Chapter 7

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    In and out of sleep for a few hours, Gabriella found herself checking on Raith each time her eyes fluttered open. Exhaustion from whatever crazy thing had happened to her earlier had kept her snuggled up to Raith, but soon sleep was out of the question. The vampire king was still very much locked in soporis, so she figured she could either wait for however long it took him to wake or begin her day without him.       Crawling out of bed around three in the afternoon, she took a shower and dressed in the clothes she had picked out earlier: a paisley patterned blue and white spaghetti-strap blouse and a pair of white capris skinny jeans. She picked a pair of tan wedge sandals to complete the outfit; having felt a little short next to Raith, she decided to get as much height as she could.      As Gabriella brushed her hair in the mirror, her eyes fell upon the silver ring. Pausing her primping, she brought her hand up closer to inspect the green effulgent emerald; she looked at herself in the mirror and intense, virescent eyes stared back at her. It was as if the color of the gem matched the color of her eyes.      Aren’t my eyes brown?     Today’s earlier events replayed in her mind, though they were a little broken and confusing. She remembered the pain, the suffocating darkness… and…     Bree.     Her mind had screamed it.     Why?      Remembering the waitress’ friend at the mall, how she screamed ‘Bree’, right into her ear probably had something to do with it?  Gabriella deduced. The name was simply stuck in her head and when she was having whatever episode she was having, it most likely was the last exasperated word in her subconscious. Gabriella shrugged. It didn't make sense, but that made the most sense right now.      Yet, what about the episode itself? Was it part of her illness? Was she epileptic now?  Was she epileptic before? It worried her how little she knew about herself. Would she go through it again? Would she know anything about who she was again?     Gabriella eyed the silvered encrusted emerald once more.     And what did this ring have to do with it? Was it some sort of vampire-y thing?      The question lingered on her mind as she exited the room.      Like Myung had promised, every window in the house was tinted with the blueish ultra-violet blocker. She looked at them curiously as she rounded the hallway to the stairs. It was interesting how the light was blocked from entering the house yet she could see outside.     No one seemed to be awake yet, so the house was completely quiet. She found the Day Watcher relaxing in what she would call a lounge, or maybe mini library, as there were shelves of books that lined the walls. Gabriella scanned further, looking over to the stone mantel fireplace with a faux fire as well as large inviting couches and chairs perpendicular to it. Myung was sitting on a couch, his legs outstretched across it, surfing the web.      “You always on your phone?” She smirked      Myung jumped a little. “My Queen.” He fumbled with the device as he stood up. “No... No, I was just…” He cleared his throat, bowing. “I didn’t know you were awake. The king hadn’t notified me.”     “The king is still sleeping. I think everyone else is too? Well, except you.”     “I’m up from five am until midnight, unless our highnesses need me longer.” He informed her, sliding his phone into his pocket. “Alas… Day... Watcher...” he joked. “The Lords and Ladies woke at the normal time, about 2. They’re busy with work and stuff.”     “They go to the mainland then? Seattle?”     “No, they are here. Working here today,” he then pointed, “in their home offices. They are down the main hall, take a left at the end, you’ll find another hall.” He informed her. “But text them or something before popping in, ok? They get a bit cranky if you interrupt them for visit without a heads up.”     “Ok.” She nodded. “It’s weird that the vampires actually have jobs. Do they all work together with Raith?” Gabriella took a seat on the couch he was occupying. Myung sat beside her when she insisted.      “No, not exactly. They each have their own hobbies. Princess Ravana runs a foundation. She’s an advocate for the homeless. Lady Salome is in the fashion industry, go fig. Lord Athan is King’s Raith’s junior partner, so he’s actually the only one who works with the king.” Myung quipped, “And Bellator Ambrose is just the clan’s meathead bodyguard. He’s probably in the security room right now with his deputies getting ready for tonight. Sometimes, the Bellator and I work together, but he’s on duty when I'm off duty.”      “So, he’s a Night Watcher?” Gabriella smirked.     “Well, I think if you called him anything but Bellator, you’ll make an enemy super quick.” Myung chuckled.     She giggled, “Note taken.”     “So, is there anyone else in the house? Seems like such a big house and not a lot of people here.” She looked over her shoulder as her eyes wandered over the empty house.     “Well, Bainbridge Manor is just one of the King’s many homes away from home.” Myung relayed. “You’ll see a few guards, maids and other peeps hustling around here, but the King doesn’t have all his staff here in Washington. At his palace up north, now that place is full from your royals, courtiers, all the way down to the servants.” He rolled his eyes, “And be thankful most of those miscreants aren’t here.”     “Wait. You said palace? He has a palace?”     “You and he have a palace, yes.” Myung nodded. “He’s a King, so naturally he has a nice pad to hang his crown,” he winked. “It’s in Canada. The King loves it up north, so that’s why he settled there a few hundred years back. Says it reminds him of Scotland.” He smiled at Gabriella.  “The King plans to take you there as soon as he can.”     Gabriella balked. She was just getting used to this whole vampire Queen idea. To actually be living in a palace was just another level up to how surreal this all felt. She didn’t feel like she belonged in a palace. She didn’t feel like she should be a queen. Even though they all kept telling her that this was her life, her heart couldn’t quite connect to it.     