Chapter 8

2379 Words
    Gabriella ran her fingers over the iron pattern in the black circular table outside the bistro while she waited for Raith. Her eyes flicked up to where he stood by a waist-high floral green hedge. The towering vampire king looked like a god framed within the restaurant’s decorative patio lights and drooping flowers hanging behind him. With one hand bracing a cell phone to his ear and the other moving in the air as he spoke, she smirked at his animated motions. He obviously liked to talk with his hands.      Further behind Raith, dodging in and out of the shadows, she would occasionally see Bellator Ambrose. When she caught his eye, she gave him a little wave. He smirked and nodded, but then disappeared again as he patrolled the area. Gabriella noticed Ambrose was wearing more casual attire to blend in with the Bainbridge crowd.      Arriving from the restaurant, Myung sat beside her at the table with a tray containing their order of drinks and pastries, joining her in smirking at his Master. “He still on the phone?” He winced. “I wonder if Lord Athan is having issues with Lord Oliver.”     Gabriella giggled. “He’s in competition with you, didn’t you know?” She folded her arms, leaning on the table.     “I’m not on my phone that much.” He defended, prompting Gabriella’s eyebrow to rise. Myung mused, “Well, fine. But if I don’t keep my dragons alive, I’ll lose my villages and treasure. I can’t abandon the cause.”     She laughed harder. “You play that game?”     Myung playfully glared at her as he took the muffin and a coffee off the tray and placed it in front of her. “My Queen, you insult my inner nerd.”  He placed a glass of red wine and a mini napkin on the table where Raith had sat before the phone call ripped him away from Gabriella.     “At least you admit it.” She beamed.     Myung chuckled. “My dragons are my family.”     “Dios mio, such a nerd!” Gabriella laughed.     “Don’t force me to get you addicted.” He smiled. “Watch out! I’ll send you an invite and get you sucked in-”     “-that will be all, Myung.” Both of them jumped, shooting their attention to Raith, who now stood behind his chair. There was an ounce of sharpness to his voice, his eyes reflecting a bit irritation toward his Day Watcher.      “My King.” Myung issued a terse nod, grabbed his Styrofoam coffee cup, and then left the table.     Gabriella felt uneasy as she watched him leave so abruptly. Her questioning eyes fell on Raith, but the awkwardness was suddenly swept away when he flashed a smile.     “Sorry that call took a bit longer than intended.”     “Is everything ok?” She leaned in his direction as he sat down.     “Nothing for you to worry about,” He dismissed, clasping her hand. His thumb brushed her hand in small circles. “Business drivel. No one likes it when the boss is in town looking over their shoulder and making mandated suggestions on how to improve business and revenue; I imagine the same for Lord Oliver.”     “What is it exactly you do?”      “Many things and I’m afraid that conversation will bore you,” he dismissed.     “Tell me,” she pressed. “I want to get to know more about you. It may help me remember things better?”     “As you wish,” he kissed her hand. “Do not say I did not warn you,” he prefaced. “We have ownership or stock in many things, everywhere. But, in Seattle?” He grabbed his wine glass and sipped gingerly. Gabriella watched in fascination as his tongue licked excess red from his lower lip. He caught her stare and smiled. “To put it simply, we are in the airplane business.”      Her eyes widened. “Like big planes?”     “You can say that,” he winked. Raith squeezed her hand gently and then took another sip of wine as he looked over the empty tables of the outdoor bistro patio. Following his gaze over the half dozen red umbrellas posted in black iron tables, she wondered what he was searching for, and even perhaps nervously at that. Was he looking for Bellator Ambrose? Someone else?      There wasn’t any other dinner crowd outside; the customers had all been seated inside the small restaurant, which was something Gabriella had wondered about. Raith had insisted that they be seated outside and the waitress looked like she nearly curtsied before leading them to the exterior patio. Before she left to fill their order, she gave another curtsy wherein Raith had notified Gabriella that she was indeed part of their clan. From that moment on, she wondered about everyone she saw and if they were hiding their inner vampire in plain sight, too.     Raith’s eyebrow rose as his eyes flicked toward the patio’s entrance moments before the click of stilettos announced Mistress Sienna Déchue's arrival with an air of alluring conviction.     Gabriella was captivated instantly; the Mistress was gorgeous. Lustrous, thick flaxen hair fell just beyond her shoulders and bounced as she approached them. Her skin was fair and flawless accentuated with bold make-up that made her look like she needed to be on the cover of a magazine rather than sitting at a Washington island bistro. Her slender body was trimmed in a form-fitting black business suit accented with dangling gold necklaces and bracelets that tinkled in a mild cacophony. In the crook of her right arm swung a jade designer tote bag. At her side was a large man with toffee skin, bearded go-tee, and wild curly black hair. His look was a bit more informal with a leather bomber jacket, black slacks, and loafer shoes. Gabriella noticed a gold earring in his left ear as he pulled the chair out for Mistress Sienna and then helped her scoot the seat in.      He caught Gabriella starting at him and issued her a wink. She looked away, her cheeks burning.     Raith had stood when Mistress Sienna had come to the table, bowing to her slightly, then sitting when she was helped into her seat. “Mistress Sienna, I am thankful you could meet on such short notice, and I am appreciative of your skills in this matter.” He eyed the black man and nodded, his expression dour. “Master Charles, I hadn’t expected you tonight.”     Master Charles smirked, “You never expect me, King Raith.” The giant man took a seat between Raith and Sienna. “Besides, I need to make sure my Mistress comes home with me tonight.” His chocolate eyes challenged.     Raith glared, his eyes flashing red but quickly cooled to his normal brilliant blue, though his jaw still twitched.      