Chapter Four. The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
I grab the door handle to push it open, Wolfie grabs my arm, making me swirl around on my heels to face him.
"s**t Edie, your face looks terrible-"
"Aw thanks!" I stretch a sarcastic smile.
"Would you let me talk?"
"No, I have class to get too." I yank my arm from his grasp and push the door open, "Oh, and you owe me fifty dollars." I say before walking into the empty hallway.
I flip my note book open and jot down notes that Mr.Dodger has written on the whiteboard. I click on the end of my mechanical pencil but the led doesn't come out.
"Here." Clayton places a pencil on my notebook.
He leans over to me, his chair leaning along with his movement, standing on two feet. "Are ya gonna tell me what happened to your face?" He inquires softly, his eyebrows furrowed.
I keep my eyes on the broad, not giving him any attention. "Probably not."
"Edie, you can't hide from me forever. You gotta talk to me." He whispers.
"Says who?"
He rolls his eyes, "Edie."
"What!" I snap.
The bell rings, signaling that lunch is starting. I quickly toss my belongings into my bag and sling it over my shoulder, rushing out of the classroom. I cross my arms over my chest and exit through the school doors, working my way up to the top bleacher bench. I lean my back against the metal bars and lay my legs along the bench.
My stomach growls loudly, I dig through my bag and see a leftover granola bar from two days ago. I'm starving but I don't want to be around Dani or Clayton right now. I love them and I know Clayton's only trying to help, but I feel like it's best for me to be by myself right now.
I tug on the shoulder of my cardigan, pulling it closer to my neck in an effort to hide as much skin as possible, bad idea wearing a spaghetti strap.
I unravel my earbuds from around my phone and place them into my ears. I click the home button and stare at my background for a moment, a vibrant photo of Dani, Clay, and I three months ago having the time of our lives. I love those two to pieces, they don't realize how much I care about them, majority of the time I have a hard time expressing how I feel, which sometimes causes me to do stupid things. It's just something that comes unnatural to me.
I click on my favorite old timey playlist and lay my phone on my lap and close my eyes. I feel something tap my shoulders. I flick my eyes open and see Clayton standing beside me. I pull my earbuds out and look at him as he takes a seat on the lower bench in front of me.
"What do you want Clayton?"
He toys with the zipper on his burgundy and mustered varsity jacket. "Edie I just want to say I'm sorry-"
"Clayton don't-"
"Please let me talk Edie."
I shake my head in acknowledgment. "Um okay..."
His frosty, hazel, blue eyes focus on my every move. "I want to say I'm sorry that I tried to kiss you yesterday, but you can't keep running away from me Edie, I'm your best friend, we always tell each other everything, it's been that way since day one." His pale fingers prickle my knee as he curls the distressed strings around his finger. "You know I'm always here for you, always. I just... don't really know what I'm trying to say. I know it's hard for you to admit things or tell me your feelings at times. But ya gotta start stepping up to the plate, sooner or later your going to have to start talking about things."
I take his large hand into mine, "I know, Clay. I'm trying too. But right now I have things I need to think about."
He nods, "I understand."
"Thanks, I'm glad you do."
"Oh." He grabs his bag and whips out a sandwich, "My lady, I brought you a sandwich."
"Oh my God your a lifesaver!" I exclaim, chowing down on the turkey sandwich.
His eyes crinkle as he grins, "I always come to the rescue."
I ruffle his wavy brown hair.
"Edie! Don't touch the hair, you know I hate that!"
"I know." I giggle, "It's just funny how much you hate it."
He rakes his fingers through his soft hair, trying to fix it, even though he looks adorable with it messy. "Gee, thanks."
I place my hand on his shoulder, "You are very welcome, really, I'm happy to do it."
"There's the wise-ass Edie we all know and love."
"So did you just ditch poor Dani?"
"You ditched her first."
I scoff, "No, no I didn't, I ditched you."
"Wow that makes me feel so warm inside."
"Sorry." I shrug.
"Don't worry about it, besides Dani was getting dry humped in the hallway, she looked pretty content."
"That's pretty gross."
He nods, "My thoughts exactly, I saw them and was like huh, at least somebody's getting some action."
I chuckle, "Yeah those wouldn't be the same words I'd use."
"Okay well changing the subject. How's your face?"
"My face feels great!" I say sarcastically.
