Chapter 3: Freak

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Charlie's POV Braya and I were back in her car and headed towards the beach. Maroon Five was playing quietly in the background. She started tapping her fingers lightly on the steering wheel. "So can we talk about what's really going on between you and Eddie? He was just as worried as I was when you hadn't shown up to class. Im not trying to be mean, but I was kind of shocked that he had even noticed. Most of the time, you and I usually fly under the radar when it comes to any of the ranked members." I shrugged my shoulders. "I really don't know what you're talking about. You know he does extra training with my dad. We talked when we saw each other, and i may have handed him a water bottle a few times. He's not a bad guy. Maybe we are becoming friends, but that's it. I know that he says that he would accept whoever his mate is, and i want to believe that he would truly do that. But he could be just saying that to keep the peace because he is expecting a mate of rank. " Braya sighed. "He's not like that. Even i know that. I think he's going to take after our alpha more than his own parents. It's not secret that alpha Deacon goes easy on you. I've seen him be harsher on other omegas. But over all, he's kind to us all. A lot like Eddie is." I swayed my head back and forth. "You have a point. It's too bad that Mattew didn't take after his dad. I can already tell he has something against omegas, or maybe it's just me. Last week, he ignored every single thing i said when our families had dinner together. But he had no problem talking with my brothers. I could be looking directly at him, and he acts like he didn't hear me, but if my brother would repeat my question, then he would answer it. He's just a complete ass. To make matters worse, being friends with Eddie is only pissing off Matt that much more. I really dont need any more problems than I already have with ranked members. Eddie is a really good guy, but if being friends with him causes more problems for me than good, then maybe being friends isn't a good idea." Braya went back to tapping on the steering wheel. "Who knows, maybe you guys are mates. Maybe he feels a pull to you, and that's why Eddie is just extra sweet with you." I snorted. "I doubt I'm mated to him. Im wolfless, remember? I believe in the moon goddess, and everything she does has a purpose. I just doubt she would make a wolfless person who can't defend herself become a memeber of rank. It's literally their sole purpose to protect those who cant. " She sighed again. "You still have time to get your wolf. Dont declare yourself wofless just yet." I didn't know how to tell her that my brothers had gotten their wolves extremely early. So the fact that i hadn't gotten my yet was a pretty big red flag. I know she was trying to be hopeful for me. I was just losing that hope more and more every day that passed.. I just nodded my head. "You're right." Agreeing with her just seemed far easier than having to explain things that i didn't quite understand myself. My parents always avoided our questions when my brothers and I would ask. They just get oddly defensive. it makes me think that maybe they dont really have the answers either, and they don't know how to tell us that. I know they don't want us to worry. We pulled up to the beach to see that it was beyond packed. Finding a parking spot was going to be a pain in the ass and we still needed to change into our suits. I swear we had to walk almost a mile just to get to the beach and then another eight minutes to get to the changing rooms. I put on a black two piece swim suit that showed way too much cleavage and ass then my daddy would like. But what he doesn't know won't kill him. Let's just say i get my curves from my mama, and unlike her, im comfortable with my body and don't mind showing the gifts i was given. I walked out of the changing room to Braya, shaking her head at me. "I hate you, you know that, right? Your body is seriously incredible. I wish you could share some of your gifts with me. You have way more than enough to share with me and two other girls if you truly wanted to." I laughed way too loud. "You're ridiculous and dramatic. Way too fricken dramatic." She shook her head. "You just wait and see.I don't think anyone has seen you in a swimsuit since you developed." She was pointing at my boobs and ass and making others look my way that happened to walk by. I grabbed her by the arm and started walking toward the water so we could find a spot to put our stuff at and lay out our towels. "No one was looking until you started to point at me." She rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. They were looking as soon as you came out of the changing room." I saw most of the kids from our school down at the volleyball nets. Eddie and Matt were practicing hitting the ball back and forth over the net. They both were getting extremely sweaty. So wonderfully sweaty. The sweat was dripping down their perfeclty sculpted abs. My mouth was suddenly becoming very dry. It made sense why every girl was seated around watching them. It was definitely a beautiful sight. Braya was practically drooling right next to me. She didn't even try to whisper. "It really should be a crime to look like that. I just want to lick the sweat off their chests or reallh any part of their body if they'dll let me." I didn't laugh because they really did look that appealing. We managed to find an open area close enough to the nets so we could watch their game, but far enough away that we weren't surrounded by countless bodies, and we could talk more freely. I was laying out my towel when i suddenly got hit in the ass. I hear Eddie's voice yelling from behind. "Sorry about that. I hit it too hard. Can you pass the ball back?" Did he seriously not know it was me? I turned around to see the volleyball down on the ground a little ways away from me. I picked it up and started to twirl it in my hands. Before i could even get the ball back to him. Eddie was yelling. "Annie, is that you?" I'm seriously going to knock this guy out for calling me Annie. I know he's doing it on purpose to get under my skin, and I hate to admit that it's actually working. I know he's only teasing, and he's not the type of guy to really hurt someone who wasn't a potential threat. Instead of tossing the ball back, I walked to the net and set myself up to do a spike. Apparently, he was too distracted because the ball hit him straight in the face. I had to use my hand to cover my mouth from laughing too hard. His whole cheek was beat red, and he kept rubbing it like it stung. I know that it had to of. I'm way stronger than I Iook. "What's got you so distracted, dummy?" He looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Uhh, nothing." He's not one to struggle with a loss of words, but right now, all he said was two words. "Okay, I was only teasing. I'm going to go hit the water before your game starts." Now he was acting really weird. " You and water." It didn't seem like much of a question, but I felt like I had to answer anywhere. "Yeah, I'm headed to swim." He nodded in slow motion. I took this as my opportunity to walk away. It was getting way too weird for me. I mumbled under my breath. "Okay, you freak."
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