you trouble." He told me in a gentle tone. I scoffed, "Why are you sorry? Shouldn't you be mad at me for hitting your friend?" Waeland's expression changed, even if only for a split second, I caught it. He looked slightly angry and kind of sad, cold even. I wonder why. I quickly shook away the question, though. I don’t need to know anything about him, I don’t want to get any more involved with him than I already am. "Yeah, I guess I should, but I know he was in the wrong. I saw the whole thing." I looked at him, befuddled. He saw the whole thing? He should have stepped in sooner then maybe this wouldn’t have happened. Waeland then stepped away from me then turned to the small crowd that was still watching. "Alright, everyone, the show's over! Get out of here," As if he was their king or something, everyone obeyed and they started to disperse and go back to eating their food in the cafeteria. "C'mon we need to get you to the nurse. Your hand must hurt from that punch to the wall. You should really learn to control your anger. You hurt Garret pretty bad and I'm pretty sure his stomach is going to have one hell of a bruise, too." I sighed and followed Waeland to the nurse’s office. I know how to control my anger. Most of the time anyway. But because I couldn’t this time, I’m going to have to deal with the principal. Yay, I’m so excited.
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