"I can make you feel better." He winks.
I slap his arm playfully, "Thanks, but I'm good."
A flirtatious smirk plays at his lips. "You sure? Because you don't look good. But I can make you feel great."
"Okay I'm in."
His eyes widen in surprise, "Really?"
"Your eyes say you want me, I know you do. Your mouth says no but your body says hell yeah!"
I grin and crisscross my legs, "Yeah I'm sure it does."
"What can I do to get you to say yes today?"
"What are you? A car salesman?"
"Quite the opposite actually."
"So...a call boy?"
He flashes a devilish grin, "I'll be anything you want me to be baby."
"You just don't give up do you?"
He shakes his head side to side, "Hey, you should know better, we've known each other for thirteen years."
"Don't turn it around on me." I grin.
He leans forward, his hot breath hitting my dark, red lips. "Well it is your fault."
"Uh huh, whatever pleases you." I tuck my hair behind my ear and lean my back against the metal bar. "Are you coming over tomorrow for Oaklin's birthday?"
"I wouldn't miss it. He's turning what? Six?"
"Damn, wasn't he just in diapers like yesterday?"
"It seems like it." I sigh.
"He's still into tigers, right?"
I nod, "Yes he is."
"Is Dani going to be there?" He questions.
"She's going to drop by and give him a gift, but he's still not comfortable around her yet, so she's only going to stay for a few minutes."
"How have his meltdowns been?"
"He's only had three this week, which is good!"
"Hey that is good, he used to have them all the time, so that's a huge improvement."
I smile and shove my hands into my cardigan pockets, "Yeah it is, I'm so proud of him."
"I think you should stay the night tonight, to get away from your dad."
"I don't know."
He nudges me in the arm, "I'll drop you off so you can sing him a song and then I'll pick you up after football practice, does that sound okay?"
"Okay sure."
A few hours later, 3:00p.m.
Clay jogs up to me, "You ready?"
"Actually I think I'll walk home so you can pick me up on the way. There's no point in going back and forth."
"You sure? I don't mind."
"Yeah, I'm sure."
"Your house is only ten minutes away in driving distance."
"It's okay Clay, I don't want you to be late for practice again, he's going to chew you out if your late again."
"Your right." He smiles, "Thanks Edie." He pecks my cheek before jogging down the empty hallway.
I sling my bag over my shoulder and slam my locker shut. I push past the school doors and walk along the sidewalk.
"Yo Edie!" Wolfie hollers from the parking lot.
I stop in my tracks as he runs up to me. "Can I help you?"
He rubs the back of his neck, "Do you want a ride?"
"No thanks."
"Just accept the damn ride."
I grin, "I knew that wasn't going to last."
"What wasn't going to last?"
"The nice thing."
"Nice isn't really in my vocabulary."
I chuckle, "Yeah I know.... how's your wound?"
"Hurts like hell but you don't see me complaining. How's whatever the f**k happened to your face?"
"It's great. Does your mouth always run like that?"
"Uh Huh."
"Figures, you wouldn't be the Big Bad Wolf if you didn't have a mouth like that."
He rolls his eyes, "Okay... so ride? Yes or no?"
"Do I really have a say?"
"Not really."
I sigh and hop into the passenger seat. "Go left at the next light."
He pulls a cigarette out and lifts it, rolling his window down.
"You smoke?"
"Do you always ask so many questions?"
"No, I just like annoying you."
"If I didn't smoke then I wouldn't be smoking right now."
"You know it's bad for you."
"Really? I had no idea, thanks so much for telling me."
I grin and pat his back, "You're so welcome man. It's pretty disgusting too."
He rolls his eyes and stops at the red light. "Where am I taking you?"
"My house... I kinda thought that was implied."
"Are you doing anything this weekend?"
"Hey you've asked your questions and I'll ask mine."
"My brothers turning six this weekend."
"And you want me to meet him?" He inquires.
I chuckle, "Good one, but no, I didn't ask you, besides I don't think he would like you."
"Why? Because I'm the Big Bad Wolf?"
"No, my brother has ASD."
"And that is?"
"Autism Spectrum Disorder." I tell him, "He has autism, so he has a hard time talking to certain people."
"Oh." Is all he says.
A few minutes pass by as we sit in silence. I glance over at Wolfie as he keeps his eyes upon the road.
"What?" He growls softly.
