Chapter 2: Camp Songs

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Charlie's POV What Braya said was hitting me weird. I never pictured Eddie having a thing for me. I just thought his flirting was harmless. I just figured it was part of his easygoing personality. I have to admit the hair twirling thing was a little weird. I shook my head a few times and looked myself over in the mirror. I found myself twirling the same pice of red hair that Eddie had. I dropped it instantly and ended up talking to myself. "Nope, nope. Im not going to go there. I'm not going to think of Eddie in that way." I looked at my watch and saw that I was going to be late if I didn't hurry my delusional ass off to class. Braya basically left me in the dust when I denied her claims. The halls were basically empty. I hurried my little ass along because my mother will literally kill me if im tardy to class for the hundreth time this year. I was just about to walk into Mrs. Berry's literature and writing class, when my mouth was suddenly covered, and i was grabbed by the arm and pulled into the janitors closet. Im pretty sure my grave stone will be made up when i get home. You would think that being pulled into a closet would have scared the s**t out of me. But at this school and with a bunch of wolves, nothing surprises me. I was even less surprised to see who my assaliants were. Sofie and fricken Sally. You could say that their mothers are best friends. They planned their pregnancies together and had to name them both with the same letter. Which is annoying. Sofie and Sally learned all their traits from their mothers. All their very, very awful traits. They looked like they were going to have a very childish tantrum when i didn't have an ounce of fear on my face. I thought they figured out by now that i wasn't afraid of them and that I could easily kick each of there asses without breaking a sweat. I sighed deeply in annoyance. "What do you want now? Do we really have to go down this road again? I think we all know that i really dont give a s**t if i get suspended or whatever consequences your parents and our alpha want to throw at me. Unlike you, I can actually handle a consquence with class." Sophie was trying to come off as the reasonable one. But pulling someone into a dirty ass closet against there will is anything but reasonable. "We want you to stay away from Eddie. He's never going to end up with a girl like you, and we dont want anyone to think less of him for openly hooking up with you. It makes us ranked members look bad. It won't matter if you're his mate or not. You're just someone to keep his bed warm, and it's unacceptable for him to be so open about it in public." I snorted loudly. It's girls like this that really piss me off. There's still so many wolves out there that still think that moon goddess doesnt know what the hell she's doing and try to take things into there own hands or wolves who listen to their sick and twisted parent's who are still stuck in the past. Times are changing, and the sooner everyone accepts it, the better our world will be. Sally looked like she was going to come unglued when i was practically laughing in their faces. " A girl like me? What because im an omega? You don't think Eddie would want to be with me because I'm a beautiful woman and he finds me attractive? Oh, what about my sparkiling personality? Or that fact that i can kick ass? You dont think he would like that either? When it comes to looks department, we both know where i stand. I know it's talked about in hush tones, and you try to find ways to put me down just like your mothers tried to put my mother down for being far more beautiful than them. Im not being shallow. You put me in the position to say the truth. Now, if something was going on between Eddie and I, it would be none of your damn buisness. Am i clear?" Sofie grabbed a hold of her arm and yelled ouch loud enough for someone to hear. "Well, it looks like i will just have to tell Daddy that you pulled us into the closet to hurt us because you couldn't get the attention of any of the ranked members. You will be cleaning s**t stained toliets for months." She was moking me. "We both know daddy will believe us because of how physical you have gotten in the past." This f*****g b***h. If she was going to say that i hurt her, maybe i actually should. I should get some pleasure out of it if i was going to have to deal with a consequence for something i never actually did. Luckily for me, the closet door opened, and it wasn't a teacher or the principal. It was Braya and Eddie. Okay them i was actually shocked to see. "What are you guys doing here?" Braya pulled me by the hand out of the closet. Im guessing she saw the evil look in my eye that i was about to punch a b***h. "You were late to class. I knew something was up. Our class is literally only three doors from the bathroom. So i knew you had to be somewhere around here. I know you didn't want the wrath from Mama Wilcox. She can be scary... Oh, and Eddie followed me when he saw i was leaving because you weren't in class." Seeing Eddie made Sophie and Sally look like they were about to wet themselves. I whispered over to Braya. I was hoping know one else could hear me. "So how much did the two of you hear?" I could tell by the smirk on Braya's face that they heard way more than what i would have liked. "Enough to know that you have a very sparkling personality." Well s**t. By the way, Eddie was smirking like Braya was, I know he heard what i had asked her. He could barely get his words out without laughing. "So sparkly." I flipped him off. I have a feeling he's going to make fun of me for this for weeks to come. Same with Braya. "I hate you both." Eddie was shaking his head now when he saw Sophie and Sally trying to sneak away. He yelled after them. "What is wrong with the both of you? Sophie, you're my fricken sister. You should know me well enough to know that rank doesn't matter to me. If Annie is my mate, I would feel very lucky and honored to call her mine. If you even think of saying anything to dad, i will make sure he knows the truth, and the two of you will be the ones scrubbing s**t stained toliets for a month, and you both know i can make it happen. Am i clear?" They both nodded. Sally was glaring daggers at me. I have a feeling our little get-togethers of holding hands and singing camp songs wasn't over. This time, i have a feeling im probably really going to hit her, and im really, really going to enjoy it. Of course, Eddie was able to get us a tardy slip. I wasn't going to mock him for being privileged because of his title. I was even going to let it slide that he called me Annie. I was just overly grateful that i wasn't going to get an ear full when i got home. I could feel him staring at me. He sat a few tables back on the right side of me. The thing is, he wasn't the only one who was staring at me. So was Matt. I regretted looking back when i saw how pissed he looked. I'm wondering if Eddie told him what happened. If he had, why was he looking so pissed off at me? It's not like I pulled myself into the closet. The whole day was going weird and way too dramatic for my ideal relaxing beach day.
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