Chapter 6

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    Overcast with craving the company of Raith, the ferry ride back to the island wasn’t as exciting as the ride to the mainland.  Though, Gabriella didn’t totally withdraw from Myung and the Ladies. She tried to be as positive and sociable as she could, but her eyes would often sweep back to the big city lights of the evanescing coast.      Upon returning to Bainbridge Manor, Lady Salome insisted the evening was not over and led her and Ravana to the theatre room. Myung excused himself and disappeared somewhere in the house.      The theatre room was a modest size. Windowless, it sported a few rows of leather recliner couches and plush oversized pillows situated in front of a colossal screen. On the wall to the right was an island counter flanked with bar stools and a small kitchen center. Salome led them to the front seats and collapsed onto the cushioned couch. Calling Gabriella to follow, she patted the seat beside her before grabbing the remote and flipping through movie options after the screen clicked on. She chose The Great Gatsby. Ravana readied some microwave popcorn and handed the bag to Gabriella, who took it with a smile. The buttery steam wafted in the air and tickled her nose. Ravana dimmed the lights and joined them on the couch.     After nibbling on a few pieces of popcorn, Gabriella tried to pass the bag around but they both declined.  She asked, “So, do you guys eat normal food ever?”     “No,” Ravana informed. “Human food is for the living. Also, it doesn’t work with our bodies anymore.”     Lady Salome piped in, “The only human thing we can still consume is anything in liquid form, preferably alcohol. It still moves the blood and buzzes the brain inside.” She glanced at the fridge with greedy eyes. “Speaking of which...” She scrambled over to it and grabbed a bottle of wine and three plastic cups. “I know these aren’t posh but it does the job.”      Watching a movie with them was entertaining. They had declared they knew the actors personally, which Gabriella found amazing. They gaggled on about who was really sweet in real life and who was a total jerk as well as some other intimate, personal things that had Gabriella giggling and blushing a few times.      Either the movie was too long or maybe she was just tired, but soon she started drifting off. Struggling to keep her heavy eyes open, she tried to wait out the night and early morning for the vampire king to return. But somewhere in the middle of the onscreen lives of Gatsby and Daisy, her fight to stay awake ended.      And somewhere during sleep, a sudden weightless bubbling in her stomach had her flying through clouds as she felt herself being lifted up. Instant security wrapped around her and tucking her in close and the sweet welcoming smell of sage and lavender feathered at her nose. Her eyes barely opened, hooded, looking up at the profile of a beautiful man.  She snuggled into his chest, sighing.     Raith.     “Sleep, Mi Alma,” he said softly.     Gabriella snuggled closer, inhaled deeper, slipped back into sleep.       Waking with a start, Gabriella bolted upright.     The room was nearly pitch black; it felt as if everything were swallowed in a black hole. Silence was tangible and crawled along her skin in a prickling itch. Her hands gripped the bedding beneath her as her widened eyes searched the room. Steadily catching some familiarity, recollection slowly returned, though the alien feeling of being somewhere that she shouldn’t be refused to untwine from the edges of her mind.      Reaching to the end table to her left, her hand brushed over nearly all of the lamp’s iron form until she finally found the button to turn it on. Clicking it, she let out a ragged breath, not realizing she had been holding it. The welcomed illumination was still quite damning for a few moments, as now the silhouetted bedroom furniture cast crazy shadows which entertained Gabriella’s imagination a bit further. Then, rolling her eyes at herself, trying to rationalize with the counterfeit demons that danced in the near dark, she managed to calm a bit.      Gabriella went to lay back down, but within seconds, yelped and jumped to the floor into a crouch next to the bed. Heart hammering, she stayed there for a bit gathering courage. With a gulp, she slowly rose up so only her eyes were peeking over the side of the mattress back onto the surface of her bed.     ¡Ay!     Someone was there, in the bed, sleeping.      She looked closer.     Raith.     His head was resting on his muscular arm, sunk into the pillow, with his delicious mess of silvery hair draping over his shoulders. Laying on his side, it looked as if he fell asleep facing her.  Her eyes slipped over the beautiful features, slowly roving over his powerful, naked chest.       