"I didn't say anything." I explain.
"You we're looking at me like you were going to say something."
"How would you know? You didn't even look my way."
He ignores my question.
"Turn right at the next stop sign.... or you could just let me out here."
He scratches his cheek and looks at me, "This neighborhood doesn't look very safe."
"It's not, but it's my neighborhood and I can take care of myself."
He grins, "You sure about that? You kinda look... flimsy."
"Flimsy?" I lick my lips and flash an annoyed smile. "You wanna go? Because I've had enough of your stupid remarks, dude."
"You don't stand a chance against the Big Bad Wolf."
"Yeah well Little Red Riding Hood kicked the Big Bad Wolfs ass."
"No she didn't."
"Yes she did."
He shakes his head, "No the woodsman did."
"Then I'm the woodsman b***h. Hats off to you for knowing a child's book so well."
He chuckles, "Oh my God your annoying."
I laugh softly, "That's what I'm here for."
"Your here to annoy me?"
"Yes, and the sky is blue."
He groans quietly and rubs his face, his grin quickly vanishes.
"This is my house."
He stops abruptly, I pull my seatbelt off and snatch my bag off the floor. "Thanks for the ride...I guess."
"It's not going to happen again."
"I wouldn't wish for it."
I push the door open and walk around the front of the car and into my crappy house. I close the door behind me and walk into the living room. Oaklin is sitting on the wood floor playing with a few race cars.
"Edie!" He chirps and runs up to me, wrapping his little arms around my legs.
I drop my bag by the entrance table and lift him off the ground. "Hey Oaklin!" I smile, wrapping my arms around him and plant kisses on his cheek. He giggles and squirms in hold. "Are you hungry?" I inquire, gently setting him back down.
He nods and grabs my hand.
"What would you like?"
"Dino Nuggets!" He pleads with his smile that he knows I can never resist.
"Okay buddy." I pull the box out of the freezer and place a few on his favorite plate, popping it in the microwave for a minute. Once it beeps I pull it out and pour a small amount of ketchup on the side. He runs into the living room and sits down on the ground by the coffee table, I place his plate down, along with a napkin. "Do you want grape juice?"
"Uh Huh." He grabs the tv remote and scrolls to Nickelodeon.
I quickly walk into the kitchen and pour a glass of grape juice into his cup and place it down in front of him.
"Thank you." He mutters.
I sit down next to him and steal a chicken nugget, "You're welcome. So Oaklin, is it going to be okay if I spend the night at Clay's tonight?"
"Umm... do I still get a song?"
I ruffle his curly brown hair, "Of course!"
"Your still going to be here for my birthday?"
"I wouldn't miss it."
He nods in approval.
"You're a million percent sure?"
He giggles and nods, "Yeah Edie."
"What song would you like?" I ask as I reach for my ukulele.
I smile, "You are my sunshine?"
"Uh Huh."
An hour and a half later.
"Bye Oaklin!" I pull him into a hug.
"Bye Edie, I love you."
"I love you too Buddy."
"Edie!" My mom hollers from the kitchen.
I round the corner and glance at her chopping carrots.
"Yes mom?"
"Be safe, use protection please."
"Ew mom, Clayton and I are just friends."
She gives me a look, "Just friends, sure."
"Okay well I'm leaving, so bye love you." I tell her on my way out of the house. I hop into the passenger side of Clay's Mercedes Benz.
"Hey!" He exclaims, dragging the y for a little longer than necessary.
"Is Oaklin okay with you staying the night?"
"Yes, he is."
"Great!" He mimics Tony the Tigers voice. "So the parents aren't going to be home until after midnight, and Clarissa is at a friends birthday party for the next two hours. So you know what that means."
"We're ordering pizza and watching Top Gun?"
"Bingo! Maybe a little side action."
I giggle, "Clay!"
"That's right, say my name."
I roll my eyes and slap his arm, "Don't be gross."
"Gross is in my veins."
"I believe you."
As we pull into the driveway I stare at his house in amazement. I've practically lived half my life in this house, and I still can't get over it. There's no doubt that Clayton is a rich boy, his house says it all.
They have six bedrooms and ten bathrooms. They live on ten acres and own a horse because his sister Clarissa is spoiled rotten. Both Clay and his dad own ten cars in total, it's pretty crazy if you ask me. I can't even afford to buy a crappy car that's even worth two thousand.