Changing the subject in order to save her fraying nerves, they sat and talked for a while about Princess Ravana and Lady Salome’s businesses. It was fascinating how successful they were yet lived such separate lives from the human world. They had a lot of vampire associates to help them but also a slew of human employees who had no clue their boss drank blood were part of the undead world.      Lady Salome suddenly emerged from her office,  her phone pinned to ear, as she shuffled to the kitchen. Emerging within seconds with a blood bag under arm and a steaming cup of coffee in her hand, she rolled her eyes at whoever she was still talking to on the phone and then disappeared back down the hall.      Myung and Gabriella laughed at Lady Salome, yet his mouth snapped shut abruptly and he sprung to his feet. At the same time, Gabriella felt a tingling sensation course over her skin enough to make her breath hitch. Turning her head toward the lounge’s entrance, Raith stood nonchalantly with his hands in trouser pockets.  Her eyes floated over his plum button-down shirt that rolled at the elbows showing off his powerful forearms; casually, he must have preferred it like that. Absently, she bit her lower lip as she continued to assess him. His hair was much like when she first saw him: pulled back in a half ponytail with the remaining smooth silk showering over his shoulders.           When her eyes finally finished roving his body and found his face, his seductive smile greeted her. Self-conscious of her apparent drool session, Gabriella dropped her head, submerging her face behind a thick curtain of hair, hoping to hide her blush from him.      Raith’s expression changed when his eyes snapped to Myung. “Did Ravana get that meeting get set-up?”     “Yes. Princess Ravana said Mistress Sienna will meet you at the Bistro just after sunset. After which, Lord Oliver requested another conference in Seattle tonight to-”     “-no. I can’t do any business meetings right now. Especially with Lord Oliver,” Raith cut in. “Reschedule that for tomorrow night or send Lord Athan. Due to this afternoon’s incident of waking up too soon, I’ll need to recuperate tonight.” He gave Myung a pointed look.      "Yes, I’ll set up that too for you,” He then asked. “Would you like one or two volens-”     “--just one,” Raith cut in quickly, eyeing Gabriella. “I think Mistress Sienna will take all of my strength and sanity, but one will be enough.” She could tell Raith was watching her, but she had yet to find the courage to glance up at him. Her nerves kept battering down any courage she was trying to muster.           Myung nodded, “Absolutely, my king. I’ll set that up to be ready upon your return.” He retrieved his phone from his pocket and rushed from the room.     When Myung left, Gabriella peeked through her veil of hair to find Raith, but found her skin heating up exponentially when she saw him strolling toward her. The vampire king squatted in front of her; his soft, chilling hands smoothed back the long brown strands of her hair, pinning them behind her ear, before he cupped her face.     “How are you feeling?” His deep voice purred over her skin.     She could do nothing but stare into his stunning blue eyes. “I’m fine,” Gabriella said weakly.     His visage clouded, his concern fluttering her heart. “If you feel any pain, anything odd or off, please tell me.”      Putty. The word she had been searching for finally came to her mind. Putty is how she felt when he spoke to her with his Scottish brogue. Was it bad to want to be putty? Because she wanted to feel like this all the time. Maybe she could talk him into reading the dictionary all day long?       When she didn’t respond, his beautiful brow creased, “Gabriella? Are you ok?”     “I just feel kinda…” Mesmerized, her hand slid up, covering his, clasping it tight. She needed to hold on to something to keep herself from floating away. Concentrating, she tried to keep her breathing steady. “...breathless.”     His face relaxed into a mouth-watering smile, his beautiful perfect teeth on display. “I mean about this morning. Are you ok from what happened?”     “Oh, yes. That.” Gabriella cleared her throat, embarrassment icing her skin. “Why did that happen when I took off the ring? I don’t understand.”     Raith looked down at her lips, his eyes lost in thought. After a moment, he spoke. “It keeps the,” his lips snarled, “mutt's curse at bay. There's magical properties that's helping your healing process.”     “Will I always need to wear it?”     “No.” The bitter look drained from his face, looking back at her. “It’s actually what my meeting today is about. I’m meeting with someone, Mistress Sienna, who will help your healing processes. There will be a day where you will be free of all this. A day you will be back to being you.”      Gabriella sighed in relief, nodding. “I’d like that very much. I feel like I should know everyone here, especially you.” She breathed, “But yet, I don’t anyone. I feel lost.”     “You won’t be lost, forever. I’ll find you, Gabriella.” He whispered, “I’ll always find you.”     Her heart danced when he said her name. Raith covered her coy smile with his lips, yet the kiss lasted shorter than she liked. He stood, pulling her up with him.     “My meeting with Mistress Sienna will be short, then we can spend most of the evening together afterward?” His suggestive offer dripped with tempting promise.     Gabriella's face grew hot again. She looked down, clearing her throat. “Can we spend all the evening together?” Of any one in this house, Raith was the one she felt connected to the most. It nearly felt like she was severing in two at the thought of him needing to leave her side again.  “Can I come to the meeting with you?”      The corner of his mouth tilted upward. “I’d like that.”
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