Fingers itched to touch.      Slowly crawling back onto the bed, she prowled closer to him, her eyes glued to his delicious form. The bed sheet covered the lower half of his body; blushing, she wondered if he were completely nude.     Entranced, the tips over her fingers fled lightly over his tone, tight stomach, following the edges of his brawny physique. He was cold, but she had expected that. Soft, too. Smooth. Despite the chill, a fire ignited in her stomach as if he was some sort of forbidden fruit, and she was taking the smallest of bites. And her mouthwatering...     But was it forbidden? Wasn’t she his Beloved?     Why did it feel forbidden?     A haunting voice resounded in her mind. Touch him!  He is yours.     Captivated, her fingers slid up the cavity of his chest, lingering on every part of him. Her eyes flicked to his; he still slept despite her caresses. Shameless, she crawled in closer and, nose to nose, waited for him to react. When he still did not stir, Gabriella softly grazed her lips over his. He still did not move.     This is when she noticed.      Raith was still as stone. A perfect statue.      She grabbed his hand, which she knew would have tenderly clasped hers if he were awake, lifted it, and then released it. It fell like a dead weight when it hit the bed. She watched his chest. Nothing moved. She gawked at his face. Not even a sleeping twitch.     Raith was completely...     dead.     Her heart sped up as realization struck. Was this normal? Because vampires were already dead, right? But wouldn’t he still wake if disturbed?     Gabriella flooded with guilt as she reached out and pinched him. Yet, guilt shifted into panic when there still was no reaction from him.     Her mind raced as she pulled away from the bed again and paced a small area near the bed. She fought the urge to look at him. Despite the haunting image already burned into her mind, fear drew her eyes back over and over like a magnet.  Wringing her lower lip with shaking fingers, she tried to calm herself. When choking anxiety offered nothing, Gabriella fled the room.      Myung was on a chair in the upstairs foyer flipping through his phone, yet standing at the sight of her. “My Queen?” He slipped his phone into his pocket and rushed to her upon noticing the distress on her face. “What is it?”     “Myung!” Gabriella didn’t know why she started to cry, but the tears gushed as she threw herself into his arms. “He’s not moving, Myung. I don’t know what's wrong!”     “The king isn’t moving?” He looked toward the bedroom, his face stern.     “No- he’s not. He’s just lying on the bed. He’s so still. I tried to get him to move, but he didn't respond.” Gabriella’s eyes were haunted. “I think something is wrong!”     “Oh. Ok.” Myung hushed her, rubbing her back. “No- no. It’s fine. He’s fine. It’s only noon.”     As if that were to answer her distress?      Gabriella glared up at him through teary eyes. “So?”     “A vampire falls asleep when the sun comes up at dawn. It’s a very deep sleep.” He held her out in front of him. “It’s nearly impossible to wake a vampire when they reach a certain point. They need at least six hours of what’s called soporis bibisti, or dead sleep, but when they are in the middle of the six hours, it’s completely impossible to wake them. This is why I have a job,” He smirked. “Day...Watcher… remember? I watch over you all when you’re most vulnerable... during soporis.”     “Oh.” Suddenly feeling foolish, she chuckled, wiping at her silly tears. “Ok. Makes sense, yes.” Gabriella cleared her throat and tried to hide her embarrassment behind a smile.     Myung added, “King Raith and the others came home about five a.m. but went to bed about seven this morning. He’ll complete his sleep cycle about 2. But he’ll need to keep indoors ‘til the sun sets, of course.”     “Does he never see the sun?”     “He’s old enough to, for a short amount of time. But, as part of the curse, he’s not allowed to see it for long periods. The younger the vamp, the more chance the sun will deep fry it.” He pointed to the foyer windows. “But the vamps are protected in the house and can see what the sun kinda is like from inside. The windows have special ultra-violet high-tech. All the windows in the house are tinted with a tint protection. So, you’ll be able to see out of it, similar to a car’s tinted windows, but the sun’s vampire-hating-ways won’t come in.”     “That's amazing. The whole house? Wow.” She nodded then asked, “Yet, why is it different in the bedroom? It’s totally dark in there,”     “The one in your bedroom is darker, yes. A special, darker shield. You can’t see in or out. We need no chance the king, or you eventually, will be hurt by a sunbeam.” He chuckled. “All the bedrooms are like that unless King Raith programs it to be different.” Myung added, “Like yesterday. He didn’t want you to freak out as well as he wanted you to wake up to the sunset, so he didn’t have the room so dark.” She smiled at the vampire’s king’s sentiment.     