Chapter 45

1010 Words

 The built up anger purged and Raith stood, “Elder Davu, I had to make sure everything was complete before we met you. We were simply trying to stall in order to finish the saṃsāra. That is all this was.” Raith knew it wasn’t completely true, but he needed to convince his sire of it. Truth be told, he was never going to give this piece of s**t his Beloved. He and Lord Athan had already chosen a place to hide with Mistress Sienna creating substantial wards to hide their hiding spot while they devised a plan to overthrow Davu. “She cannot be changed until we heal her-”     “-SILENCE!” His earth-shaking voice shook the windows. “SIT DOWN!”  Raith felt the compulsion of his sire overwhelm him, his mouth shutting instantly, though his anger flushed red over his face, and he sat stiffly back on

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