I climb out of his car and follow him into his house.
"So what shall we do first?" He asks, raking his fingers through his hair.
"Order pizza, because it's going to take an hour."
"I'm going to change and then I'll order the pizza." He informs me before heading upstairs.
I wander into the kitchen and grab two water bottles from the fridge. I work my way into the living room and plop down onto their super comfy couch. I reach for a car magazine on the coffee table but am unable to reach it, I slide a little off the couch and try my best to reach, but instead of grabbing it, I slide off the couch. I'm too lazy to actually get back onto the couch so I might as well just stay here, I grab the magazine and leaf through the pages, staring at all the luxurious cars that each page has to offer. "A million dollars!" I blurt out loud. God, who the hell pays that kind of money? Rich people obviously.
"Edie? Where are you?"
I lift my leg off the ground and wiggle it in the air, "Over here."
He grins down at me, "Whatcha doin on the floor?"
"It looked comfy."
"You fell off the couch, didn't you?"
"Yes, and I'm too lazy to get back up." I whine.
He chuckles and grabs my hands, pulling me off the floor.
"Why are you shirtless?"
"You want me pantless too?"
"I thought we could go swimming." He explains.
"I didn't bring a suit."
"I think you left one here."
I lift a brow, "Really?"
He nods, "Yes. I'll go grab it." He jogs upstairs and comes back down a few seconds later with a pale yellow suit in hand. "See."
"I think I left that here freshman year."
"I've grown into my woman body."
He giggles like a school girl, "A mighty fine one."
"I won't fit into that."
"Clarissa might have one."
"No, I doubt it."
"Yeah probably not." He thinks for a moment, "Go skinny dipping."
"No thanks, not around you."
He grins and steps closer, "Come on, Ive already seen you naked Edie, I'll join you."
I wave my hand in front of me, "That wouldn't be a good idea."
"No it'd be a great idea!"
"Clay your sister could show up any second."
"Then we'll make it quick." He winks.
"No, I'll stay inside and wait for the pizza."
He grabs my hand and begs with his blue eyes, "Come on, you know you won't regret it."
"Ugh fine. But I'm not getting naked."
We walk through the glass door and he does a canon ball into the pool. I pull off my top and jeans and stand by the edge of the pool.
"Come on in."
"I don't know Clay."
He hops up and grabs my hand, pulling me into the water.
I brush my wet hair out of my eyes and spit out the salt water. "Clayton!"
He grabs my wrist and pushes my body against his, his blue eyes trail down my wet body before gazing at my lips. He slowly leans down, his lips faintly brushing against mine. I try to push myself away, but my body doesn't allow me to. I want Clay to kiss me, but there's a part of me that says it's not a good idea. My heart thumps against my chest, he places his hand on my back, pushing my chest against his, his other hand lays on my cheek, bringing my face closer to his.
The doorbell rings.
Clay sighs and pulls away from me, "Theres no damn way it's been an hour already." He groans while hopping out of the pool.
I walk over to a lounge chair and wrap a towel around me. I walk over to the glass door and peak inside. Clarissa walks through the door, ignoring Clay's presence even though he just opened the door for her. Her nude pink heels tap against the tile floor as she heads upstairs.
"Do you want to watch Top Gun?"
He rubs his face and nods, "Sure."
I climb into bed next to Clay, lifting the comforter over me.
"Don't hog the sheets this time." He chuckles.
"I do not."
"Oh yes you do. And you kicked me off the bed last time."
"I can't control what I do when I'm a sleep."
"Aye neither can I. If you catch me humping your leg during the night, don't slap me...again."
I giggle, "Well I'll try not too." I roll around and turn my back to him.
He places his hand on my bare arm, "Edie."
"I need to tell you something."
I roll back around to face him, "Shoot."
He wiggles closer to me, moving his hand to the side of my stomach and around my back. He presses his lips to mine. Butterflies explode in my stomach, I wrap my arm around him, he rolls on top of me, his hand caressing my stomach. With every touch a fire burns inside me. I tangle my hands in his shirt before pulling it off, trailing my fingers up and down his muscular back. Our lips move in sync before we pull away for air.
I brush my fingers through his curly hair.
"Don't be surprised if I actually do hump your leg tonight."
"You're so weird!"
He grins, "Yeah but you like it."