Gabriella took a deep breath, her heart returning to its normal rhythm. “Thanks Myung. And, um.. Sorry for acting so...weird.” She made a face.     “No problem, my Queen,” He laughed. “Are you going back to sleep, then?”     “Nope.” She smirked. “I am very much awake. I think I’ll take a shower.”     He smiled. “Awesome. I’ll be right here if you need anything.” When she turned back toward the room, he called out to her,” And my Queen… there’s no shame in being a little weird.”     Gabriella blushed before she turned and strode back to the bedroom. Again, she fought to not look at him. The very idea that even though his body was there, yet he mentally wasn’t, choked her breathing. For a moment she just stood in the middle of the room, wrestling the urge. Then, guilt shrouded her heart.      This was Raith. Her Raith.      She took a breath and slowly looked at him, safely from across the room.      He is just sleeping... just sleeping... just sleeping.     She marveled how the lamplight bathed his ivory skin in a golden delicious hue. Horror thawed as the fire brewing in her stomach melted the icy fear.  Gabriella smiled at his picturesque form, feeling her detachment unfurling.       Her Raith. Sleeping.     At first she was trying to be quiet as she rummaged through the closet to find something to wear, but then chuckled to herself. There literally wouldn't be any noise that would ‘wake the dead’ if what Myung said was correct. Gabriella noticed the bags of clothes from yesterday’s shopping trip sitting on the bench and decided to look through the outfits. As she went through them, she didn’t feel exactly attached to any one in particular and then questioned why she let the girls talk her into purchasing them. They all looked too fashionable for what she felt like she wanted to wear. She pictured herself in a good pair of jeans and shirt or hoodie. Then a conflicting idea of the swish of a ball gown invaded her mind. And for those seconds, she searched the closet for one.      Gabriella shook her head.      What was wrong with her? Why were her thoughts battling each other?     If her friends knew these clothes were what she would have chosen, they would know, right? With a huff, she chose an outfit from the bag and then trudged to the bathroom. Gabriella turned on the shower to let the water heat up as she slipped out of yesterday’s summer dress. While she tested the temperature with her hand, she realized she was still wearing the silver ring. While walking back to the counter, she slipped it off. As she dropped it onto the vanity, a vibrating pain surged across her brain, enough to bring her to her knees.     Gasping, she clutched the hair on either side of her head, trying to ride the pain until it ceased. But it didn’t cease. It only seemed to intensify. She opened her mouth to scream, but the vibration choked her voice. All she could do was gulp in breaths, writhing on the floor.     Then suddenly the name “BREE!” crashed through her mind in an endless screech.     Gabriella grit her teeth and finally pushed the terror out of her throat. Consciousness slipping, the thick darkness choked her as she added another curdling cry.      Before the darkness vehemently grappled her mind, strong arms snatched her up off the floor and cradled her fast. Within the seconds of a whimper and gasp, Gabriella felt the person fumble with her left hand and then a sudden searing pain encircle a finger. Instantly, the darkness pulled back and she saw a pin of light in the distance and she calmed as her nose was teased with a smell.     Sage and lavender.     Focusing on the muted glow and tantalizing aroma, her heart lurched toward it, tugging her along. The pain echoed along the edges of her brain, but she felt the fluffy rug under her legs, the fuming mist of water from the bustling shower, and ardent lips as they pressed against her head.     “You’re ok. You’re ok,” an aching voice breathed into her hair. “Serafina… Serafina. Please, don’t go. Don’t leave me again...”     The head throb ebbed in a slow retreat, and despite the heaviness of her lids, Gabriella managed to lift them just a little to peer out. Raith’s face was twisted agony with opaque pinkish streaks slipping down each cheek.      Her laden hands were hard to lift, but she managed to bring it to his face to brush the wetness from it. Raith jolted at her touch, but his laugh was one of relief and joy when he noticed she had awakened. He pulled her against him, holding her tight as his body rocked in sobs. His intense anguish fractured her heart.     “Raith,” she drawled, “what happened?”     “Mi Alma, just please don’t take the ring off ever again. Promise me!” He pleaded.     Her brain still ached; Gabriella couldn’t reason with the request or why he was so incessant about it. Instead, she surrendered, nodding against his chest. “Ok.”     Suddenly, Raith’s arms felt less restrictive, his grip loosening. His head bobbled and then rested against the vanity.     Gabriella managed to open her eyes a bit more, worry clouding them. “Raith? What’s wrong?”     “I haven’t slept properly.” He managed. His sobs lessened as he took a few ragged breaths. “I’m not myself.”      She remembered the soporis bibisti, remembered what Myung had said about the vampire’s unrelenting, inflexible sleep- state. Raith shouldn’t be up yet. “Wait. How are you awake? Myung said-”     “You-” His eyes were struggling to stay open. “I heard... you cry... woke me.”      Gabriella swooned at his admission.      His eyes closed and he pursed his lips before whispering, “Myu… Myung. I need help. Now!”     Within seconds, Myung was in the bathroom, assessing the situation, and rushing to them. Grabbing Gabriella out of Raith’s arms, he scooped her up effortlessly and hustled to the adjoining room, laying her gently on the bed. She blushed slightly as he covered her naked body with the top sheet before retreating back to the bathroom, yet he never once acknowledged her nakedness. She heard the shower shut off and then a moment later, Myung exited the bathroom with Raith in tow. He had Raith’s arm over his shoulders while he clung onto the king’s waist, assisting him to the bed. Raith hit the bed in a thud, having no strength to make a more graceful approach. Myung fitted the sheet over him as well, bowed slightly, then left the room.     With another blush, Gabriella noticed Raith, did in fact, sleep naked.     The vampire king lumbered onto his side, facing Gabriella. His weary smile decorated his tear streaked face. Gabriella mimicked him, moving to her side too, reaching out and gently gliding her fingers down his face as she brushed away the stains. Raith closed his eyes as she did so, sighing at her touch.      He looked different, vulnerable, weak.      But it was he who asked, “Are you ok?”      Did she look the same as he?     Her throbbing brain waned, but she felt like she had just run a marathon. Maybe she did look miserable? Gabriella nodded. “You?”     He subtly shook his head as his eyes partially reopened. “Not yet. Sleep will be good. I will be able to sleep knowing you are fine.”     “I’m fine.” It wasn’t really a lie. She felt completely safe lying next to him.     “You don’t need to stay with me, Mi Alma. I don’t know how much rest I’ll need after this.” He smiled weakly, stroking her hair. His fingers were heavier than normal as he played with her strands, but the caress still sent shivers down her spine.     Gabriella scooted in, their bodies within inches, laying her head on his arm and staring up at him. When she slid her hand across his waist, her cheeks burned as she felt his bare flesh, reminding her that he was completely naked. Trying to keep some composure, she cleared her throat. But it was already too late. He smirked at her blush.     Yep! He could definitely hear my traitorous heartbeat.     Gabriella covered his smirk with her lips. He tensed a moment, looking at her curiously. When she brushed over his lips again, he didn’t shrink back this time, but let her explore. Gabriella pressed his mouth harder, teasing at it with her tongue until he responded. Raith then dominated the kiss, grabbing her face to keep her close, opening his mouth and claiming hers with a deep, passionate exigency. His fangs extended while lost in the thrall, and he nipped at her lip, drawing blood as Gabriella gasped. Sucking it gingerly, Raith nursed it for a moment before his tongue racked against it to heal the wound. He nipped her upper lip, and sipped it with equal attention.      Gabriella jerked with each prick, but the pain was quick compared to the shuddering erotic flood that swam through her veins.  Under his hooded lids, his eyes were fire.      Raith’s breathing was settling, his hands became heavier.     He moaned, “Wicked thing to do to me right now, Mi Alma.” His free arm snaked her waist and he pulled her completely against him.  Gabriella gasped as their bodies clashed and her entire form meld with his, feeling just how much he enjoyed the kiss pressing against her thigh.  “Wicked,” he breathed against her lips, his forehead pressed against hers. “...wicked…” his breathing deepened and his hold slackened.     Raith battled to keep his eyes open, yet could do nothing but finally succumb to the soporis bibisti. He relaxed and his head buried into her shoulder.  Gabriella sighed, her fingers weaving within his long silvery white strands.
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