Gabriella was taken aback with his comment, brows slightly furrowing as she surveyed Mistress Sienna and Raith. While Sienna rolled her eyes, Raith sighed and gave a dismissive head shake. Gabriella fought against the swirl of jealousy brewing in her stomach.     “You two, not tonight, please. “ She pointed at Raith then Charles.  “I just got back from a spa week, and I don’t want to regret leaving it.” The woman had a European accent, but not like Raith’s.  Gabriella was sure it wasn’t English, but the more she listened, the more she was certain it was French.      With a swirl of his hand, Master Charles flagged the waitress over to them and ordered drinks. Mistress Sienna’s eyes fell onto Gabriella and she gawked, her mouth opening in some sort of astonishment that raked over her features. “Oh wow. This is absolutely amazing, Raith. Look at her eyes, though. So green! Maybe the effects of the kachina? The element was green too.” Raith nodded then sipped his wine before clearing his throat. His head curtly shook at the witch as trying to cut off her ramble.     Worry flooded over Gabriella as she squirmed under Mistress Sienna’s microscopic surveillance. Her eyes were an amazing lavender, but were chilling as they stared her down.  Raith must have sensed her anxiety; his hand reached for hers under the table, and he gently massaged the jagged emotions away.     Raith calmed her further with a heart swooning grin. “Yes, it’s amazing we have her back.”     “Mi Serafina- how do you feel?” Mistress Sienna cooed, a genuine look of concern flashing across her face.      Raith shook his head tersely at her. “It’s Gabriella.” He murmured to the witch.     Mistress Sienna’s eyes swept over Gabriella again, clearly bewildered. “But-” Raith cut her off with a slicing glare. The witch paled, though said, “Gabriella, how do you feel?”     Gabriella held her confusion as she continued to look from Raith to Mistress Sienna, trying to decipher their unspoken exchange. “I... I am ok, I think? I don’t remember much.”      “Well, your voice is a little different.” Mistress Sienna’s forehead pinched. “But that’s expected. You aren’t entirely--”     Gabriella touched her throat. “--It is? What’s wrong with it?”     “--Sienna!” Raith hissed, the fire returning to his irises.      Mistress Sienna jerked her attention to Raith, her mouth snapping shut.     “What is wrong with me?” Gabriella panicked, her eyes narrowed as she pressed. Pleading, she turned to Raith. “I don’t understand why I keep hearing that name. Serafina? Isn’t my name Gabriella? Am I Serafina?” She bore into Mistress Sienna, then both women turned to Raith who glared at the Mistress.     Mistress Sienna hushed, “I am sorry, Raith. I thought she knew?”     Raith dodged Gabriella’s insistent lour for a few seconds, but then smiled. “All will be explained, soon. I promise.” He patted her hand as he cleared his throat, then saying, “Mistress Sienna is here to help us, Mi Alma. She has... medicine... to heal you.”     Gabriella frowned at how dismissive Raith acted toward her questions.     Mistress Sienna gave Raith a hard look, but then sighed and dug into her tote. “Um, yes.” She presented an ornate silver box to Raith, sliding it slowly across the table. Outside, the intricate engravings etched swirls of leaves and flowers. After she presented Raith with a key, he opened the box. Inside was lush with red velvet housing many metal capped vials of a milky liquid. “This… remedy, elixir, whatever you want to call it, should be efficient to help you become yourself again.”     Gabriella eyed the contents of the box. “What is it made of?”     “This and that,” Raith replied. “Mistress Sienna here,” he leered at the man, “and Master Charles are exceptional with herbs and spells.”      “Spells? So these two aren’t vampires.” It dawned on her, “Witches?” and her eyes grew wide.      Master Charles cleared his throat, “Warlock,” he pointed to himself. “Hell no, I ain’t no bloodsucker.”     Raith sighed at Master Charles but then nodded to Gabriella. “Yes.”     Sienna looked at her, sitting back in the chair as the waitress presented her and Charles with their order. The witch’s eyes never left the younger girl. She asked Raith. “So, her memory is totally gone?”     “No.” Raith shook his head. “Small things are coming back here and there. This,” he nodded to the box, “will help the process along more quickly. It means a lot to me that you did this for us. I know your sacrifices. I’ll forward the payment immediately.”     She frowned. “You know I didn’t do this for the money.” Sienna and Raith shared a silent moment staring at each other. Gabriella fidgeted against the awkward reeling in her stomach.  The witch finally looked away from the vampire king, sighing. “Just be careful, Raith. With what happened to Neveah-.”     "-yes, I know,” he hissed; his eyes stormed red in an unspoken rage. Unaware, his grip tightened around Gabriella’s hand; he was too focused on his guests to register that she gasped in pain.     Master Charles postured himself in his chair toward Raith, but Mistress Sienna placed a hand on his chest to reseat her companion. Her lavender eyes sparked gold for a second. “King Raith, we are friends here.” Her voice was tinged with warning.     “Of course, Mistress. Forgive me,” Raith exhaled, his tense shoulders relaxing. Master Charles still glared at him. “Everything has been done to make sure Gabriella is healed properly. I’ve seen to every element myself.” When his grip relaxed and loosened, Gabriella jerked her hand back, cradling it in her lap. Raith looked at her, surprised; seeing what he had done, a rueful expression drowned his face in regret.     Mistress Sienna noticed the exchange but ignored it, nodding. “Good.”      Gabriella wasn’t sure what just happened, but she pushed herself back in her seat as much as she could, cringing away from the vampire king and his guests.  She peeked out of the dining area, searching for Myung, but he had disappeared like Bellator Ambrose.     “Please keep me updated.” Mistress Sienna grabbed her wine glass and downed nearly all of the drink in one swallow. “I really can’t handle another… run of this.”     “I understand.” Raith nodded, his demeanor solemn. “There won’t be another. I promise you.”
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